Sunday, May 30, 2010

Virginia Fusion Center Bloods Street Gang Intelligence Report

blood street gangThe Bloods street gang has become one of the most violent and notorious criminal organizations, spreading its influence in the U.S. from coast to coast. A traditionally African American gang, Bloods membership today includes Caucasians, Hispanics, and Asians. Blood members are involved in a variety of criminal activities including murder, assault, robbery, and narcotics distribution. Nationally, gang membership in the Bloods has been estimated between 15,000 and 20,000 members.1 Blood sets range from highly organized and structured groups similar to the Italian Mafia to loosely organized cliques with little discipline and loyalty. The Bloods have grown in popularity over the years thanks in part to the proliferation of music, movies, and television shows glorifying the “gangsta” lifestyle as well as social networking sites and the vast amount of information on the gang available on the Internet. Current intelligence gathered by the Virginia Fusion Center and other law enforcement agencies indicates the Bloods are a significant criminal threat to the Commonwealth and will continue to grow in numbers and operational scope.


The Bloods, like many street gangs, have created a unique form of identification including language, apparel, tattoos, graffiti, and hand signs. The gang has created an entire subculture with variations from coast to coast and set to set.


Traditional Blood colors are red and black, but sets have been known to utilize green, brown, pink, beige, and orange as well. The colors a set chooses are determined by their influences, alliances, and preferences; however, a trend has also been noted where gangs are choosing to refrain from wearing their traditional red to deflect attention from law enforcement. Colors are worn as a sign of pride in their gang affiliation as well as an intimidation factor to non-gang members and rivals. Gang members will represent their set by “flagging,” or wearing bandanas. These bandanas or “flags” can be worn around the head, face, wrist, ankles, or in their back pocket. Having a flag is very significant to a gang member; typically flags are given at the time of initiation into the gang. It is considered disrespectful to let a flag fall on the ground and rival gang members will make a show of throwing their rival’s flag on the ground and stepping on it to show disrespect.

Beyond wearing flags to show their gang affiliation, Blood members often wear clothing, jewelry, and other accessories tied to their gang to represent their set. Any type of apparel in their traditional color of red can be exploited by gang members including clothing with cartoon characters and sports paraphernalia. Gang members may also wear handmade bead necklaces and modified rosaries in their gang colors.


Many gang members will have at least one gang related tattoo or branding. The photo to the left represents a “dog paw” and is typically made using the heated barrel of a handgun. The dog paws are very common on Bloods members and are often burned into the right shoulder or upper arm area. Gang members may refer to the dog paws as “triple Os” and the marks may be present in graffiti as well. Conventional Blood tattoos may include the word “blood,” the set name, fivepointed stars or crowns, the member’s street name, weapons, tear/blood drops, and pit bulls.19 The tattoo’s craftsmanship can range from crude jail or homemade designs to intricate professional work. Tattoos and brands, particularly the dog paws, may be given upon initiation into the gang, and they may also signify the rank of the member. When encountering suspected gang members, tattoos should be documented as they can reveal a member’s set affiliation, rank, involvement in criminal activity, and years of gang participation.

Gang Graffiti:

Graffiti has often been described as the “newspaper of the streets.” Careful analysis of gang graffiti can indicate the gang and set, the artist or tagger, their affiliation, rival gangs, and current gang activity. Gangs use graffiti to claim territory, and where there are several gangs present, graffiti may be marked out by rival gangs and replaced with their own. Gang members may also venture into their rival’s territory to deface property with graffiti as a sign of disrespect and a challenge to their rival. Typical gang graffiti is usually in a single color and will be simple in design. Complex and colorful graffiti is generally not gang related.


Hierarchy within the gang structure may take several different forms depending on the gang’s affiliation to the West or East Coast. Sets have been known to adopt a paramilitary structure as well as a mafia inspired hierarchy. Below are two examples of hierarchy used.

Southside Brim:
1. Triple OG
2. OG
3. Baby OG
4. OYG
5. Young Gangster
6. OBG
7. Baby Gangster

Nine Trey Gangsters:
1. Godfather
2. Big 020
3. Low 020
4. 5 Star General
5. 4 Star General
6. 3 Star General
7. 2 Star General
8. 1 Star General

Gang sets may use additional organizational structures including ranks of ministers, captains, and lieutenants. The head of the set is typically known as an Original Gangster (OG) or Godfather. The set leader may be in contact with other set leaders but the lower level soldiers may have no knowledge of other sets, their activities, or their leadership.

