Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Knowledge is not a good family

blood piru knowledge, good familyYoung people join gangs for a variety of reasons. Extraordinary reason for children to join is to respond to needs not met by their family, school or the environment. Here are some reasons why young men decide to become involved with gangs.

* Naivete
* Attention
* Low self-esteem
* The desire for friendship and a sense of belonging
* Love
* Pressure
* Respect
* Fear /
* Please protection
* Feeling of Power
* Victims of poverty or inequality
* Family Tradition
* Joy
* Access to drugs, weapons, sex and money
* The belief that life gang visit Excel
* Family problems / lack of positive communication
* There is little or no adult supervision - there is no role model
* Idealization of thug life by the media (film, television, music industry)

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