Saturday, July 25, 2009

Blood Piru Knowledge

Blood Piru Knowledge

Blood piru knowledge always make the land business in every corner of the city, so that these groups are rich.

For more info you can visit our website on blood piru knowledge.

* Blood Piru Knowledge
* Blood Gang Alphabet
* Bloods Crips Book Of Knowledge
* Crip Gang Codes Symbols Knowledge
* Damu Knowledge
* Piru Blood Gang Codes
* Piru Blood Walk
* Tree Top Piru
* United Blood Nation Knowledge
* Who Started Bloods
* Piru gang
* Piru hands
* Piru symbol

Blood groups as a symbol

Blood groups as a symbol

Blood is a life for people, without human blood surely die, because of the bloods the blood as a symbol for use in their organizations.

For more info you can visit our website on blood piru knowledge.

* Blood Piru Knowledge
* Blood Gang Alphabet
* Bloods Crips Book Of Knowledge
* Crip Gang Codes Symbols Knowledge
* Damu Knowledge
* Piru Blood Gang Codes
* Piru Blood Walk
* Tree Top Piru
* United Blood Nation Knowledge
* Who Started Bloods

Fake blood gang

Fake blood gang

They are the blood group also provides a warning against the groups that claim to part of this group in the group with false blood.

For more info you can visit our website on blood piru knowledge.

* Blood Piru Knowledge
* Blood Gang Alphabet
* Bloods Crips Book Of Knowledge
* Crip Gang Codes Symbols Knowledge
* Damu Knowledge
* Piru Blood Gang Codes
* Piru Blood Walk
* Tree Top Piru
* United Blood Nation Knowledge
* Who Started Bloods

Murder by the group of bloods

Murder by the group of bloods

Do actions for the groups of blood is normal, other than the use of weapons in the form of gun groups this can also kill the object, like a knife, hammer and more.

For more info you can visit our website on blood piru knowledge.
* Blood Piru Knowledge
* Blood Gang Alphabet
* Bloods Crips Book Of Knowledge
* Crip Gang Codes Symbols Knowledge
* Damu Knowledge
* Piru Blood Gang Codes
* Piru Blood Walk
* Tree Top Piru
* United Blood Nation Knowledge
* Who Started Bloods

Friday, July 24, 2009

Black Blood Knowledge

Black Blood Knowledge

With a lot of graffiti art and introduce the members more than the art of life is not made, you would like to know more about how the gang visit this course

* Blood Piru Knowledge
* Blood Gang Alphabet
* Bloods Crips Book Of Knowledge
* Crip Gang Codes Symbols Knowledge
* Damu Knowledge
* Piru Blood Gang Codes
* Piru Blood Walk
* Tree Top Piru
* United Blood Nation Knowledge
* Who Started Bloods

Blood piru knowledge & Flowers

Blood piru knowledge & Flowers

Interest is a matter which is very beautiful and glamor, but the blood piru knowledege remain faithful with the pair.

* Blood Piru Knowledge
* Blood Gang Alphabet
* Bloods Crips Book Of Knowledge
* Crip Gang Codes Symbols Knowledge
* Damu Knowledge
* Piru Blood Gang Codes
* Piru Blood Walk
* Tree Top Piru
* United Blood Nation Knowledge
* Who Started Bloods

Blood Piru Knowledge

Blood Piru Knowledge

The Blood Piru gang was formed in the year 69/70. They earlier called themselves the Crips. This gang was identified by the color blue which the gang members always wore. The Bloods Crips Book of Knowledge is a book meant for the members of the gang. Read more about the book of knowledge on blood zona. The Crips established themselves in Compton. In 1970-1971, an ongoing fight between the Piru Street Crips and the Crips turned violent. This led to a split in the gang.
* Blood Gang Alphabet
* Bloods Crips Book Of Knowledge
* Crip Gang Codes Symbols Knowledge
* Damu Knowledge
* Piru Blood Gang Codes
* Piru Blood Walk
* Tree Top Piru
* United Blood Nation Knowledge
* Who Started Bloods

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Letters to The speck of blood

Letters to The speck of blood

Blood is a liquid that can cause someone also afraid, afraid to see if here is directly or the other.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A graffiti style bloods

A graffiti style bloods

Style bloods of a group can also be described in a graffiti art that is, planning with a good result of the graffiti theme with a group of bloods could be more interesting and more able to sell.