Blood sets that share set names with the larger West Coast14 and East Coast Bloods may not be directly connected to the larger gangs but usually have knowledge of the gang’s history and rules. Many Blood gangs operate as independent sets although members may know or be related to Bloods in other areas. Additionally, sets may be connected through inmates in the prison system. Many small local gangs’ ties to the larger Bloods sets may be tenuous at best. These smaller sets may mimic the culture of the Bloods in terms of colors, clothing, and tattoos; however, their membership and scope of criminal activity is primarily local.

Friday, May 28, 2010

New Blood Gang 2010

new blood gangThe images as chilling as they are heartbreaking: An infant with a semiautomatic handgun next to each tiny shoulder. A child no more than a year old decked out in blood-red gang gear.

"They call them Blood drops, stains, rims," a former Staten Island Bloods gang member said of the nicknames gang parents give their children.

Incredibly, parents "bless" and initiate their babies into violent gangs like the Crips and Bloods - teaching chubby little fingers to fold into gang signs even before the tots mouth their first words.

Drive-by shootouts, murder and drug deals have always been a sad part of gang life, but recruitment from one generation to the next has become more prominent in the city where gangs only started showing their might in the mid-1990s.

"We're seeing more children who are being exposed to the gang world because their parents are members," said Deanna Rodriguez, Brooklyn district attorney gang bureau chief.

"This is part of their identity," Rodriguez said. "As long as they can remember, they've been part of the Bloods, Crips or the Latin Kings. This is what life is and they don't understand the concept of what life is outside that."

NYPD statistics bear out the sad truth: There were 713 gang incidents in New York last year, up from 554 in 2006.

While city officials estimate there are about 17,000 known gang members here, experts say the actual number is double that - not even including small neighborhood gangs.

The nation's three biggest gang cities are Los Angeles, Chicago and New York, said Arlen Egley of the National Youth Gang Organization.

Some of the misguided parents think teaching little ones the gang life is cute. Others have learned the hard way.

"My first child - he was only 6 months old when he got blessed into it," said King Ironman, a Bronx member of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation gang.

Then the boy was killed in a drive-by shootout.

"The target was me ... he was only 2 years old," Ironman said.

Although he says he hasn't been active for nearly 10 years and now tries to talk young people out of joining gangs, Ironman still "blessed" two more sons into the predominantly Puerto Rican gang. "Families have to do that to be part of the nation," he said.

One son was blessed at St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Morningside Heights four years ago during a quasi-religious ceremony. "It's like a christening," he said. "The priest holds the baby and we say our prayer at the same time. We have to have the window open and the baby pointed toward the sun."

Once blessed, the child is given yellow beads - the gang's color.

"He's a true gangster. The way he acts with people, the way he just wants to beat you up and punch you," Iron said of the 4-year-old "Latin Prince" he hopes will preach peace within the gang.

One Espicopal priest who "blessed-in" about 300 children kids into the Association Neta and the Latin Kings said he did not see anything wrong with the ceremony.

"It's not a criminal organization," said the Rev. Luis Barrios, who is also a professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Barrios was removed from St. Mary's after tussling with his superiors in the Episcopal church.

"It's a street organization with the capacity to bring together young people in search of power, collective identity ... [and] belonging in the society that's rejecting them," Barrios said.

To get into a gang, a recruit often has to get beat up and hurt others to prove their loyalty, but born-in babies gain automatic acceptance.

"The ones that are born in have a little more power and respect," a 21-year-old former Brooklyn Crips member said. "I've seen little kids that you could tell their father is affiliated."

Crips parents refer to their kids' birthdays as "C-Day," instead of "B-Day," so as not to glorify the rival Bloods, he said.

Kids who grow up with gang parents are likely to become bullies at a young age, said Andrew Grascia, president of the New York State Gang Investigators.

"No child is born evil. They're taught evil things," he said. "You're taking a young, very fragile child who's being taught crime by the people who are supposed to secure and

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

About the Blood Heart Group?

blood heart groupMission Statement:

The Blood Heart Gang and the Blood Heart Group teaches, inspires and gives back to our planet and all of its members.

Why the name Blood Heart Gang?
Due to its importance to life, Blood is associated with a large number of beliefs. Blood is a symbol for family relations: To be “related by blood” is to share ancestry or descendants. The reality is as members of the human race, we all share a common ancestry. We are all related and united by blood.

