Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Knowledge of the structure of cells.

Knowledge of the structure of cells

In general, each cell has

* The cell membrane,
* Sitoplasma, and
* The cell nucleus, or nucleus.

Plant cells and bacteria have cell layer outside the membrane, known as the cell wall. Cell wall is elastic and does not limit the size of the cell changes. The existence of the cell wall also causes terbentuknya space antarsel, which in the plant to become an important part of the transportation and burly mineral in the body of plants.

Sitoplasma cell nucleus and together referred to as a blastema. Sitoplasma substantial liquid condensed (sitosol) in which there are many who have organel function organized to support the life of cells. Organel have a separate structure from sitosol and is a "kompartementasi" in the cell, enabling the occurrence of the reaction may not take place in sitosol. Sitoplasma also supported by a network framework that supports sitoplasma form so that it does not change shape easily.

Organel-organel which is found in the sitoplasma

* Mitokondria (kondriosom)
* Golgi bodies (diktiosom)
* Retikulum endoplasma
* Plastida (special plants, including leukoplas, kloroplas, and kromoplas)
* Vakuola (especially plants)

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