Monday, August 30, 2010

Piru Blood Walk

Piru Blood Walk
Piru Blood Walk is an activity in the blood groups in a way on foot to conduct attacks against other groups, this is a pride of idiosyncrasies in the group because only by foot remains courageous and ready for combat.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


BloodsAs the Crips grew in South Central Los Angeles in the early 1970s they began targeting other gangs. It was during this time of conflict that several gangs joined forces to combat the growing Crip threat. The most well known gang within this group was the Piru Street Boys. They lead the revolt against the Crips and were instrumental in creating the Bloods gang in 1972.

During the next 10-years the Bloods continued to operate and grow in a fragmented manner. Conflict with the Crips continued and the Bloods found themselves heavily outnumbered.

Between 1982 – 1984 the violence between the two groups skyrocketed. It was during this time crack hit Los Angeles. Crackm or more properly called rock cocainem was cheaper and much more addictive than the powder form of the drug. Gang territories became more important as the many Blood and Crip sets fought over drug sales locations. Some Blood members moved to several large cities throughout the West Coast to expand their drug market. To minimize attention from law enforcement, many Blood gang members abandon wearing obvious identifiers of gang affiliation so they could continue illegal activity with little fear of apprehension.

It was during the late 1980s that the Bloods became a household name. The movie Colors, staring Sean Penn and Robert Duvall was released which focused on the gang problem in Los Angeles. It has been rumored that some movie theaters actually promoted the movie by offering a bandana to movie attendees. It was after this movie that many teens with no connection to the Los Angeles based gang began creating their own Blood gangs. Although many of these groups were nothing more than childish groups mimicking dress and slang they saw in a movie, some soon became involved in violent activity and drug sales comparable to gang activity committed by original Blood gang members in California.

In 1993, a group on the East Coast created a gang known as the United Blood Nation. Born in the Rikers Island New York jail, African American inmates created the group as a way to protect themselves from the Latin Kings, which was the most prevalent group in the jail system at that time. Although the United Blood Nation (UBN) was born in the prison system, as members were paroled to the streets, they formed street gangs on the East Coast under the same name, while emulating the Los Angeles Blood lifestyle.

Although the majority of Blood gangs identify with the color red, members may not always wear gang identifiers when engaging in criminal activity. On the West Coast members are more likely to use a bandana for identification, while some Blood sets on the East Coast will use a colored beaded necklace.

Although Blood gangs share the same name, there is no formal leadership structure that controls all Blood gangs. A Blood gang member in Springville, Utah may be very active in the gangster lifestyle, yet will have no connection to Blood gangs in the West or East Coast.

Bloods will align themselves with other gangs to engage in criminal activity, including their rivals the Crips, although most alliances quickly fade away. The Bloods are known to be involved in all forms of criminal activity, but are mostly known for drug sales.

source: knowgangs

The United Blood Nation

The United Blood NationThe United Blood Nation, simply called the Eastcoast Bloods (not to be confused with the West Coast L.A. Street Gang) is primarily a street gang, formed in 1993 within the New York City jail system on Rikers Island's George Mochen Detention Center. GMDC was used to segregate problem inmates from the rest of the detention center. Prior to this time period, the Latin Kings were the most prevalent and organized gang in the NYC jail system. The Latin Kings, a Hispanic Latino street gang, were targeting African-American inmates with violence. These African-American inmates, organized by some of the more violent and charismatic inmates, formed a protection group which they called the United Blood Nation, in imitation of the West Coast gang. Though they closely resemble the Bloods found on the West Coast, the United Blood Nation or Eastcoast Bloods is unaffiliated with them, and therefore didn’t originally share any of their rivalries or their allies. Several of the leaders of this recently created prison gang formed nine New Blood sets to recruit in their neighborhoods across New York and New Jersey.