The heart is the center of the total “human” personality with reference to intuition, feeling, or emotion. It is the center of human sympathy, compassion, caring. Most importantly it is the center of love, the most powerful positive emotion that humans can possess.

The word “gang” is actually derived from the Hindi root word “gonge”, which described “a journey.” “Gang” is the journey that human beings need to embark on in order for us as a collective unit to start caring not only about each other, but about our entire planet that we occupy.

About the Blood Heart Group
The whole world witnessed a peaceful protest in Myanmar and the violent Junta response. We also watch as tensions rise in the Middle East and Africa. An old African proverb challenges, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Today’s world is smaller than ever. Today we are the village. We are the village when we choose to be more informed about a celebrity’s latest arrest than about our children’s education. WE are the village when we choose to deny our impact on the world because doing so would be inconvenient. WE are also the village when we decide to hope for the future and vote for change. In the past, it was considered the highest honor to be a teacher or the “reciter” of the stories that continue to pass on our heritage from one generation to another. These days, this honor and tradition has slowly faded.

BHG fully committed to change this. In the past, it was considered the highest honor to be a teacher or the “reciter” of the stories that continue to pass on our heritage from one generation to another. These days, this honor and tradition has slowly faded. We believe that as society changes, we must continue to change with society by inventing vehicles for delivering messages necessary for our mental and spiritual growth. We celebrate this innovation and creativity by highlighting those who have shaped the world by their strength, courage, and wisdom. We can’t think of a better way to do this then to create a clothing company that believes in our message without compromising the desire and need for having clothes that look like a “work of art”.

BHG is dedicated to making sure eons of culture and thought goes into every single piece of apparel. Blood Heart Clothing Group also promises to use organic, sustainable and environmentally friendly products and materials whenever possible.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Deal With Gang Violence

naji gangIn South Los Angeles, many community-based programs are actively working on gang reduction and intervention. These programs, often run by members of the community, make the necessary links between gang membership and societal factors, such as poverty, high unemployment rates, family dysfunction, racism and a lack of positive role models and educational opportunities, using a variety of strategies to address these underlying causes.

In the Schools and After School

Many organizations offer a combination of prevention and intervention, centering their efforts on reaching youth. Based in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Watts, Kush has been working to curb gang violence since 1999. Its employees are all former or current neighborhood residents who provide positive role models and an alternative to gang membership. Kush offers a gang intervention program that teaches life skills to gang members and young gang-affiliated parolees. Kush’s gang prevention workshops, “Kush Rites,” are tailored to local students and include a mentoring service.

The Venice 2000/H.E.L.P.E.R. organization has a slate of programs, including the Safe Passage program for middle school students and Venice High Safe Passage for students entering and leaving high school. Its Amer-I-Can program teaches self-determination and self-improvement skills. Founded by personal safety and conflict abatement instructor Aquil Basheer, who is featured in CRIPS AND BLOODS, Maximum Force provides gang intervention education to students and community workers, teaching high-risk youth the skills to act without violence in crisis situations.

Community-Based Grassroots Outreach

Unity One, Unity T.W.O. and Unity Three are part of a grassroots network of community-based organizations that work in various L.A. neighborhoods towards gang prevention and intervention, often working at the street level to decrease gang violence and sustain gang ceasefire agreements. Former gang member Bo Taylor, also featured in CRIPS AND BLOODS, founded the organization in the aftermath of the 1992 uprising. Unity One first reaches at-risk individuals through crisis intervention techniques, then teaches decision-making and life management skills to students, community members and detention center inmates.

Aqueela Sherrills, a gang intervention consultant with the Urban Leadership Institute, was raised in the Jordan Downs housing project and has been instrumental in establishing the Community Self-Determination Institute, a Watts-based social-profit agency that has helped sustain peace settlement between gang factions, and the Reverence Movement, a peace-based consulting company.

Advocates 4 Peace & Urban Unity (APUU) focuses on self empowerment and self sufficiency for local youth through community-based outreach and after-school activities. Members are associated with organizations like Venice 2000 and Maximum Force. Compton-based Project Cry No More, whose director Vicky Lindsey was featured in CRIPS AND BLOODS, provides crucial emotional and informational support to families and loved ones of homicide victims. The organization holds bi-monthly support meetings and monthly mothers’ potlucks.

