Linda, who did not wish to give her last name, told smh.com.au how her 18-year-old brother Lee was left with a fractured skull, broken left wrist, stitches to his head and severe bruising to his right arm after being beaten by 15 men armed with baseball bats and metal poles.
Lee had finished a workout at the Coolibah Fitness Centre, in Paton Street, Merrylands, about 9pm yesterday, and had got into his car when he was set upon by the group.
"They opened the car doors, five of them started bashing him, he didn't know any of them," Linda said.
She said Lee scrambled out of the car, hit the ground and covered his head, as the 15 started bashing him.
"They were saying, in Lebanese [Lee and his family are Lebanese-Australian], 'Keep bashing him on the head, keep bashing him on the head.' "
The gang smashed the Toyota four-wheel-drive Lee had been driving and took his wallet and mobile phone.
Witnesses chased the attackers off and called emergency services.
The attackers fled in a green Honda Civic, a ute, and a red sedan, witnesses said.
Linda said the attack was retribution for an incident at the Vernadah Bar, in the CBD's Castlereagh Street four weeks ago, when Lee and three of his cousins had an encounter with the other men.
"My cousin was dancing with a girl and eight of the guys surrounded him and they wanted to start him," she said.
The two groups went outside and Lee and his cousins "bashed" the other group of men - whom Linda said were in their mid-20s.
The attack last night was not the first time the gang has sought revenge for the nightclub incident, she said.
They had attacked one of the cousins from the nightclub, David, 25, as he left the Coolibah gym two weeks ago.
She said 20 of them turned up, wearing balaclavas but David, who has a black belt in tae kwon do, chased them off.
"If anyone has any information go to Merrylands police. Even anonymously. Because there were so many people there I'm sure a lot of people saw a lot of things."
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