Appearance bloods groups

Appearance bloods groups

This is one of the group's appearance with the bloods to be closed is not known enemy secure in the sense of the enemy, so that the identity of the group members are in the secrets.

Graffiti face blood strike

Graffiti face blood strike

The gang also many groups who create graffiti, such as in the picture above to deliver a message to the people to be able to be understood and the purpose is.

Blood Piru Knowledge

Blood Piru Knowledge

By 1972, the Crips from Compton and the Piru Street Boys were entrenched in a gang war. The Crips had murdered a member of the LA Brims. As a result of that murder, the Piru Street Boys, the Brims, Denver lanes, Bishops, and other gangs met on West Piru Street in Compton to form a “Blood Alliance” thus creating the “Bloods” to combat the Crips. The Crips were wearing blue bandanas so the Blood Alliance gangs wanted to wear red, which was also the only other color available at the time in the local convenience stores.

Development of the Bloods on the East Coast
The United Blood Nation, simply called the Bloods, formed in 1993, within the New York City jail system on Rikers Island’s GMDC (George Mochen Detention Center), sometimes called C-73. GMDC was used to segregate problem inmates from the rest of the detention center. Prior to this time period, the Latin Kings were the most prevalent and organized gang in the NYC jail system. The Latin Kings, along with the Netas, with mostly Hispanic members, were targeting African American inmates with violence. These African American inmates, organized by some of the more violent and charismatic inmates, formed a protection group which they called the United Blood Nation. This United Blood Nation, which was actually a prison gang, was emulating the Bloods street gangs in Los Angeles, California. Several of the leaders of this recently created prison gang formed eight original Blood sets to recruit in their neighborhoods across New York City. These original sets were: Mad Stone Villains (MSV), Valentine Bloods (VB), Nine Trey Gangsters (NTG), Gangster Killer Bloods (GKB), One Eight Trey (183) Bloods, Hit Squad Brims (HSB), Blood Stone Villains (BSV) and Sex, Money and Murder (SMM).

By 1996, thousands of members of the Bloods street gang were establishing themselves as a formidable force among gangs and continued a steady drive for recruitment. At this time, the Bloods were more violent than other gangs but much less organized. Numerous slashings (razor blade or knife attacks) were reported during robberies and discovered to be initiations into the Bloods. This blood-in ritual became the trademark for the Bloods. Bloods recruited throughout the East Coast and began spreading their drug networks rapidly. Blood gangs can be found in the New York City area, Upper New York State, New Jersey, Baltimore, Hagerstown, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Connecticut to name a few.

Recently, Blood gangs have become a favorite target of law enforcement because of their connection to violence. Bloods will commit violence against other Blood sets and there is no direct regional or national leadership or connections. According to some sources, East Coast Bloods and West Coast Bloods conducted a series of meetings in 1999 and formed the United Blood Nation as a way to align all Blood gangs as one nation for the purposes of power and unity. This alleged unification resulted in the Bloods referring to themselves as “Damu,” a Swahili word synonymous for Blood.

Bloods refer to each other as Dawgs (DOGS). They will burn an upside down triangular shape, looking like a dog paw, on their upper arm. The three circular burns, usually from a cigarette, can be found on a member of the Bloods. Some Bloods will have a tattoo of a dog, usually a bulldog, like the Mack Truck logo. Bloods will also use the acronym M.O.B. (Member Of Blood or Money Over Bitches) to identify themselves. This can be seen as a burn scar or (sometimes) a tattoo. The Bloods have recently, in the year 2000, become more involved and connected to their People Nation affiliation. The Bloods are the most violent gang on the East Coast.