Working with Law Enforcement

Former gang member Skipp Townsend founded 2nd Call to re-educate youth, facilitating life management skills training in L.A. high schools. Townsend has also helped train Los Angeles police and fire department members in gang intervention.

Central Recovery and Development Project (CRDP) is a nonprofit, anti-crime organization founded in 1991. In addition to the CRDP’s gang intervention and mediation programs, the organization partnered with local church members to organize the “Stop the Killin’” campaign in 2002, staging community actions at the sites of gang-related homicides in South L.A. CRDP has organized events, such as peace march vigils, in conjunction with the Los Angeles Police Department.

Tattoo Removal

CleanSlate is one of several organizations, including Homies Unidos, offering tattoo removal services on an affordable sliding scale for former gang members who participate in one of its workshops. Removing a visible gang tattoo can be considered a physical reflection of “starting a new life.” Homies Unidos is part of a network of organizations focusing on gang intervention among Latino youth. The organization began working in L.A. in 1997, and also has roots in anti-violence work in El Salvador.

Funding Services

University of Southern California football coach Pete Carroll founded A Better LA, which sponsors such activities as Moonlight Basketball, a basketball league featuring players from a range of South L.A. neighborhoods. Although A Better LA was not founded by South L.A. community members, it funds efforts towards community building—the idea for the league was proposed by the organization Unity One.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

CRIPS AND BLOODS: Made in America

A cluster of neighborhoods in the heart of Southern California is home to two of America's most infamous gangs: the Crips and the Bloods. Over the course of their 40-year feud, more than 15,000 people have been murdered in an ongoing cycle of violence that continues unabated. Neighborhoods are staked out, and rigid boundaries are drawn; crossing a street or taking a wrong turn can mean death. Nearly a quarter of the region’s young men who survive the violence will end up in jail or prison.

Narrated by Forest Whitaker, CRIPS AND BLOODS: Made in America combines in-depth interviews with current and former gang members, educators, historians, family members and experts with historical and present-day footage to graphically portray the rivalry between African American gangs in South Los Angeles. Three former gang members—Ron, Bird and Kumasi—recount their experiences growing up in the neighborhood in the 1950s, when segregation kept blacks and whites strictly separated, both by police-enforced neighborhood boundaries and in public organizations like the Boy Scouts. Young black males began forming their own groups, clubs where they could find a sense of belonging. Fighting between rival clubs became part of that culture, but the only weapons then were a strong pair of fists.

The 1950s were a period of black prosperity in Los Angeles, fed by the abundance of industry-based jobs. By the end of the decade, however, those industries began to disappear, resulting in high rates of unemployment. This downward economic spiral along with years of prejudice, racial profiling and heavy-handed police methods, produced an explosive situation. In 1965, a routine traffic stop erupted into full-scale civil conflict on the streets of Watts. The FBI killed and jailed many leaders of the era’s Black Pride Movement, and without strong leadership to steer youth in positive directions, gangs became active once more. This time, their weapons were guns.

In the film, current gang members describe gang life and the status, protection and other benefits membership gives them, painting a bleak picture of the physical, social and personal devastation that is the hallmark of South Los Angeles. Academics and other experts, including California State Senator Tom Hayden and author Gerald Horne, suggest ways of solving underlying problems, rather than just attacking gang-related street violence. Meanwhile, the most promising solutions may come from the people in the neighborhood itself, where former gang members and other concerned individuals have taken on the task of working with young people and providing a positive alternative to gang membership.

Director Stacy Peralta (Dogtown and Z Boys, Riding Giants) brings his trademark dynamic visual style and storytelling ability to this often-ignored chapter of America's history. Hard-hitting, yet ultimately hopeful, CRIPS AND BLOODS not only documents the emergence of the Bloods and the Crips and their growth beyond the borders of South Central, but also offers insight as to how this continuing tragedy might be resolved.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

104 Are Arrested in Connection With Crips-Bloods Alliance

crips_bloodsThe Flocc street gang had an unusual mix of members. It formed out of an alliance, law enforcement officials said, between two groups that have traditionally been rivals: the Crips and the Bloods.

As the gang muscled its way into the drug trade in Far Rockaway and South Jamaica, Queens, and police officers on foot patrols started proving a nuisance to their business, at least one of their members hatched a plan to shoot them from a rooftop, the officials said.

