Friday, July 30, 2010

Arizona Prison Gangs


The Arizona Aryan Brotherhood prison gang is a white supremacist group whose members believe in having pure bloodlines in the white race. The group formed in the Arizona Department of Corrections in the mid 1970's.

The Arizona AB believe in the philosophy of "Blood In - Blood Out." To become a member, the prospect must kill someone. The only way out of the group is to be killed.

Members stay to themselves in prison and feel that they do not need the help of any other gang. They are generally respected by the other inmates because of their ability to control and monitor their own activities.


This gang is also known as the Arizona Original Mexican Mafia. Established in 1977, it is a faction or chapter of the Mexican Mafia that was formed in the California prison system in the late 1950's. In 1984 a split occurred and a second gang, known as "Arizona's New Mexican Mafia" emerged. A fierce rivalry developed between the two gangs and the Old Mexican Mafia, as well as Mexican Mafia members are subject to attack by the New Mexican Mafia members if they are placed in the prison population together.

The Old Mexican Mafia patterns itself after the organizational structure of the California Mexican Mafia, which includes as its leaders a General, Captains, Lieutenants, and soldiers.


Originally, members of the Arizona New Mexican Mafia, belonged to the Arizona Mexican Mafia but in 1984, due to internal conflicts, they split away, rejecting both the traditional Mexican Mafia (California) and the Arizona Mexican Mafia. In order to be completely independent of the other Mexican Mafia gangs, the gang adopted its own constitution, rules and regulations.

As ardent rivals of the out-numbered Mexican Mafia and the Old Mexican Mafia, members of the New Mexican Mafia may attack members of those gangs if they are in the same prison population.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

415 - KUMI Prison Gang

415-kumi prison gangThe 415 KUMI is a Black gang that originated in the San Francisco Bay/Berkley area of California in 1985. The are now referred to as the 415 KUMI. 415 represents the area code for the region. When added together, the numbers 4+1+5 = 10. KUMI is the Swahili word for “ten.”

The 415's advocate "taking back the streets" by any means necessary. In California’s Folsom Prison, the 415’s have provided pools of inmates, such as the Bloods, for recruitment into the Black Guerilla Family prison gang – BGF. They aspire to resume activities formerly carried out by the Black Guerilla Family.

KUMI 415 have been reported to use prison guards to authorize violence against fellow inmates, such as the case in August of 2003 when former correctional officer Leon Holston was charged with aiding and abetting, battery with serious bodily injury, filing a false report by a peace officer and unlawful communication with a prisoner (Associated Press Newswires 9 Sep 2004).

The group is led by a supreme leader and will cooperate with the Bloods but not the Crips.

The image above symbolizes an Egyptian type Black man rising up from the continent of Africa.

The 415’ KUMI have been reportedly incarcerated in the following California facilities:


Folsom State Prison
* Monterey County Jail
* Pleasant Valley State Prison, Coalinga
* Salinas Valley State Prison


Monday, July 26, 2010

Barrio Azteca Prison Gang

barrio azteca prison gangOriginating in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (Department of Corrections) activities of the Barrio Azteca prison gang were first tracked within in the system about 1990. The Barrio Azteca has become one of the most violent prison gangs in Texas and has now spread its tentacles to the streets on both sides of the U.S./Mexican border in southwest Texas and southeast New Mexico. Many of the original inmate members were from the West Texas area of El Paso but since organizing, they have permitted some inmates from other parts of the State of Texas to join their ranks.

Like other prison gangs they attempt to control the prison system, and the inmates within the system, through illegal activity. Reported criminal activities have included heavy involvement with drug trafficking organizations (cartels). The gang’s main source of income is derived from smuggling heroin, powdered cocaine, and marijuana from Mexico into the United States for distribution both inside and outside prisons. Other criminal activities include prostitution, kidnapping, arson, auto theft, extortion, intimidation of staff, assaults, and murder.

The organizational structure of the Barrio Azteca is as follows: President, Vice-President, Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant and Warrior.

They do not have a specific tattoo but have been known to use an Aztec Indian head. A tattoo with one feather signifies the rank of lieutenant and two feathers, the rank of captain.

Barrio Azteca members are known for their propensity for violence and membership is for life. Serious association with members of other prison gangs such as the Texas Syndicate, La Raza Unida, Aryan Brotherhood of Texas and the Mexican Mafia is not tolerated.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bad Either Follow The Gang

the gangBecome a member of both gangs, bloods, crips, cracks, etc. must have such a big risk. Such a bitter experience of life to experience death, for it to all of us who want to join gangs should think about good and evil follow these gangs, whether the goal that we do to cooperate in the gang?

Indeed all human beings want to get faster by following the fun with their gang justifies the existing ways to become rich, although that by killing, is to note the good and bad impacts of the following is Deng with a clear mind.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Aryan Circle Prison Gang (AC)

Aryan Circle Prison GangThe Aryan Circle prison gang (AC) is one of the newer white supremacist prison gangs in the Texas prison system. They are making a name for themselves and growing quite violently with deadly attacks against the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas prison gang. It is believed that a suspected Aryan Circle prospect was responsible for an officer's murder at a southern prison in Texas Department of Criminal Justice in December of 1999. Following that vicious murder, another Aryan circle member stabbed and killed an Aryan Brotherhood of Texas member at a nearby facility.