  • Assaults
  • Burglaries
  • Car Thefts
  • Drug Sales
  • Mass Shoplifting Sprees
  • Racketeering Operations
  • Robberies
  • Slashings
  • Wilding


  1. Leadership: First Superior or General = 101
  2. Second Superior or Captain = 102
  3. Third Superior or Minister of Defense = 103
  4. Fourth Superior or Minister of Education = 104
  5. Fifth Superior/Field Commander (Drug Manager) = 105
  6. Blood Soldiers male and female (Bloodettes) or Dawgs


  • Chicago Bulls Athletic Clothing
  • Fubu Designer Clothing
  • Calvin Klein Clothing
  • Nike apparel


  • 031: I have love for you Blood
  • 036: Bitch
  • 999: Snitch
  • Ace, Deuce, Trey: One, Two , Three
  • Blood Day: Halloween
  • Crab: Crip
  • CK (Crip Killer)
  • Damu: A Swahili word for Blood
  • Dawg: A word of endearment used to identify a fellow Blood member
  • Eat Food: Draw the blood of a victim or enemy
  • E-rickett: Enemy
  • Food: Victim targeted for assault, slashing or death
  • Fool: Common reference toward others made by Bloods
  • MOB: Member Of Blood; Money Over Bitches
  • Rock: Rikers Island
  • Snake: Snitch

*East Coast Bloods maintain thousands of code words which are changed frequently


  • PEOPLE NATION ALLIANCE and People Nation Gangs
  • New Black Panther Party
  • Deuce Mob
  • Latin Kings (in some areas)
  • MOB (Money Over Bitches)
  • Regulators
  • Scramblers


  • Crips
  • Latin Kings (in some areas)
  • Netas

Signs Piru

Signs Piru

Piru sign with a mandatory use by all known members

. The "Primo" Sign "Power"
"Victory" Number One
Piru Sign: "Blood" Kitchen Crip
Bounty Hunters Crips: "Cousin"
Bishop Brims
Mafia Crips Athens Park Boys (APBs)
"C": Crip "C-C": Compton Crip
"U": Underground Crip "H": Harlem Crip
"E": East "0": Number Zero
"M": Mafia Crip
"H": Hoover Crip Black Stone

Friday, July 17, 2009

Students' knowledge about Master of Business Administration

Students' knowledge about Master of Business Administration

Master of Business Administration (MBA) is an Australian degree recognized in the international world and to give students practical knowledge and theory about how people process and work in the business world, and in the wider community.

Business and management studies in Australia to provide students opportunities to learn in an environment that isset in unique culture and economy between the east and west. In the era of global business, such as understanding the culture is a key element of success in business.

Australian university offers about 90 MBA programs are recognized internationally. Most of the programs presented in one or two full years of study (full time). However, most students who take the MBA study in part-time while continuing to work, and this can take several years (up to four years or more in some cases). Many programs are also available online or through distance learning (distance learning).

There are about 20 specialized programs offered in the MBA Australia, ranging from management to international and Chinese management of health services. Specialized programs allow students to focus on their professional area, while learning the basics of business and management. Students can also choose a combination of the MBA study with other master's programs. There are a number of education institutions offering MBA programs such combination.

Knowledge of oil and natural gas

Knowledge of oil and natural gas

Knowledge of oil and natural gas is very important for us know, because the oil and natural gas is a source of energy that can not be renewed, while the use of this source of energy in our lives day-to-day coverage is very broad and quite important role, or the intent life of the people. For example oil and natural gas used as a source of energy used for cooking, vehicles, and industry, both fuels are derived from weathering the remnants of organisms, so-called fossil fuels.

Therefore, the next generation as a nation, we must also consider what alternative fuel that can be used to replace fossil fuels is, if a later time the fuel is exhausted.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Knowledge of how to change their own oil in your car .

Knowledge of how to change their own oil in your car

Although the actual car engine oil change is a process that is easy, many people prefer to go to the shop to replace. Here are some tips for those who want to save a little time and money, replace the oil with the engine car.

