Wednesday, May 26, 2010

About the Blood Heart Group?

blood heart groupMission Statement:

The Blood Heart Gang and the Blood Heart Group teaches, inspires and gives back to our planet and all of its members.

Why the name Blood Heart Gang?
Due to its importance to life, Blood is associated with a large number of beliefs. Blood is a symbol for family relations: To be “related by blood” is to share ancestry or descendants. The reality is as members of the human race, we all share a common ancestry. We are all related and united by blood.

The heart is the center of the total “human” personality with reference to intuition, feeling, or emotion. It is the center of human sympathy, compassion, caring. Most importantly it is the center of love, the most powerful positive emotion that humans can possess.

The word “gang” is actually derived from the Hindi root word “gonge”, which described “a journey.” “Gang” is the journey that human beings need to embark on in order for us as a collective unit to start caring not only about each other, but about our entire planet that we occupy.

About the Blood Heart Group
The whole world witnessed a peaceful protest in Myanmar and the violent Junta response. We also watch as tensions rise in the Middle East and Africa. An old African proverb challenges, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Today’s world is smaller than ever. Today we are the village. We are the village when we choose to be more informed about a celebrity’s latest arrest than about our children’s education. WE are the village when we choose to deny our impact on the world because doing so would be inconvenient. WE are also the village when we decide to hope for the future and vote for change. In the past, it was considered the highest honor to be a teacher or the “reciter” of the stories that continue to pass on our heritage from one generation to another. These days, this honor and tradition has slowly faded.

BHG fully committed to change this. In the past, it was considered the highest honor to be a teacher or the “reciter” of the stories that continue to pass on our heritage from one generation to another. These days, this honor and tradition has slowly faded. We believe that as society changes, we must continue to change with society by inventing vehicles for delivering messages necessary for our mental and spiritual growth. We celebrate this innovation and creativity by highlighting those who have shaped the world by their strength, courage, and wisdom. We can’t think of a better way to do this then to create a clothing company that believes in our message without compromising the desire and need for having clothes that look like a “work of art”.

BHG is dedicated to making sure eons of culture and thought goes into every single piece of apparel. Blood Heart Clothing Group also promises to use organic, sustainable and environmentally friendly products and materials whenever possible.

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