On Friday, law enforcement authorities announced dozens of arrests as a result of a two-year investigation into the gang that they said tied it to at least 2 murders, 11 shootings, a home-invasion robbery and the distribution of cocaine and heroin.

The investigation included thousands of hours of wiretap surveillance by the Police Department’s gang squad and the Queens district attorney’s narcotics investigations bureau.

The investigation began as an examination of narcotics trafficking by Crips and Bloods gangs in the area, officials said. But last year, investigators determined that four gangs with Crips affiliations had joined forces with individual Blood members to create a gang known as Flocc, a derivation of the word “flock,” with the “k” replaced by a “c” for Crip.

The police said 104 people had been arrested and 8 were still being sought. Investigators also seized 60 guns, including AK-47s, Uzi submachine guns and dozens of semiautomatic handguns and revolvers.

Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly and the Queens district attorney, Richard A. Brown, stood before a table covered with guns on Friday at 1 Police Plaza to announce the arrests. One of the guns displayed was referred to by the police as a 9-millimeter assault rifle.

That was the rifle the police say Keith Livingston, 40, of South Jamaica, planned to use to shoot officers on foot patrol in Jamaica. The police arrested him in September after hearing him discuss his plans on a wiretapped phone, they said. He has pleaded not guilty to charges of criminal possession of a weapon and conspiracy.

The investigation also led to the arrest of Farrad Smith, 23, a former correction officer who the police say was storing weapons for high-ranking gang members. Police officers searching his Far Rockaway apartment said they found a 9-millimeter pistol that had been stolen from another correction officer, a 12-gauge shotgun and a loaded AK-47.

The police said they arrested the leaders of all four gangs tied to Flocc, including the person officials said was the leader of the entire operation, Gquan Lloyd, 23. He has been charged with criminal possession of a weapon and possession of stolen property. He was being held on $350,000 bail.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Vancouver RCMP Blood Gang Investigation

vancouver RCMPAn Edmonton police officer who testified at the Ian Bush inquest in Houston in July says he was recently threatened by a Vancouver RCMP member.

Const. Joe Slemko's testimony cast doubt on whether RCMP Const. Paul Koester, who shot Bush during a struggle, told the truth.

Considered by many to be Canada's pre-eminent blood-spatter expert, Slemko said yesterday he was threatened by an RCMP sergeant at a police conference in San Antonio, Texas.

"It was pretty tense because it was our international blood-stain conference," Slemko said.

He said he and the RCMP sergeant were checking out of the hotel when the threat was made.

"There were only the two of us standing there and it was a little uncomfortable," said Slemko. "I said I hope next year is a little better for us both.

"He reached over and shook my hand and said, 'I hope we can do for you what you've done to us.'

"I said, 'Is that fair? It's all part of the game.'

"He says, 'It's not a game. You watch your back!'"

Slemko said he doesn't "anticipate a physical threat from them, but basically, they were going to get back at me in some form."

There's no doubt in his mind the incident arose from the Bush case.

"He works out of the the same office as the blood-stain analyst who testified [for the RCMP] in the Bush case," said Slemko, who has not filed a complaint.

RCMP watchdog Paul Kennedy is to release his report into the force's handling of the Bush case today.


The RCMP have complained about Const. Joe Slemko before.

After testifying as an expert witness for the defence at a preliminary hearing in a murder trial that led to charges against the accused being dropped, an angry RCMP staff-sergeant alleged that Slemko was in a conflict of interest and should be punished. The Edmonton Police Commission ordered the matter be dropped, but Slemko no longer provides blood-stain analysis for the Edmonton police. He now works as a private expert for hire.

Slemko is also part of a chorus of voices calling for civilian oversight of the RCMP. "Every other agency in Canada is going in that direction," he says.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

West Side Rollin' 20s NeighborHood Blood

blood gangstersBrief History: In the 1950s there was a gang in this area called Blood Alley on Cordova Street near the Santa Monica Freeway. In the early 1970s when black gangs resurged, the youth continued the Blood identity. They identified as Neighborhood, then Neighborhood Blood, then Neighborhood Rollin 20s Blood. They eventually developed in 5 subsets, 25th, 27th, 29th, 2nd Avenues (SAG), and Black Demon Soldiers (BDS).

This neighborhood is briefly mentioned in Chapter 6 of Eight Tray Gangster Crip (83rd GC) member, Sanyika Shakur's (Kody Scott) book, Monster: The Autobiography of an L.A. Gang Member, 1993. Shakur recalls a night taking the bus from downtown Los Angeles to his neighborhood in South LA where he discusses neighborhoods that he traveled through.

