Burned and abandoned structures: Every burned and abandoned structure shall be gutted. The city will purchase the property if not already owned by the city, and build a community centre. If the structure is on a corner or vacant lot, the city will build a career couselling centre or a recreation area respectively.
Repavement: All pavements/sidewalks in Los Angeles are in dire need of resurfacing. The Department of Transportation shall pay special attention to the pedestrian walkways and surface streets located in predominantly poor and minority areas. Our organisation will assist the city in the identification of all areas of concern.
Lighting: All lighting will be increased in all neighborhoods. Additionally, lighting of city streets, neighbourhood blocks and alleyways will be amended. We want a well-lit neighbourhood. All alleys shall be painted white or yellow by the building owners and alley lights will be installed at the cost of the owner.
Landscaping: All trees will be properly trimmed and maintained. We want all weeds/shrubbed areas to be cleaned up and properly nurtured. New trees will be planted to increase the beauty of our neighbourhoods
Sanitation: A special task force shall be assigned to clean up all vacant lots and trashed areas throughout the deprived areas. Proper pest control methods shall be implemented by the city. The city will declare a neighbourhood clean-up week wherein all residents will be responsible for their block -- a block captain will be assigned to ensure cooperation.
Blood/Crips Educational Proposal
1) Maximising education standards in the low income areas is essential to reduce the possibilities of repeated insurrection. The Blood/Crips propose that:
a) $300 million will go into the reconstruction and refurbishment of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) structures.
b) $200 million will be donated for computers, supplies and updated books (each student shall have necessary books).
c) All teachers’ salaries shall be no less than $30,000 a year to give them an incentive to education in our districts.
d) Re-election shall be held for all Los Angeles Board of Education members
2) Reconstruction shall include repainting, sandblasting and reconstruction of all LAUSD schools; remodelling of classrooms, repainting of hallways and meeting areas; all schools shall have new landscaping and more plants and trees around the schools; completely upgrade the bathrooms, making them more modern; provide a bathroom monitor to each bathroom which will provide fresh-up toiletries at a minimum cost to the students.
3) A provision for accelerated educational learning programmes shall be implemented for the entire LAUSD to provide aggressive teaching methods and provide a curriculum similar to non-economically deprived areas. Tutoring for all subjects will be made available to all students after school hours. It will be mandatory for all students with sub-level grades to participate.
In these after-school tutorial programmes, those students whose grades are up to par will receive federally funded bonus bonds that will be applied to their continued education upon graduation from high school. They will also receive bonus bonds for extra scholastic work towards assisting their fellow students. All institutions shall maintain a second shift of substitute teachers in the schools to enforce educational excellence.
Special financial bonuses shall be given to students who focus on education beyond the school’s requirement in the areas of applied maths and sciences. High achievers in these areas shall be granted a free trip to another country for educational exchange. Fifty students from each school will be granted this opportunity each year for an indefinite period.
4) The LAUSD will provide up-to-date books to the neglected areas and enough books to ensure that no student has to share a book with another.
5) LAUSD will remove all teachers not planning to further their education along with teachers who have not proven to have a passionate concern for the students. All teachers shall be given a standard competence test to verify they are up-to-date with subjects and modern teaching methods. Psychological testing will also be required for all teachers and educational administrations. All teachers shall be given a competency test verify they are up to date with subjects and modern testing methods.
6) All curriculums shall focus on the basics in high school requirements and it shall be inundated with advanced sciences and additional applied math, English and writing skills.
7) Bussing shall become non-existent in our community if all of the above demands are met.
Blood/Crips Human Welfare Proposal
Hospitals and Health Care Centres.: Federal government shall provide the deprived areas with three new hospitals and 40 additional health care centres. Dental clinics shall be made available with ten miles of each community. The services shall be free and supported by federal and state funds.
Welfare: We demand that welfare be removed from our community and welfare programmes be replaced by state work and product manufacturing plants that provide the city with certain supplies. State monies shall only be provided for invalids and the elderly. The State of California shall be provide a child welfare building to serve as day care centres for single parents.
Parks & Recreation: Los Angeles parks shall receive a complete face-lift, and developed activities and programmes in the parks throughout the night. Stages, pools and courts shall be reconstructed and resurfaced, and the city shall provide highly visible security 24-hours a day for these parks and recreational centres. Programmes at the parks shall be in accordance with educational programmes and social exchange programmes developed by the city for adults and young adults.
Blood/Crips Law Enforcement Programme
The Los Angeles Communities are demanding that they are policed and patrolled by individuals who live in the community and the commanding officers by ten-year residents of the community in which they serve. Former gang members shall be given a chance to be patrol buddies in assisting the protection of the neighbourhoods. These former gang members will be required to go through police training and must comply with all of the laws instituted by our established authorities. Uniforms will be issued to each and every member of the “buddy system”, however no weapons will be issued. All patrol units must have a buddy patrol notified and present in the event of a police matter. Each buddy patrol will be supplied with a video camera and will tape each event and the officers handling the police matter. The buddy patrol will not interfere with any police matter, unless instructed by a commanding officer. Each buddy patrol will also be supplied with a vehicle.
Blood/Crips Economic Development Proposal
Loans shall be made available by the federal and state governments to provide interested minority entrepreneurs interested in doing business in these deprived areas. The loan requirements shall not be so stringent that it will make it impossible for a businessman to acquire these loans. These loans shall not exceed a 4 per cent interest bearing charge per year. The businessman shall not be required to have security for the loan. However, the businessman must present at least two years of business operations and taxes, with a city licence before funds will be allocated. The owner must have either an established business desiring to expand or a sound business plan. Assistance for business plans shall be made available to these businessmen by the Small Business Administration. Additionally, the Small Business Administration will provide agents to help each business to develop a sound business plan from beginning to end. No one will be neglected in receiving adequate assistance. These business owners shall be required to hire 90 per cent of their personnel from within the community and the monies shall not be distributed in a lump sum. Funds will be released in increments outlined by the business plan. Any businessman that doesn’t conform to the hiring practices will have funding ceased until they conform.
In return for these demands, the Blood/Crips Organisation will:
1) Request the drug lords of Los Angeles take their monies and invest them in business and property in Los Angeles
2) Encourage these drug lords to stop drug traffic and get them to use the money constructively. We will match the funds of the state government appropriations and build building-for-building.
3) We will match funds for an Aids research and awareness centre in South Central and Long Beach that will only hire minority researchers and physicians in the Aids epidemic.
Meet these demands and the targeting of police officers will stop!
You have 72 hours for a response and a commitment, in writing, to support these demands. Additionally, you have 30 days to begin implementation. And, finally, you have four years to complete the projects of construction of the major hospitals and restorations
Give us the hammer and the nails, we will rebuild the city.
Budget demands:*
Proposals for LA’s Face-Lift: $2 billion
Education Proposal: $700 million
Law Enforcement Programme: $6 million
Economic Development Proposal: $20 million
Human Welfare Proposal: $1 billion
Total: $3.728 billion
*To be appropriated over and above existing appropriations
source: gangresearch.net
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