Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Bulldog Nation Prison Gang

The Bulldog Nation Prison GangGangs in the Fresno, California, area have long gathered under the collective banner of the "Bulldogs". Fresno is in California's central valley area and is the home of California State University, Fresno (CSUF). Fresno is also located approximately in the middle of the state from a north/south perspective. The mascot of California State, Fresno, is, what else, a bulldog. The school colors of CSUF are conveniently enough, red.

This collection of gangs has maintained a lack of affiliation with Hispanic gangs claiming Sureños or Norteños. The Bulldogs claim "14" like Norteños gangs but instead of writing it "NXIV" or "N14" they use "F-14". The F naturally being for Fresno.

During the prison wars of 1984 and 85 the Nuestra Familia, and later, the Northern Structure, tried to recruit inmates claiming F-14. The F-14 inmates resisted these efforts and physical confrontations resulted. This led to an all out war between the prison gangs. The F-14 inmates also continued their "natural" enmity with those Hispanics claiming affiliation with Southern California gangs. They believe that they are a "nation" apart from the Norteños and Sureño gangs.

By 1986 F-14 began adopting the Fresno State Bulldog as its logo and using the initials "BDS". In 1989 Fresno County authorities started noticing that local juvenile gangs were identifying with, and adopting, the Bulldog symbol. These gangs, both juvenile and adult, have been noted for the violent nature of the crimes they commit.

As with most groups that participate in violent activities, the Bulldogs put an emphasis on recruiting in quantity, not quality, of members. A primary means bulldogs use for recruiting is intimidation. As with other gangs they also use family associations, money, drugs and women to recruit members.

As previously stated the Bulldogs have adopted the Bulldog as its logo. It is often seen in tattoos with a spiked collar in a wide variety of poses. Some of the most common poses are with the dog seeming to break through the skin, running, body-building dogs and the bulldog head with dog tags that read "F-14", "BDS" (Bulldogs)or FBD"(Fresno Bulldogs).

Bulldogs, perhaps more so than any gang, have unified their links from the neighborhood street gang, to city affiliations, county affiliations and into state institutions.

Source: Juvenile Street Gang: Intelligence and Consultation

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