In Chapter 5 of Steve Herbert's, Policing Space, 1997 he recalls this neighborhood as he was researching the LAPD for eight months in Los Angeles and in City of Quartz, 1990 by Mike Davis, he mentions in Chapter 5, how an unarmed innocent affiliate of this neighborhood was shot on Adams Boulevard by the LAPD on April 5, 1988.

Journalist Kathy Braidhill wrote Where the Boyz Are for "Los Angeles Magazine" in January 1998 where she mentions this neighborhood and others.

The NHood 20s have the largest territory of any Blood gang in Los Angeles County, and have the 3rd largest neighborhood of black gangs in LA County. They were once closely associated with Hoover Family, a neighborhood by Hoover Park on Adams and Hoover, but they faded out around 1978.


Friday, May 14, 2010

Miller Gangsters Bloods 2010

mgbThe Miller Gangster Bloods are an African American street gang formed in the east side of South Central, Los Angeles in the 1970's. Their territory reaches south of the 105 Freeway to 120th Street in the south (the 120 Miller Gangsters being the largest sub set), between Avalon Blvd. (west) and Central Avenue (east). The E/S MGB are close allies of the Athens Park Bloods (graffiti barring the tag Athens Miller is a strong indication of this alliance) and are considered enemies of the 118th East Coast Blocc Crips', 116th Avalon Gangster Crips, Holmes Street Watts Crips, 104 Hard Time Hustler Crips and the 116th Kitchen Crips. East Coast founder of the United Blood Nation O.G Mack claimed to have family in this gang who supposedly sanctioned him to start his own chapter of the Bloods in New York City.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mad Swan Bloods 2010

msbBrief History:The Swans are believed to have been started by Elvis, aka Dead Arm Elvis around 1973. He was eventually killed at Manchester Park several years later but his legend is well known. The Swans were first known as the 77 Main Street Swans in the early 1970s before they were known as Bloods and they were once allied with the Main Street Crips in the area.

Before the Swans were established in this area, the Castle Crips were active but they have since faded. The Swan neighborhood is around Fremont High School and this is where Raymond Washington started his first Crip set back in 1970 when he lived on 76th Street. Over the years, the Swans had formed four sub clicks; 77th Street, 79th Street, 80th Street, and 84th Street. They have two more clicks (89/92) with the Family Swan Bloods located immediately to the south.

Although Pee Wee from 80 Swan is currently on death row awaiting execution, some members of the Swams have been actively involved with trying to establish peace among different neighborhoods. These members have formed an organization called Unity T.W.O Inc., a gang intervention organization aimed at preventing gang violence in the community.

Former NFL wide receiver Charles Jordan was from this neighborhood and continued to claim it when he was on the Miami Dolphins in 1997. Star NBA point guard Baron Davis grew up in this neighborhood and supports a basketball program in the Swans community.

In the documentary film "Made in America" directed by Stacy Peralta, Swan member Shaka was featured along with people from several other Los Angeles sets.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Dalton Gangster Bloods 2010

dgbBrief History: This neighborhood is not active and faded out in the mid 1980s but here is the run down on Dalton Gangster Bloods as told by one of their early members.

In mid 1977 a family moved on to Dalton Avenue, the oldest brother was an Athens Park Bloods (APB) member. At this time there was no real gang activity on Dalton Avenue between King Blvd and Vernon Avenue. There were Rollin' 30 Harlem Crips and Denker Park Crips just to the north who knew people in the area, and there was actually a time when we organized street football games with 30's on Dalton. During one of these games tempers flared and the word BLOOD was thrown out toward a Denker Park player. More words were passed, some pushing and shoving, and within two days word got around that DALTON was occupied by BLOOD gang members.

These were the very beginning days of the history of Dalton Gangster Bloods. There were "INFORMAL' contacts between various 30's and "DALTON BOYS" but at this time there was no official gang activity in progress on Dalton.

When a particular Harlem Crip decided that he would get to the bottom of things on Dalton, a conflict came about between him and the APB member. It was a one-on-one fistfight. Needless to say the fight ended with the Harlem Crip vowing to return with some homies to get a little payback. Naturally, it being a head-up fight, everybody on Dalton thought it uncool to threaten neighbor/friend.

