Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blood is life

Blood is life

The most important body fluids. Cell is composed of red blood cells that carry nutrients and oxygen to body cells and waste from body cells. Also composed of cells, white blood cells that attack and destroy viruses and disease, protecting the body against infections and diseases. White blood cells and platelets (which help to heal the wounds) was found in blood plasma.

Blood is not just a gang and liquids. Much more than that. It has a mystical connotation, which has lasted for centuries and was considered the elixir of life. Indeed, blood is life because without it life would be extinct.

This makes up 7% of body weight and help maintain a healthy body tempurature. For the red blood cells to carry oxygen efficiently, the supply of iron is necessary. Lack of iron in the body produces a condition called anemia.

If the little things wrong with this blood will affect the whole body, vectors of disease or even death.
He lost too much blood and needed transfusions.

Why is it so pale and tired?
He had anemia, and need more iron in their diet, so the blood can carry more oxygen.

Blood is very important for the body, no wonder he thinks that vampires still live by consuming the blood of others. Say, the force of human life.

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