According to sources, the Aryan Circle was founded in 1985 by Mark Gaspard and was formed due to the fact that some "Whites" had become too radical in their beliefs. The Aryan Circle is believed to consist of three branches; incarcerated men and incarcerated women and an external branch which consists of non-criminal "White" men in the free world. The original AC patch, or tattoo, is a small circle usually worn below the left breast. Their hierarchy consists of a president, vice president, majors, captains, and several other titles.

Beliefs of the AC include separation of the white race from all others for the betterment and preservation of the race. They consider their enemies to be all who are against them and those who attempt to oppress them. Some members are ex-ABT members. The AC have now been designated as a Security Threat Group and members, when identified, are placed in administrative segregation.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Gang Identifiers With Colors

gang colorsGangs and gang members, along with types of clothing and tattoos, have traditionally worn colors as a means of identifying themselves and the gang with which they are affiliated. Many non gang members, who innocently wore a gangs colors in the wrong place at the wrong time have been assaulted and even killed.

The following information is intended to show colors that may be used by gangs to identify themselves. These colors may be seen in the clothing worn by the gang members, in their flags, (bandannas) or in their graffiti. Due to the trends of today's gangs to change identifiers that used to be traditional, these colors may not be exact .

This list is not all inclusive. There are many more gangs, spread throughout the United States, that may or may not claim affiliation with a "nation." If you are aware of a well known gang not listed below, send the gang name, their colors and affiliation, if any, to me via Email.

Please note that colors are not a positive identifier of gang affiliation. Colors are but one of the combination of identifiers used by law enforcement and others to identify gang members.

The two most widely known gang colors are red, worn by the Bloods, and blue, worn by the Crips.

Gang Colors List


Colors Affiliation
Bloods Basic -red; also sets known to wear brown, orange, burnt orange to represent dried blood
Crips Blue

Gangs With Folks Nation Affiliation


Light blue, black


Ashland Vikings Green, black Folks
Black Disciples Black, blue Folks
Black Gangster Disciples Black, blue, white, silver Folks
Brothers of Struggle Black, blue, white, silver Folks
C-Notes Green, red, white Folks
Campbell Boys Red, blue Folks
Harrison Gents Purple, black Folks
Imperial Gangsters Pink, brown Folks
Insane Popes Black, blue Folks
La Raza Red, white, green Folks
Party People White, black Folks
Latin Disciples Blue, black Folks
Latin Dragons Black, green Folks
Latin Eagles Gray, black Folks
Latin Jivers Black, brown Folks
Latin Lovers Red, yellow Folks
Latin Souls Maroon, black Folks
Orchestra Albany Brown, yellow Folks
Simon City Royals Blue, black Folks
Spanish Cobras Green, black Folks
Satan Disciples Canary yellow, black Folks
Spanish Gangsters Light blue, black Folks
Two Sixers Tan, black Folks
Two Boys Black, blue Folks

Gangs With People Nation Affiliation
Bishops Copper, brown, black People
Black Stone Rangers Black, green, red People
Black P. Stone Nation Black, green, red People
Cullerton Deuces Gray, black, white People
Ek Rukns Black, red, green, gold People
Gaylords Gray, light blue, black People
Insane Deuces Green, black People
Insane Popes Black, blue People
Insane Unknowns Black, white People
Kents Gray, black People
Latin Counts Red, black People
Latin Kings Gold, black People
Latin Saints Blue, black People
Mickey Cobras Red, black People
Pachucos Black, white People
Puerto Rican Stones Black, orange People
Spanish Lords Black, red People
Vice Lords Black, red, green, gold People

Friday, July 2, 2010

Crips, Bloods and "Crack" The 1980's

crack bloodThe introduction of Crack or “Rock” Cocaine in the early 1980’s, had a monumental impact on changing the psyche of the Crip and Blood street gangs. The Crips versus Bloods wars continued, but the allure of making fast money selling “crack” became the highest priority. Members of both the Crips and the Bloods gangs, started selling “crack”.

They utilized the same “selling” methods they had always used when they sold PCP. Basically selling “crack” from street corners, parks, out of vehicles, etc. As “Crack” caught on, the gang members were overwhelmed at the demand. PCP had basically been just a “ghetto” drug, but “Crack” was different. Gang members had difficulty “rocking” it fast enough to keep up with the demand. “Crack” crossed all racial, economic and social barriers. It was not only attractive in the “ghetto”, but it was equally, if not more attractive, to those living in the suburbs. This drug was an instant money maker for these street gangs.

Gang members tried to devise various methods of distributing the “Crack” to accommodate the high volume of “customers”, without actually standing on the local “street corner” risking arrest themselves. As a result, a new phenomenon appeared in the South Central area. “Crack” Houses.