Things went on this way until 1978 when another family moved in whose oldest brother was a Centinella Park Blood from Inglewood. The brother under him was a VAN NESS Blood (VNG) member. It was at this time that actual violent conflicts began to occur between Harlem 30's and the Dalton residents. It came about that a younger brother in this family was having a bad time with certain Crips in the area. He was a very good friend and street football companion. His cause was taken up by several residents on Dalton and at this point a definite Blood allegiance was formed. The "Dalton Boys" and then the Dalton Gangster (in aligning itself with the Van Ness Gangster's). Naturally Blood was added to the end to show allegiance.

There were members who thought of DGB's as an extension of the VNG's. There are actually some who still say that, some that have actually crossed over and now claim VNG. There are still a few however that saw these two neighborhoods as allied, but seperate. These were "42 DALTON GANGSTER BRIMS", the boundries were Dalton Av between King Bl and Vernon Av. 42nd Place being in the middle of these two blocks. Though everyone here were all "Dalton Boys" the absolute proper name is "42 DALTON GANGSTA' BRIMS".

By the mid 1980s many members moved, or began claiming VNG and the Rollin 40s Crip eventually occupied the area.


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Denver Lane Bloods 2010

dblThe Denver Lane Bloods in Los Angeles have two different neighborhoods in the County, one in South LA and the other in the City of Pasadena. In LA, their neighborhood is represented by three clicks, 106th Street, 108th Street, and 109th Street and they are located near Figueroa & Century. Allhood Magazine covered the history of denver lanes.he Denver Lanes.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Blood Knowledge 2010


Sunday, May 2, 2010


crips and bloodsBloods/Crips proposal for LA’s face-lift

Burned and abandoned structures: Every burned and abandoned structure shall be gutted. The city will purchase the property if not already owned by the city, and build a community centre. If the structure is on a corner or vacant lot, the city will build a career couselling centre or a recreation area respectively.

Repavement: All pavements/sidewalks in Los Angeles are in dire need of resurfacing. The Department of Transportation shall pay special attention to the pedestrian walkways and surface streets located in predominantly poor and minority areas. Our organisation will assist the city in the identification of all areas of concern.

Lighting: All lighting will be increased in all neighborhoods. Additionally, lighting of city streets, neighbourhood blocks and alleyways will be amended. We want a well-lit neighbourhood. All alleys shall be painted white or yellow by the building owners and alley lights will be installed at the cost of the owner.

Landscaping: All trees will be properly trimmed and maintained. We want all weeds/shrubbed areas to be cleaned up and properly nurtured. New trees will be planted to increase the beauty of our neighbourhoods
Sanitation: A special task force shall be assigned to clean up all vacant lots and trashed areas throughout the deprived areas. Proper pest control methods shall be implemented by the city. The city will declare a neighbourhood clean-up week wherein all residents will be responsible for their block -- a block captain will be assigned to ensure cooperation.

Blood/Crips Educational Proposal

1) Maximising education standards in the low income areas is essential to reduce the possibilities of repeated insurrection. The Blood/Crips propose that:

a) $300 million will go into the reconstruction and refurbishment of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) structures.
b) $200 million will be donated for computers, supplies and updated books (each student shall have necessary books).
c) All teachers’ salaries shall be no less than $30,000 a year to give them an incentive to education in our districts.
d) Re-election shall be held for all Los Angeles Board of Education members

2) Reconstruction shall include repainting, sandblasting and reconstruction of all LAUSD schools; remodelling of classrooms, repainting of hallways and meeting areas; all schools shall have new landscaping and more plants and trees around the schools; completely upgrade the bathrooms, making them more modern; provide a bathroom monitor to each bathroom which will provide fresh-up toiletries at a minimum cost to the students.

3) A provision for accelerated educational learning programmes shall be implemented for the entire LAUSD to provide aggressive teaching methods and provide a curriculum similar to non-economically deprived areas. Tutoring for all subjects will be made available to all students after school hours. It will be mandatory for all students with sub-level grades to participate.

In these after-school tutorial programmes, those students whose grades are up to par will receive federally funded bonus bonds that will be applied to their continued education upon graduation from high school. They will also receive bonus bonds for extra scholastic work towards assisting their fellow students. All institutions shall maintain a second shift of substitute teachers in the schools to enforce educational excellence.

