Thursday August 29, 2002 - 23h04 GMT
New York, August 29 (AFP) - the founder and head of the famous gang new-yorkais of the "Bloods", one of most frightening of the United States, was considered to be guilty and risks the prison with life, indicated to Thursday the federal prosecutor of Manhattan.
In an official statement, James Comey specifies that Omar Portee, known as "OG Mack", was recognized guilty by a jury of the court of Manhattan of ten heads of inculpation and incurs the perpetual reclusion without possibility of release on word. Its sorrow will be marked later on by judge Naomi Reice Buchwald.
"OG Mack" had been challenged in February 2001 in New York.
Two of its principal lieutenants, Gary Jackson (known as "OG G") and Lemrey Andrews, known as" Bloody Pimp ", also were considered to be guilty and risk the prison with life.
"United Blood Nation", often represented with the cinema in films putting in scene urban violence in the East of the United States, was born according to the Prosecutor in 1993 in the prison of Rickers Island, in the wearing of New York.
Omar Portee, which carries nicknames as evocative as "the godfather", "thepowerful one", "Corridor of died" or "Killer of import-who", founded this group in order to "become powerful within the prison population".
With the image of the Maffia, the gang is divided into cells directed by a "godfather", his lieutenants called "OG" (for "Gangsta Original") and of the" soldiers ".
With its release, "O G Mack" joined its district of Bronx where it is cut, thanks to its violence and to the recourse to weapons like machine pistols AK 47, an empire in drug, the racket and the prostitution.
It was condemned in particular to have ordered the assassination of rival members of gangs, like "Kings Latin" or to have tortured with the blade of a knife heated with white a member female of the gang ("bloodettes") which refused to continue to take part in a swindle with the credit card.
Bloods invented a code made of gestures and signs of the hand, also popularized to him by certain black films, in order to communicate without whoever foreign with the gang being able to include/understand.
Always present forces some in certain districts of Bronx and from Brooklyn, its members often carry red ("blood "wants to say" blood") and raise on the head, around the neck or in the pocket of their too large jeans of the scarlet scarves.
"Bloods are most significant and most resistant gang of New York City" commented on the prosecutor. "These judgments will dismantle its hierarchy, to pose serious problems of organization to him and significantly to decrease its base of being able in New York".
The police force new-yorkaise created a powerful anti-gangs unit of streets and multiplied during last years the operations against Bloods, without however entirely arriving to the éradiquer.
They do not make however any more reign terror in the prisons new-yorkaises, which they had put out of cut regulated about the middle of the years
source: www.freerepublic.com
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