Preparation Step

1. Put your car on the surface is truly flat.
2. Cars must be fully stopped in a condition (not moving). If necessary, use jack stands to hold the car body.
3. Jack stands should always be installed when the car lifted with a jack. Do not be under the car if the car is still in the condition of the jack.
4. Always use gloves and thick of the refractory time to change car engine oil, to avoid the valve cover oil is hot.

The equipment needed

1. Handbook. This is very important to be able to know information about the type of engine oil and how much needed measure of your car engine
2. Car engine oil
3. Bowls used oil container
4. New oil filter
5. Key oil filter
6. Key note serrate
7. Gloves
8. A lock bolt
9. Cloth
10. Shaft
11. Two jack stands or car body suspension
12. Jack

Changing Oil

1. When we prepare the equipment to replace the engine oil, keep the engine on the car for about 10 seconds before starting to replace oil. Then, place your car on a flat surface and attach a hand-brake or hand brake.
2. Put the jack on the top surface of the hard and were able to sustain the car body.
3. Jack the front of the car with caution. If necessary, enter the tooth for a manual transmission car. Or more convincing, the wedge back car tires with wooden blocks.
4. Look in the manual, where the location of valve to remove oil. Usually it is located in the front-middle-bottom of the car.
5. Make sure bowl used oil container under the valve thrower oil, before the valve is opened. By using the key lines, open valves in the direction of the clockwise (if you open it from the top). Be careful, the oil temperature can be still hot.
6. Leave the oil out to actually run out, while the clean valve oil disposal, and open the valve to enter the new oil. After re-attach the valve disposal, fasten with a reasonable (not too tight).
7. Replace the old oil filter with a new one. Check the seal of the filter and add a new layer of film thick coat to seal. Then attach the new oil filter and tighten it by hand.
8. After the new filter is installed, open the oil cap engine, enter a mine shaft and pour the new engine oil, according to the measure that has been assigned to the handbook. After the measure met, close the back cover oil and oil spill clean up around the hole.
9. Turn the car engine on and let some time. Then check the height with the oil measuring stick (already installed on the machine) and add more oil if needed.
10. Check the possibility of leakage in the channel and the discharge of oil the new oil filter. If there is, tighten it up to oil seepage is not visible. Additionally, if you always add the oil to get the measure of fit, there is a leak in the engine oil. Then you must immediately check the location of leakage. Or flee to the nearest garage.

Note the date of the replacement of oil and the mileage of your car. Oil should be replaced every 3000 km, or once every three months, if you do not too often and not far in the distance. Replacement of oil will result in a delayed easy engine temperature increased engine noise and the rough.

When changing oil, you should also check the other cars containing liquids, such as cooling, power steering, transmission and brakes. Who knew needed the addition of brake fluid or oil, for trying.

Knowledge of how to treat the car fuel.

Knowledge of how to treat the car fuel

The simple treatment for petrol cars is not much different from the diesel engine car and if we compare the ignition system of more complex fuel cars especially now that the era of the all the electrical system. We do not need to discuss the problem but the system is simple treatments you can do yourself without having to go to the workshop.
Following simple tips:

First: The system on the refrigerator or the radiator you need to note the replacement water radiator is approximately two hours or make a regular basis. This is to keep the dirt in the radiator can reduce the cooling water circulation and smooth

Second: Make the head of water Accu tighten slack so that when the system is stable

Third: Filter oil is always clean once every two weeks or if you change too much dirt.

Fourth: Filter cleans the air or when a change is solid

Fifth: Before heat engine in the morning do not try direct ignition live approximately three starter engine oil that can move over this wall ride silinder.setelah no tread on the gas pedal.

So few tips on caring for petrol engine cars and hopefully useful message me if you want to go to find garage workshop that is trusted not to make you disappointed after the car in service

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Knowledge of search engine optimization.

Knowledge of search engine optimization

1. Write Blog Comments : If you want to get more page rank to your website just write more blog comments to get real page rank. You can do a blog search in your topic and add a comment to the blog. Read the blog, understand the blog and then give a comment about the post, and put the link to your website at the end of the comment.

