Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hermanos de Pistoleros Latinos Prison Gang - HPL

HPLWhen translated the name the Hermanos de Pistoleros Latinos prison gang means the "Brotherhood of Latin Gunmen." Also known as the HPL, the group was founded in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in the mid 1980's. The Hermanos de Pistoleros Latinos prison gang has been reported to be involved in many criminal activities to include gambling, inmate assaults, protection rackets, staff intimidation and murder.

Internal problems within the group forced a division among the members and today one faction calls itself the "Sixteen - Twelve," or 16/12. These numbers refer to the 16th and 12th letters of the alphabet; P/L or "Pistoleros Latinos." The other faction calls itself the "Forty-Fives," and uses as one of its known tattoos, the .45 caliber automatic pistol. Although operating as separate factions, the groups follow the constitution and other rules of the HPL.

Membership is for life and membership is for inmates of Latin origin only; persons who speak Spanish or who are descendants of Latin or Hispanic families.

source: gangsorus

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