Saturday, July 11, 2009

Knowledge of Computer Service.

Knowledge of Computer Service
(Prevent Removing Printer Drivers accidentally)

If your computer is often used by other people, then do not close the possibility that a user accidentally or intentionally fraudulent even to delete the file/folder, the exception does not remove delete printer or a printer installed on our computer. To anticipate these things, you can apply the tips to prevent deleting a printer installed on the computer.

At this time the tips, such as the already-already, I use the facilities of Windows, which is using the group policy editor. The steps as follows.

1. Click Start>> Run>> and then type gpedit.msc window will appear to group policy editor.

2. Users click Configuration>> Administrative Templates>> Control Panel>> Printers to look like below.

3. Then in the right pane, double click on the "prevent deletion of printers" window appears to prevent deletion of printers properties, such as below.

4. Then select the Enabled option available.

5. Then press OK and / or Apply.

6. Restart or log off your computer or laptop

7. Done

Now, you try to click right on one of the printer icon and then select delet and make sure you get a message like below.

If you have never tried, happy to try!

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