By 1996, thousands of members of the Blood street gang were establishing themselves as a formidable force among gangs and continued a steady drive for recruitment. At this time, the Bloods were more violent than other gangs but much less organized. Numerous slashings (razor blade or knife attacks) were reported during robberies and discovered to be initiations into the Bloods. This ritual became the trademark for the Bloods. Bloods recruited throughout the East Coast and began spreading their drug networks rapidly. Blood gangs can now be found in the New York City area, Upper New York state, New Jersey (especially South Jersey), Baltimore, Hagerstown, South Carolina, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Montreal,Texas, and Virginia

Recently, the new Blood gangs have become a favorite target of law enforcement because of their connection to violence. Bloods will commit violence against other Blood sets if it will award a profit, whether money or territory. Also, there is no direct regional or national leadership or any connections to Los Angeles gangs.

Bloods will burn an upside down triangular shape that resembles a dog paw on their upper arm. The three circular burns, usually from a cigarette, can be found on a member of the Bloods. This is not practiced by the original West Coast Bloods. Some Bloods will have a tattoo of a dog, usually a bulldog, like the Mack Trucks logo. Bloods will also use the acronym M.O.B. (Member of Blood) to identify themselves. This can be seen as a burn scar or sometimes a tattoo. These too are distinctive only for the United Blood Nation Eastcoast Bloods gang, and not their West Coast version. However, one similarity both coasts share the use of the color red, Atlanta Braves, Atlanta Falcons, Chicago Bulls, Cincinnati Reds, Philadelphia Phillies, Boston Red Sox caps and jerseys (they would wear), also both keep their bandanas or red flags to the right, and they would also wear Chuck Taylor All-Stars.

source: wikipedia

Los Solidos Prison Gang

Los Solidos Prison GangThe Los Solidos gang formed about 1990 or 1991. It was formed for reasons of "self protection" and is basically comprised of two street gangs from Hartford, Connecticut - the "Ghetto Brothers" and the "Savage Nomads." Translated Los Solidos means "the solid ones."

The Los Solidos are considered to be a prison gang in Connecticut correctional facilities and they are also active in the streets of Hartford and Waterbury, CT

A committee which includes an executive president, vice president and five executive "stars" governs the Los Solidos.

The members identify themselves by wearing a bandana that is half blue and half red. This comes from the original colors of the Ghetto Brothers (blue) and the Savage Nomads (red); the combined colors denote solidarity between the two groups.

source: gamgsorus

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hermanos de Pistoleros Latinos Prison Gang - HPL

HPLWhen translated the name the Hermanos de Pistoleros Latinos prison gang means the "Brotherhood of Latin Gunmen." Also known as the HPL, the group was founded in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in the mid 1980's. The Hermanos de Pistoleros Latinos prison gang has been reported to be involved in many criminal activities to include gambling, inmate assaults, protection rackets, staff intimidation and murder.

Internal problems within the group forced a division among the members and today one faction calls itself the "Sixteen - Twelve," or 16/12. These numbers refer to the 16th and 12th letters of the alphabet; P/L or "Pistoleros Latinos." The other faction calls itself the "Forty-Fives," and uses as one of its known tattoos, the .45 caliber automatic pistol. Although operating as separate factions, the groups follow the constitution and other rules of the HPL.

Membership is for life and membership is for inmates of Latin origin only; persons who speak Spanish or who are descendants of Latin or Hispanic families.

source: gangsorus

Sunday, August 22, 2010

G27-A Prison Gang

The G 27 or El Groupo 27 prison gang is a Hispanic gang that formed in the Puerto Rico prison system about 1979. It is relatively unknown in the United States.

BACKGROUND: A group of inmates who were known as "insectos" formed the gang under the leadership of an inmate known as "El Monota." At about the same time the well known prison gang The Ñeta, was formed, supposedly to combat the G 27 predators and to protect the weaker, more vulnerable inmates.

Members of the G-27 prison gang have found their way into the United States prison systems and since so little is known about the group in this country the following information is provided to hopefully assist corrections and law enforcement personnel in identifying members of the group.

There are several versions as to how the G 27 prison gang was formed. When researching the origin of gangs, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish fact from fiction or legend. The first version below should not be considered as the "official version" but the information was obtained from a source in the Puerto Rico Department of Justice and is considered to be reliable.