2. Forum Discussion : If you want to make free traffic to your websites just do a Google Search for the forums in your topic, then post a topic or reply to a topic describing about your website in 200 or 300 words and put a link a to your website in your signature. You can prepare a common template so that it will be easier and faster for you to add posts. Be careful, never ever spam any forum your post should have a meaning.

3. Add Entry in Guest books : Guestbooks are giving you the best traffic to your website through comment column to put your link. Do a Google Search for guestbooks and add a entry in it. You can have a look at the website which has the guestbook and give a proper comment about the website, like "Nice website on Online Jobs I enjoyed reading it" in the end under your name you can put your website link.

4. Free Web Directory Submission : Free web Directory's are giving you the best online traffic to your websites to submit url to the Free web submission in the Web Directory. There are many free directories available in the web. Do a search for it and try to add your url to as much directories as possible. Here also you can prepare a common template for easy and faster addition.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Knowledge of teacher education blog.

Knowledge of teacher education blog

Blog, with all the advantages, it can be used by the world of education to develop the knowledge transfer process, as referred to in the beginning of the writing. However, its implementation is also not necessarily be so alone, but require adjustments to the strategy and needs between the parties involved in a process of learning.

In the context of education, teachers and students need to first introduced to the concept of electronic learning and the blog and its benefits-benefits, which already be on the line.

Next, they were encouraged to always need to document what is in their mind, including knowledge, experience, feelings, opinions, and others, with the most appropriate methods with the personality of each, whether it is through any posts, images , sound, or video. This, in addition to useful as a training event to reveal the ideas that potential, is also useful for cost savings in terms of publication with the idea because of the media blog, an idea does not need to load in thousands of pieces of paper to be widely known.

Any ideas that work their documentation, should be given the appreciation that they are also increasingly terpacu for documenting the knowledge they have. Appreciation does not have to be material, but can also include feedback, recognition, praise, and even criticism of what they successfully documentation.

Indeed, practice for documenting the knowledge, they should be also encouraged to build networks (networking), which was formed based on the similarity in the field / themes of interest. The establishment of this network can be done using the facilities syndication.

By collecting codes syndication of blogs that have a similarity of themes in aggregate, the good teachers or students can follow the latest updates on a theme from other blogs.

The establishment of this virtual network can replace the class during the discussion is always limited in time and a physical space, so that the learning process can be held even more flexible.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

knowledge about home design.

knowledge about home design

Having a comfortable home, and sparing a captivating dream and desire of each person. Moreover, in conditions such as the global financial crisis now, sparing factor to be the choice of each individual.

Iosa Ghini design companies try to provide design solutions that are home we can give inspiration in building the house.

Iosa Ghini attempt to give the house a futuristic design at a time with the environment-friendly technology to optimize the environment of the source is active or passive. The house was named to the Cyprus House.

The implementation of some technologies used in Cyprus is the house:

First, on the surface of the outer wall, using materials that will convert Photocatalytic organic dangerous not to be dangerous

Second, Low-E Glass, used in the glass window that will absorb heat, so that the room in the house is not too hot. Thus, the air conditioner can be savings.

Third, Adjustable Solar Panels allows the solar panel can absorb the sun is optimal because panelnya which can move in accordance with the movement direction of the sun.

Fourth, Rain Harversting used to collect rain water, so it can again be used for daily necessities such as plants or to flush toilets.

Fifth, Storage Heating is a source of heat storage that will be used to heat the room at the time winter comes, so to reduce the use of engine heater room.

Knowledge of laptop batteries.

Knowledge of laptop batteries

Laptop explode Gen. plural already occurred. In the United States (U.S.) only, has reported hundreds of cases laptop explode, mostly caused by battery problems. Recently, a laptop was reported also exploded and burnt in South Korea.
To prevent the laptop battery does not explode and cause damage, the following tips and tricks from the detikINET mixed Mynetcity, Tuesday (15/1/2008).

