Tuesday, October 13, 2009

If not, wait for the year 2028

blood piru knowledge, street blood knowledge

There is one simple way to explain the two gangs, stupid, stupid, and less educated. Thats the best way to describe it. But when they begin to hell with the shit and then they take life and seize weapons and pointing them in the wrong direction and hit a puddle of urine Satan (aka CRIPS) and the cause of several wars. That's screwed up a reputation as the Hells Angels on their asses out of this evil laughter created such nonsense. So Satan called Blood and Crips to the world that is good.

They spread like a virus infecting the general population. The house has been burglarized, civilians have been killed (or sometimes blurred because of their horrible effect) and thus the devil watched with amusement.

Finally, they started supporting artists rap because it causes them more effective. The only bright spot is that the government hired assassins to kill Tupac Shakur. Gang warfare is a drive? Please, if they can not shoot while standing still, then how on earth are they intended, even speeding SUV? More and more rappers were killed. For the good of the world. And as the year 2009, they still held some political power. Howeve, r the political form of their somewhat pathetic and can not even close to DC

By Tom Clancy believes that in 2028, the Blood and Crips and both parties have the Los Angela. One side of the red zone. Another is the blue area and that military action should be taken ...

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