G 27 is basically a prison gang which was formed after the murder of the Ñeta leader, Carlos Torres Irriarte, AKA "La Sombra" (The Shadow). After La Sombra's murder, the Ñeta expelled a number of inmates from its ranks. These inmates were known as the "insectos" and they were notoriously known for robbing, beating, and sexually assaulting weaker inmates. They believed that any killing was justified. These acts of violence also extended to women, children and the elderly in the streets. Although the Ñeta is an extremely violent prison gang, the philosophy of the "insectos" did not set well with the group.

These renegades were the core of the G 27 and were transferred to the Guayama (PR) Regional Prison which is located just outside of the "notorious" Manuel A. Perez Housing Project

The G 27 has no prescribed gang tattoos, but prefer to cover their body with large tattoos of the Virgin Mary. (They are also known to have "G 27" and "Puerto Rico" tattooed on their body.)

The only known gang sign is a balled fist with the forefinger and the little finger raised upward.

The group is categorized as being bitter enemies of the Ñeta, extremely violent and ready to riot at any time.

The Ñeta have many rules and laws for Ñeta members but it is unknown if the G 27 carried any of these rules with them to be included as part of their group.

The gang name "G 27" is believed to have originated from the fact that many of the "insectos", when on the street, met and hung out in apartment number "G 27" at the Manuel A. Perez Housing Project.


The G 27 (former insectos) formed under the leadership of "El Monota" in a Puerto Rican Jail named Oso Blanco in 1979. These inmates were very ruthless and violent and the Puerto Rican authorities found that they could not control or resolve the problem. That same year the Ñeta was formed by Carlos La Sombra to protect those inmates who could not protect themselves. The G 27 and the Ñeta became bitter enemies and a gang war soon began between the two groups. In 1980 La Sombra developed a plan to end the war in order to maintain the principles of the Ñeta.

El Monota learned that La Sombra, in an attempt to end the war, was trying to set up a meeting with a group of G 27 members. When it appeared that some of the G 27 members were "jumping" to the other side he put out a contract and ordered a "hit" on La Sombra. Later in 1980 four G 27 members were selected to carry out the hit and when the green light was given, the four approached La Sombra in the prison yard and he was surrounded by the four assassins. One of the assassins had a 25 cal. semi-automatic pistol and shot La Sombra in the stomach. The other three assassins stabbed La Sombra and he died in the prison hospital as a result of his wounds.

On September 30, 1981 the Ñeta started a riot. Although El Monota was locked in a prison cell members of the Ñeta broke into the cell and killed him. He reportedly was cut up into little pieces and flushed down the toilet. His ring finger was sent to his mother to let her know that the Ñeta had gotten the revenge against the G 27 that it was seeking.

source: gangsorus

Friday, August 20, 2010

Dirty White Boys Prison Gang- DWB

Dirty White Boys Prison GangThe Dirty White Boys prison gang is believed to have originated in the federal system in 1985 and stems from the name of a prison softball team. As the name implies it is a "white" gang but does not appear to have white supremacy philosophies. It is found in many of the Federal Institutions and is associated with the Aryan Brotherhood, Texas Syndicate, Aryan Brotherhood of Texas and possibly the Mexican Mafia.

A members tattoo is referred to as his "patch" and includes the outline of his home state (Texas, California, etc.)

The Dirty White Boys prison gang criminal activity primarily involves drugs.

source: gangsorus

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dead Man Inc Prison Gang - DMI

 Dead Man Inc Prison GangThe Dead Man Inc, prison gang originated as a white gang in the Maryland Department of Corrections about the late 1990's . Perry Roark, one of the original three founders, was respected by the members of the Black Guerilla Family prison gang in the system, but when he tried to join them he was rejected.

Although rejected by the Black Guerrilla Family, the founders of Dead Man Inc. prison gang adopted the BGF basic philosophy which is anti-government and anti-authority. The Dead Man Inc quickly grew in numbers, absorbing smaller gangs along the way, and today it is the third largest gang in the MD DOC, They are known for their violence against inmates and staff and will reportedly do contract murders for the Black Guerrilla Family.