* If the battery is weak and the operation is reduced dramatically, it is better to directly buy a new battery. Do not try to improve the battery that is damaged to be used again

* Always make sure that you use the original battery from the official seller. If the batteries are made of many explosives, with a false battery

* Do not recharge your battery is more than 8 hours. Recharge the battery too long cause an explosion was reported at risk
* If the battery is fully charged when the reset, select one of the only, or use battery power when you want to use the laptop
* Use the re-charger that is compatible with your battery. Charger is not suitable to increase the risk overheating

* Do not place the notebook in the area that can become very hot, eg in a car trunk or under the blazing sun

* Always follow the development of news technology, for example in the online news site. Usually if there are problems on the laptop batteries, laptop vendors will conduct a large-scale withdrawal. If you follow the development of the accident and your laptop problem, you can follow the procedures that have been determined such as battery exchange

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Knowledge of Computer Service.

Knowledge of Computer Service
(Prevent Removing Printer Drivers accidentally)

If your computer is often used by other people, then do not close the possibility that a user accidentally or intentionally fraudulent even to delete the file/folder, the exception does not remove delete printer or a printer installed on our computer. To anticipate these things, you can apply the tips to prevent deleting a printer installed on the computer.

At this time the tips, such as the already-already, I use the facilities of Windows, which is using the group policy editor. The steps as follows.

1. Click Start>> Run>> and then type gpedit.msc window will appear to group policy editor.

2. Users click Configuration>> Administrative Templates>> Control Panel>> Printers to look like below.

3. Then in the right pane, double click on the "prevent deletion of printers" window appears to prevent deletion of printers properties, such as below.

4. Then select the Enabled option available.

5. Then press OK and / or Apply.

6. Restart or log off your computer or laptop

7. Done

Now, you try to click right on one of the printer icon and then select delet and make sure you get a message like below.

If you have never tried, happy to try!

Knowledge of power supply.

Knowledge of power supply

1. check power cable using a multimeter, next ....

2. check the pin three feet behind, make sure the connector is connected exactly the fix, be sure to use a multimeter .... that is ok .... next

3. check the adapter, the regular series of components that are damaged. who first checked out the charred ... ok .... next

4. a multimeter checked every cable if there is no output voltage, the cable around the drop out ... ..

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Knowledge of the structure of cells.

Knowledge of the structure of cells

In general, each cell has

* The cell membrane,
* Sitoplasma, and
* The cell nucleus, or nucleus.

Plant cells and bacteria have cell layer outside the membrane, known as the cell wall. Cell wall is elastic and does not limit the size of the cell changes. The existence of the cell wall also causes terbentuknya space antarsel, which in the plant to become an important part of the transportation and burly mineral in the body of plants.

Sitoplasma cell nucleus and together referred to as a blastema. Sitoplasma substantial liquid condensed (sitosol) in which there are many who have organel function organized to support the life of cells. Organel have a separate structure from sitosol and is a "kompartementasi" in the cell, enabling the occurrence of the reaction may not take place in sitosol. Sitoplasma also supported by a network framework that supports sitoplasma form so that it does not change shape easily.

Organel-organel which is found in the sitoplasma

* Mitokondria (kondriosom)
* Golgi bodies (diktiosom)
* Retikulum endoplasma
* Plastida (special plants, including leukoplas, kloroplas, and kromoplas)
* Vakuola (especially plants)

Knowledge of saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Knowledge of saccharomyces cerevisiae

Saccharomyces cerevisiae has long been used in industrial alcohol and alcoholic beverages have the ability to ferment glucose into ethanol. This is an interesting process in the ethanol fermentation is leavened held on condition aerob.

