Friday, July 30, 2010

Arizona Prison Gangs


The Arizona Aryan Brotherhood prison gang is a white supremacist group whose members believe in having pure bloodlines in the white race. The group formed in the Arizona Department of Corrections in the mid 1970's.

The Arizona AB believe in the philosophy of "Blood In - Blood Out." To become a member, the prospect must kill someone. The only way out of the group is to be killed.

Members stay to themselves in prison and feel that they do not need the help of any other gang. They are generally respected by the other inmates because of their ability to control and monitor their own activities.


This gang is also known as the Arizona Original Mexican Mafia. Established in 1977, it is a faction or chapter of the Mexican Mafia that was formed in the California prison system in the late 1950's. In 1984 a split occurred and a second gang, known as "Arizona's New Mexican Mafia" emerged. A fierce rivalry developed between the two gangs and the Old Mexican Mafia, as well as Mexican Mafia members are subject to attack by the New Mexican Mafia members if they are placed in the prison population together.

The Old Mexican Mafia patterns itself after the organizational structure of the California Mexican Mafia, which includes as its leaders a General, Captains, Lieutenants, and soldiers.


Originally, members of the Arizona New Mexican Mafia, belonged to the Arizona Mexican Mafia but in 1984, due to internal conflicts, they split away, rejecting both the traditional Mexican Mafia (California) and the Arizona Mexican Mafia. In order to be completely independent of the other Mexican Mafia gangs, the gang adopted its own constitution, rules and regulations.

As ardent rivals of the out-numbered Mexican Mafia and the Old Mexican Mafia, members of the New Mexican Mafia may attack members of those gangs if they are in the same prison population.


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