The DMI has now spread outside of the prison walls to the streets and to several other states. In it's haste to grow, some of the lower level leaders allowed non-whites to join and an order was issued that all non-whites had to leave the gang by 4/13/09 or face the consequences. It is unknown what effect this edict had on the membership.

Right - The date 4/13/09 had significant meaning; 4-13-9 represents letters of the alphabet that correspond to those numbers - D-M-I

Left - The DMI sometimes use the color black as an identifier. They also use the "eye and pyramid" symbol found on a U.S. dollar bill. The eye represents strength and knowledge and the pyramid represents power.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Bulldog Nation Prison Gang

The Bulldog Nation Prison GangGangs in the Fresno, California, area have long gathered under the collective banner of the "Bulldogs". Fresno is in California's central valley area and is the home of California State University, Fresno (CSUF). Fresno is also located approximately in the middle of the state from a north/south perspective. The mascot of California State, Fresno, is, what else, a bulldog. The school colors of CSUF are conveniently enough, red.

This collection of gangs has maintained a lack of affiliation with Hispanic gangs claiming Sureños or Norteños. The Bulldogs claim "14" like Norteños gangs but instead of writing it "NXIV" or "N14" they use "F-14". The F naturally being for Fresno.

During the prison wars of 1984 and 85 the Nuestra Familia, and later, the Northern Structure, tried to recruit inmates claiming F-14. The F-14 inmates resisted these efforts and physical confrontations resulted. This led to an all out war between the prison gangs. The F-14 inmates also continued their "natural" enmity with those Hispanics claiming affiliation with Southern California gangs. They believe that they are a "nation" apart from the Norteños and Sureño gangs.

By 1986 F-14 began adopting the Fresno State Bulldog as its logo and using the initials "BDS". In 1989 Fresno County authorities started noticing that local juvenile gangs were identifying with, and adopting, the Bulldog symbol. These gangs, both juvenile and adult, have been noted for the violent nature of the crimes they commit.

As with most groups that participate in violent activities, the Bulldogs put an emphasis on recruiting in quantity, not quality, of members. A primary means bulldogs use for recruiting is intimidation. As with other gangs they also use family associations, money, drugs and women to recruit members.

As previously stated the Bulldogs have adopted the Bulldog as its logo. It is often seen in tattoos with a spiked collar in a wide variety of poses. Some of the most common poses are with the dog seeming to break through the skin, running, body-building dogs and the bulldog head with dog tags that read "F-14", "BDS" (Bulldogs)or FBD"(Fresno Bulldogs).

Bulldogs, perhaps more so than any gang, have unified their links from the neighborhood street gang, to city affiliations, county affiliations and into state institutions.

Source: Juvenile Street Gang: Intelligence and Consultation

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Border Brothers Prison Gang

Border Brothers Prison GangThe "Border Brothers." are mainly found in the California Prison system but are slowly finding there way to other systems. According to sources, the BB are rapidly becoming the fastest growing and largest of the Hispanic gangs in the Nevada prison system. Most BB are undocumented Mexican immigrants whose contacts reach back to Mexico and to the streets in the United States. Most BB are in prison for drug offenses Using their contacts, they continue to sell narcotics inside the prison wall.

Tattoos that may be found on BB members include, Border Brothers, BB, or BB 22 (2 represents the 2nd letter of the alphabet - 22=BB). They may also have the name of their home or birth state in Mexico.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Aryan Brotherhood Gangs of Texas

Aryan Brotherhood Gangs of TexasThe Aryan Brotherhood of Texas prison gang (ABT) originated in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in the early 1980's. It is patterned after the California Aryan Brotherhood prison gang who sanctioned the use of their name.

A council, or steering committee, provides leadership. This committee approves prospective members, makes decisions on gang rules, and is responsible for resolving problems between members. The committee is also the authority, which issues orders for "hits" or "contracts."

Adversarial rivalry exists between the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas and other prison gangs to include the Mandingo Warriors, La Nuestra Familia, Black Guerilla Family and other black groups.

Aryan Brotherhood of Texas gang members frequently attempt to hide their gang affiliation by claiming to be members of the Aryan Nations, which preaches white supremacist views as a religion.