Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blood Piru Knowledge: Gang Names


Blood Piru Knowledge: Gang Names

A buch of people who formed a group, usually a pre-teen and teens.They a group or "gang" for the love of each other, because when parents are either in prison or persecuted them 90s . In, the gang began to engage in crime, weapons, drugs, pimps and money, and seriously not liked by the police (or what they call the "gang" Po-lice or Popo). Each band has a name for himself, his trembling hand / hand symbol and full color


The Blood-red color, red and black.

Crips-Color Blue, blue and dark blue.

Latin King-gold color, yellow.

Gangsta Disiples-Color Gold, Silver.

Vice Lords-No Color Colored Jerseys Available.Mixed

La Raza and gold, yellow, green.

K2K-Silver, Black.

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