Sunday, November 7, 2010

Books of Blood Knowledge

Books of Blood Knowledge
Contrary to popular belief, do not represent the actual Blood Nation, the star of 5 points and not part of the National People's Alliance. Confusion of the blood of the people who started the 5-star point Nations on the Internet with a stranger variety of fiction "Books of Blood Knowledge," the mixing of history and the history of The Blood of the Nation, symbols and literature, lit ( ) sets together. It's fiction "book knowledge" to spread rapidly throughout the Internet and finally on the road with a would-be friends the books seriously and that is misleading. But the sticky blood that used the term "5 popping," "We have a 5" and substituting the letter "S" with "5", but when a blood was only with the number 5 symbolizes the number of letters in word blood as if a Blood is called the "5" he in fact only grouping themselves as "blood". This uses the number 5 can also cause confusion corresponds to the blood of the people a 5 star from the wrong point of this nation and the blood. Number 5 was heavily blood in the south, the east coast and affected some parts of the Midwest. This widespread Seduction of Blood were conducted in a large range recently by the blood of the west coast to all the blood all over the country so that they know does not represent the blood of the nation, the people in Chicago and do not represent the 5-point star shape . This range has a large influence on the blood in the use of all of South, East and Midwest, which were all more connected with the people of the nation and the star number 5 and all of them firmly back to its roots sank made.

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