“Crack” houses were homes that had been modified to meet the needs of the drug dealers, plus be a place that would be easily accessible and convenient for the drug buyer. The windows and doors of these houses were all re-enforced with steel security bars. The front security screen door was usually covered with a metal mesh sheet with small holes, and a mail type slot. This allowed the dope dealer inside the house to see who was coming to the front door. It also prevented the buyer from identifying the actual person who was selling them the dope. The money and “Crack” would be exchanged through the “mail slot”. Note: the drug suppliers (gang leaders) themselves would never go into these houses for fear of being arrested.

Generally a few gang members would always be inside these houses. Their belief was that a few extra gang members would offer greater protection for their operation, plus if the house was ever raided by the police the dope could be destroyed easier and faster. In addition, the extra bodies made it more difficult for the police to identify the actual individual that distributed the drugs through the door. This would also make any potential prosecution a little more difficult.

Operating a “Crack” house was a new learning experience for both gangs and law enforcement. For law enforcement, the main problem was being able to enter the house expeditiously, before the drugs were destroyed. For the gang members, it was all about reducing the amount of cocaine that they would lose if their house were raided.

Law enforcement entry techniques developed through the trial and error method. Ever form of entry you could imagine was considered, and sometimes utilized. From rubber wheeled tank type vehicles ramming through the houses to vehicles with wenches pulling off the security bars were just a few. Naturally all of these early methods took time to set up and deploy. As a result they were basically ineffective, except for partially destroying the homes which had usually been rented.

As soon as gang members saw law enforcement setting up one of these types of warrant operations in their neighborhood, warning whistles could be heard throughout the area. The “Crack”, and the dealers were usually gone by the time these operations were set up and implemented. Over time entry techniques were developed that were reasonably stealth and very effective. Some small entry teams could be in a fortified “Crack” house in less than 30 seconds.

The gang drug leaders would initially furnish the houses with enough “Crack” to last a day or so. If law enforcement started to make entry they would immediately start flushing the rock down the toilet. The problem gangs encountered was that they could usually only flush one time, as the water had normally been cut off by law enforcement. A number of “rock” houses kept additional bottles of water on hand should this situation occur, but this was very cumbersome.

As law enforcement became more effective in their entry techniques, gang members cut back the available supply of “crack” to just a couple of hours to minimize any potential loss. They also found a better way of disposing of the “crack”. They would keep a large pan of water boiling on the stove. If law enforcement appeared, they would destroy the “crack” by putting it into the boiling water.

By the middle 1980’s the “Crack” house phenomenon was beginning to disappear. Pagers were becoming the newest rage for the drug dealers. The pagers opened up new methods and possibilities for distributing their “Crack” cocaine. Almost every gang member had his own pager.

Other noticeable changes begin occurring during this time frame. Drug distribution “territories”, along with the Crip and Blood gangster culture, started spreading throughout the city. Both Crips and Bloods begin vying for some of this new “virgin” territory. This caused inter gang violence to reach a fever pitch. Daily shootings became the norm. Eventually, Blood and Crip drug leaders found a common bond that they could all agree on. “Money”.

Some of the gangs that were in the forefront of “Crack” distribution were noticeably more visible, more powerful, and more dangerous. Money was coming into these neighborhoods faster than the gang members could spend it. Gang members bought everything from thoroughbred race horses, prize winning hogs, jewelry, to custom low riders, etc. Money was no object.

A few of these gangs were the:

Mob Piru “Mob James”, “Country Al”, Johnsons, et. al

Grape Street Crips “Honcho”, “Mcgill”, et. al

Santana Block & S/S Crips “Whiskey”, “Gangster”, “Turtle”, “Twins”, et. al

Wayne Day, aka “Honcho” had also purchased his own pager service. Various Crip and Blood gangs utilized his service. Most likely the Blood Gangs did not realize the pager service was owned by their rival “Honcho”.

Gang leaders, like “Honcho”, “Harry O”, McGill, McGowans, Johnsons, et. al, had greater dreams. They could see the potential financial windfall that they would reap if they were able to distribute Rock Cocaine throughout the nation. They followed up on those dreams. They started capitalizing on this lucrative nation wide drug distribution venture by relocating “home boys” in the major cities across America. They also knew the feared Los Angeles gang reputation would help them over come any local neighborhood resistance.

While gang members like “Honcho” were fulfilling their dreams of a nation wide “crack” distribution ring other gang members, like “Easy E”, etc., who had pockets full of drug money, wanted to be singing super stars. They used their drug money to rent studio time to chase those dreams.

Numerous other groups like “Eight Ball”, “NWA”, etc. also tried to break into the entertainment field. “NWA” (niggars with attitudes) were Crip gangsters from Compton. “NWA” was one of the first groups to be moderately successful with their “anti-establishment” gangster lyrics. They were also the forerunners of the successful Compton (Mob Piru, Atlantic Drive Crips, etc.) gangster rappers that appeared on the scene in the 90’s.

A nation wide “crack” distribution ring, spread of the Crip and Blood gangs throughout ever major city in America, and gangster rap was the legacy left by the “crack” dealing OG’s of the 1980’s.

Source: LASD Gangs - Curtis Jackson