Special financial bonuses shall be given to students who focus on education beyond the school’s requirement in the areas of applied maths and sciences. High achievers in these areas shall be granted a free trip to another country for educational exchange. Fifty students from each school will be granted this opportunity each year for an indefinite period.

4) The LAUSD will provide up-to-date books to the neglected areas and enough books to ensure that no student has to share a book with another.

5) LAUSD will remove all teachers not planning to further their education along with teachers who have not proven to have a passionate concern for the students
. All teachers shall be given a standard competence test to verify they are up-to-date with subjects and modern teaching methods. Psychological testing will also be required for all teachers and educational administrations. All teachers shall be given a competency test verify they are up to date with subjects and modern testing methods.

6) All curriculums shall focus on the basics in high school requirements and it shall be inundated with advanced sciences and additional applied math, English and writing skills.

7) Bussing shall become non-existent in our community if all of the above demands are met.

Blood/Crips Human Welfare Proposal

Hospitals and Health Care Centres.: Federal government shall provide the deprived areas with three new hospitals and 40 additional health care centres. Dental clinics shall be made available with ten miles of each community. The services shall be free and supported by federal and state funds.

Welfare: We demand that welfare be removed from our community and welfare programmes be replaced by state work and product manufacturing plants that provide the city with certain supplies. State monies shall only be provided for invalids and the elderly. The State of California shall be provide a child welfare building to serve as day care centres for single parents.

Parks & Recreation: Los Angeles parks shall receive a complete face-lift, and developed activities and programmes in the parks throughout the night. Stages, pools and courts shall be reconstructed and resurfaced, and the city shall provide highly visible security 24-hours a day for these parks and recreational centres. Programmes at the parks shall be in accordance with educational programmes and social exchange programmes developed by the city for adults and young adults.

Blood/Crips Law Enforcement Programme

The Los Angeles Communities are demanding that they are policed and patrolled by individuals who live in the community and the commanding officers by ten-year residents of the community in which they serve. Former gang members shall be given a chance to be patrol buddies in assisting the protection of the neighbourhoods. These former gang members will be required to go through police training and must comply with all of the laws instituted by our established authorities. Uniforms will be issued to each and every member of the “buddy system”, however no weapons will be issued. All patrol units must have a buddy patrol notified and present in the event of a police matter. Each buddy patrol will be supplied with a video camera and will tape each event and the officers handling the police matter. The buddy patrol will not interfere with any police matter, unless instructed by a commanding officer. Each buddy patrol will also be supplied with a vehicle.

Blood/Crips Economic Development Proposal

Loans shall be made available by the federal and state governments to provide interested minority entrepreneurs interested in doing business in these deprived areas. The loan requirements shall not be so stringent that it will make it impossible for a businessman to acquire these loans. These loans shall not exceed a 4 per cent interest bearing charge per year. The businessman shall not be required to have security for the loan. However, the businessman must present at least two years of business operations and taxes, with a city licence before funds will be allocated. The owner must have either an established business desiring to expand or a sound business plan. Assistance for business plans shall be made available to these businessmen by the Small Business Administration. Additionally, the Small Business Administration will provide agents to help each business to develop a sound business plan from beginning to end. No one will be neglected in receiving adequate assistance. These business owners shall be required to hire 90 per cent of their personnel from within the community and the monies shall not be distributed in a lump sum. Funds will be released in increments outlined by the business plan. Any businessman that doesn’t conform to the hiring practices will have funding ceased until they conform.
In return for these demands, the Blood/Crips Organisation will:

1) Request the drug lords of Los Angeles take their monies and invest them in business and property in Los Angeles
2) Encourage these drug lords to stop drug traffic and get them to use the money constructively. We will match the funds of the state government appropriations and build building-for-building.
3) We will match funds for an Aids research and awareness centre in South Central and Long Beach that will only hire minority researchers and physicians in the Aids epidemic.


Meet these demands and the targeting of police officers will stop!
You have 72 hours for a response and a commitment, in writing, to support these demands. Additionally, you have 30 days to begin implementation. And, finally, you have four years to complete the projects of construction of the major hospitals and restorations

Give us the hammer and the nails, we will rebuild the city.

Budget demands:*

Proposals for LA’s Face-Lift: $2 billion
Education Proposal: $700 million
Law Enforcement Programme: $6 million
Economic Development Proposal: $20 million
Human Welfare Proposal: $1 billion
Total: $3.728 billion

*To be appropriated over and above existing appropriations