According to Pasteur, the existence of oxygen will prevent fermentation pathways in cells so that leavened the carbon source will be used through respiration. This phenomenon is often referred to as the Pasteur effect (Walker 1998). In the cells prokariota and eukariota, Pasteur found a lot of effect, one example is laktat acid fermentation by human muscle cells when lack of oxygen. Based on this phenomenon, should be leavened by ethanol production occurred in the conditions anaerob. But in fact, Pasteur effect in cell leavened observed in cells that have entered a phase stasioner (resting), while the production of alcohol occurs when the cells are in a growth phase (log phase) (Alexander & Jeffries 1990). This makes the Pasteur effect is not suspected of phenomena that occur during ethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Herbert Crabtree in 1929 to find a phenomenon that occurs in tumor cells where the cell lines is dominant fermentation occurs even in conditions aerob (Alexander & Jeffries 1990). In 1948, Clifton Swanson, and the first time shows that the phenomenon occurs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells that are grown and produced ethanol as a product during fermentation there is a certain amount of glucose in the growth medium (Alexander & Jeffries 1990). The phenomenon was originally called the Pasteur effect contre-term Crabtree effect prior to use (de Dekken 1966). Crabtree effect can be observed on leavened when the growth medium containing glucose in a high concentration (above 5 mm) (Walker 1998). Based on the de Dekken (1966), Crabtree effect does not occur at all leavened, but only in some species are, among others Saccahromyces cerevisiae, S. chevalieri, S. italicus, S. oviformis, S. pasteurianus, S. turbidans, S. calsbergensis, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Debaryomyces globosus, Bretanomyces lambicus, Torulopsis dattila, T. glabrata, and T. colliculosa. There are three mechanisms that explain the Crabtree effect: 1. repression katabolit 2. inaktivasi katabolit; and 3. respiration capacity is limited.

Katabolit repression occurs when glucose, or glucose metabolism initial product, a variety of enzyme synthesis respiration (Fietcher et al. 1981). However, detailed mechanisms, such as the compound that gives the signal for the synthesis is still not clear (Walker 1998). Initial idea katabolit dicetuskan repression by von Meyenberg in the year 1969 (Alexander & Jeffries 1990) that the S. cerevisiae in a medium containing glucose method continues with the culture. Results of research shows that when the cell concentration is low, the metabolic pathways of respiration is used, whereas when the cell concentration has reached a critical number, ethanol fermentation occurs. From the results on suspected cells of a low concentration, enzyme-enzyme respiration is sufficient to make a path respiration, but when the concentration of cells increased, the concentration of enzyme does not increase because sintesisnya pressed by glucose, so the path respiration stopped and replaced by fermentation. In addition to repression of enzyme synthesis, a high concentration of sugar will also disrupt the structure of leavened mitokondria, for example in the loss of membrane and kristae. However, the structure will return to its normal path during respiration replace ethanol fermentation (Walker 1998). Changes in the structure will prevent Krebs cycle and fosforilasi oksidatif which took place in the mitokondria.

Inaktivasi katabolit occurs when glucose turn off the key enzyme in the path respiration, for example fruktosa 1.6-bifosfatase (FBPase). Inaktivasi going first through the process fosforilasi enzyme, and then followed by the digestion of protein in the enzyme vakuola (Walker 1998). Mechanism inaktivasi FBPase in S. cerevisiae begins with the increased concentration camp and FBPase in the cells by glucose. The increase in the second molecule will trigger camp-dependent protein kinase to do fosforilasi against FBPase (Francois et al. 1984).

Mechanisms that explain the latest on the Crabtree effect is the limited capacity of leavened leavened respiration proposed by Bardford & Hall (1979). Both researchers conducting research that is similar to the von Meyenberg, but found no evidence of repression by glucose katabolit. Therefore they argued that leavened leavened, that is capable of doing fermentation aerob respiration has limited capacity. When glucose is in high concentration, akan glikolisis running quickly pyruvat resulting in a high number. However, limitations to use leavened pyruvat in the next lane respiration (Krebs cycle and fosforilasi oksidatif) causes pyruvat remaining fermentatif be changed into ethanol. Of the, that is not leavened aerob fermentation is considered to have a capacity of respiration is not limited in its use throughout pyruvat resulting from glikolisis although the amount of glucose in the medium level.

(source:Alexander & Jeffries 1990)