Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Knowledge management concepts

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The concept of knowledge management or knowledge sharing makes sense intellectual leadership team in most organizations. Why do not we want to learn from successes and failures, and translate that learning into value?

However, there is often a gap between conceptual understanding and their own behavior as a leader - and this could be a problem? How do you engage leaders both intellectually and emotionally in a way that will make a difference in their day-to-day behavior? This requires more than one set of competency frameworks!

The examples below are from the book bestseller Fieldbook "Learning to Fly? Management practices leading knowledge and learning organizations", written by Chris Collison and Geoff Parcell.

Example 1) In BP, known for its culture of sharing knowledge, senior leaders have become used to enhance the learning of others "when they visit the operational sites. Imagine the scene: Director or Senior Vice President arrived, and is usually given a tour of the site. They sat together and examine the management team of company performance to a set of KPIs is expressed. One of these KPIs is not currently met. What happens when they identify with this problem?

"Are you thinking about the X approach? Talk Is performance problem? Z Changed widget? "

.. develop a set of behaviors.

"Who else is in talks with other places that may have the same problem? .. Encourage a very different set of behaviors.

It is the road that BP has chosen to take tours of senior management have the opportunity to enhance the value of learning from others, rather than as an opportunity to highlight their seniority to provide "answers".

Services Example 2) As senior director of energy and essential company, Centrica, met to discuss ways to improve knowledge sharing within the company, they have agreed d ' a set of practices "leadership challenge" for executives of the organization:

* How can I personally suggest that "seeking help" is a sign of strength rather than weakness?
* Faced with a business problem, how can I reinforce the importance of learning from others - not only give an answer?
* When considering a project or investment proposal, I was challenged to ensure that the bear has taken knowledge from other projects?
* How to react when someone fails - is it a pure business loss, or is an investment in their education?
* Does my team to see failure as something to learn from them, or something to hide?

Such issues and challenges of converting the concept of knowledge management in a real, practical ways.

What will work in your organization? If you can spend five challenges for your senior management team, what would you choose?


Chris Collison is a renowned expert in knowledge management and experienced practitioners in leadership and implementation of the perspective of organizational change.

As a successful author, he has presented to the public schools and business conferences around the world and is a regular contributor to publications of knowledge management. Chris has worked with leaders at the highest levels of many public sector agencies and private sharing of practical experience he gained working in the management team of BP knowledge and deep understanding of human dynamics program major change.

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