Friday, November 5, 2010

Join The Blood Gang

Join The Blood Gang
In late 1971 the Avalon Garden Crips and the Inglewood has arrived with a different set and began to engage in warfare with oposing sets. They began to non-Crip gang area is full of bands like The LA to develop controls a powerful street gang, beginning in 1969 in West Side. The Crips targeted because they were not Crips Gang, which sets them a prime target for the Crips to attack power. Several gangs eventually became part of Blood family, including the Bishops and Athens Park boys. The Denver Lanes also in contrast to the Crips, but were outnumbered and eventually became known in California for some time. The Piru Street Boys, who presented a powerful force in Compton, in fact, together with the Crips prior to 1972, when the Crips had affected the environment Piru. For a short time Turquoise, known as Piru Street Crips, and they also wore the traditional blue cloth (bandana) and blue Chucks (sneakers) as part of their clothing.


  1. 14 Codes :

    1. There are no rapist with the Almighty Piru Nation.

    2. If a member is down assist them up.

    3. There are no throwing other Almighty Piru Nation members down.

    4. Always say what is on your head.

    5. Never do what the enemy would do.

    6. We are Almighty Piru Nation for life.

    7. We are Almighty Piru Nation to the heart.

    8. Never run your mouth against the Almighty Piru Nation.

    9. Always salute our members unless told not to.

    10. Always salute the Superior Piru with the Almighty Piru handshake.

    11. If you and another Almighty Piru have issues try to have it squashed.

    12. Always show your Superiors and members respect.

    13. Respect your set with your heart

    14. Every issue isn't your blood bath.

    Almighty Statement

    Almighty to the Bone, Piru to the Soul! For our brothers we will forever ride, from the East Side all the way to the West side! My Piru and My Soul çXxreated the Almighty unified mind! Roll them low and roll them high, but never forget that the Almighty Piru is kKnown world wide! ! I will be Almighty until the day I die and still be Almighty as my Soul flies!

    The Almighty in the eyes of my sisters and brothers shall shine brighter than any other!A power so strong that it sends shoçXxkK from East To West. It holds that we are united under the 5 points of a star that shines brighter than the sun.


    All of my brothers and sisters under this Glorious Almighty shall hold dearly the çXxolors of the Almighty flag.

    The red is for the original Bloods

    The Black is for the çXXolor of the viçxXious struggle

    Piru Statement:

    If I should Ever BreaK My Stride, Should I faulter on my members side, This oath shall kKill me. If I should destroy the Piru loyalty, Death is a must so this oath shall kKill me.


    1. What side do you proteçXt, your left or your right side?

    Your left because Blood run through your heart.

    2. What side do you plaçxXe your flag?

    Your Left beçXxause you must kKeep your Piru Soul by your side to never leave Almighty behind.

    3. What's your Favorite BaskKetball team?

    ÇXxhicXXago Bulls.

  2. Almighty Piru Handshake- CXlap hands and slide palm of hand up throwing up an o bending all fingers down. Shake up the P/B for Piru Blood.

    The East Side Piru rank

    struçXxture is as follows:

    (From lowest to highest)

    000 - Foot Soldier: The foot soldiers listens to orders from Gangsters, and to keep putting in work for the set at all times.

    090 - Y.G. (Young Gangster) The Young Gangsters make sure the soldiers carry out orders issued by the Original Young Gangsters.

    080 - O.Y.G. (Original Young Gangster) : Original Young Gangsters assists Original Gangsters and pass original gangster's orders to the Young gangsters, and to carry the Original Gangster's spot when missing.

    070 - O.G. (Original Gangster) Original Gangsters passes down orders from the Generals to the Original Young Gangsters assisting the Generals. The Original Gangster has the power to start his own lineup within the set with the approval of a General.

    060 - 1 Star General - Head Original Gangster : The Head Original Gangster gives orders from rankKing generals to the Original Gangster of each lineup under the set.

    050 - 2 Star General - Head of SeçXcurity: Head of SeçXcurity can disçXcipline to all member of the set.

    040 - 3 Star General - Minister Gangster: Gives information about the set and its' enemies.

    030 - 4 Star General - Head Minister Gangster: Give strategies and information to the First Superior for the the set.

    Low 020 - Second Superior: The Second Superiors assists the First Superior and takes the First Superior's place in absence.

    High 020 - Double O.G. - First Superior: The First Superior's function is to oversee the set. This individual açxXts as the disçXxiplinary offiçXxer.

    010 - 5 Star General - Godfather: Highest rank of the set. Triple O.G

    In all Piru sets (West and East), Pirus with higher rank are respeçXxtfully referred to as "Big Homies" by Bloods with lower rankK.

  3. 31 Original Blood Family Laws

    1) Original Blood family in

    2) Beginning of Original blood Family for 31 sekonds

    3) Put in by nation....

    4) No rapist in the original blood family

    5) Original Blood Family law will stay

    6) No snitching on the Original Blood Family

    7) No fighting amongs original blood family and Almighty Piru Bloods

    8) Respekt your original blood family and Almighty Piru Bloods never deny them

    9) Slash out all ¢'s in kites

    10) Put " Rip og Tye" 3 teardrops in every kite

    11) Wear all flags on the left side

    12) Know about the Original Blood family

    13) Never speak original blood family with outsiders

    14) Never let Original Blood Family be disrespected

    15) Never put something on paper that kan be used by the law

    16) Always assist the original blood family in need

    17) Never speak down on our nation

    18) Learn about law (if you kan)

    19) Never give your original blood family up to anyone

    20) Never say anything over the phone that can b used by the laws

    21) Never give codes to outsiders

    22) Keep you codes up to part

    23) Keep your mind up to part

    24) No chilling with the enemy

    25) No Meth users

    26) The original blood family will have sets

    27) Bring the fight to whoever disrespects the original blood family

    28) No faking in the Original Blood Family

    29) No disrespecting Og Tye

    30) No wearing blue

    31) Chill on every 31st of the month
