Monday, November 30, 2009

Blood Signs and Symbols

signs and symbolsSigns and symbols are very important to street gangs and the prison gang culture. These signs and symbols are the basis for most graffiti and are used by gangs to advertise their gang or to intimidate and disrespect rival gangs. Signs and symbols may also be found, in the case of student aged young people, on book bags, in books, school papers, and even clothing.

These symbols may be seen in many forms. Some are known universally, such as a heart, a pyramid, a walking cane or a five or six pointed star. These symbols have all been adopted by gangs and have become nationally known to represent certain gangs. Other symbols have been created or drawn and have also become well known.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Latin kings Gang Sign

blood piru knowledge, latin kings gang signThe Latin Kings are said to be the largest and most organized Hispanic street gang in the United States of America, which has its roots dating back to the 1940s in Chicago, Illinois. Latin King documents that Reveal Gino Gustavo Colon (aka "Lord Gino") is considered the "SUN" of the Almighty Latin King Nation in Chicago, and has been for a long time. Currently he is serving a life sentence in federal prison due to a 25-count indictment, which includes charges of conspiracy to distribute cocaine and other drugs. Latin King headquarters is located on Beach and Spaulding in Northwest Chicago.

Luis Felipe (aka King Blood) started his own chapter of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation with the permission of his superiors in Chicago, the "Motherland". He designated himself as Inca and Supreme Crown of the New York State. In 1995 Antonio Fernandez (aka King Tone) was designated the Inca and Supreme Crown of the New York State and New Jersey, and the ALKQN once again began a transformation.

Chicago Latin Kings

The Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation (ALKQN, ALKN, LKN) is the largest Hispanic street gang in the United States. Unlike MS-13 and 18th Street gang, whose great portion of gang membership exists in Mexico, Central and South America-the majority of the Latin Kings Reside within the United States. The ALKN has over 25.000 members in the city of Chicago, with another ten to fifteen thousand members in the surrounding suburbs of Illinois. They also have organized chapters of the Latin Kings in over 41 states and several Latin American and European countries: Mexico, Spain, Dominican Republic, Canada, Italy, Ecuador, Peru, Puerto Rico, United Kingdom and others. Latin Kings are mostly of Latino descent, with some Black, White, Asian and Middle Eastern members as well.

Organizational structure

The Latin Kings have a hierarchical organizational structure, and they have sets in numerous states across the country. These sets are referred to as "chapters" or "tribes", with each reporting to an Inca, Caciqa, Enforcer and Regional Officer. The head (or heads) of the entire criminal organization are known as "Coronas" (crowns in Spanish).


A painting of a Latin King emblem promoting Latino Solidarity and "Justice to the People"

The Almighty Latin Kings first emerged in Chicago in the 1940s after several young Puerto Rican males organized into a self-defense group to protect their community and to unite all Latinos into a collective struggle against "oppression". Their goal was to help each other overcome the problems of Racism and prejudice that newly arriving Puerto Rican and Mexican immigrants were experiencing and to serve as a vanguard for their communities.

Like the Black Panthers, the Young Lords, and so many other groups that struggled for political empowerment, the Latin Kings were broken as a movement. They lost touch with their roots and grew into one of the largest and most criminal Infamous Gangs in America. The group's members became involved in crimes including murder, drug trafficking, robberies and other organized criminal activities.

Violence is the hallmark of the Latin Kings. In their Beginnings, when they were not great in size, their brutal history and propensity for violence distinguished them from other Latino Gangs in Chicago, making them equal players with the larger Black "Super Gangs", such as the Gangster Disciples, the Almighty Vice Lord Nation and the Black P. Stones. They also played an equal role in the formation of the People Nation. In recent times, the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation has grown to be the second largest hall in size and has hitherto been recognized as the most violent street gang in the Chicagoland area - the Gangster Disciples being the largest.


A member of the Latin Kings showing tattoo of a crowned lion

The Latin King colors are black and gold; gang markings consist of a 5 or 3-point crown, writings of LK, Alk, ALKN, ALKQN abbreviations (or the whole words), and drawings of the Lion and / or the King Master. Latin King Symbolism is usually accompanied with the name and number of the chapter, region or city of the aisle. The Latin Kings are of the People Nation, and therefore, represent everything to the "right" in opposition to the "left", which is representative of the "Folk Nation".


The Latin Kings teach Latino pride and all members are encouraged to live in accordance with the principles of KINGISM (a morally driven awareness of social oppression and the desire to uplift their people to their rightful place: "amongst the thrones of Kings and Queens") . The Latin Kings operate under strict codes and guidelines that are conveyed in a lengthy constitution [5] and follow the Teachings of the ALKQN Manifesto [6], which was written by highly intellectual Latin Kings (these documents are referred to as the "King Manifesto / Constitution "or" KM / C "for short). In this manifesto you can find traces of Marxism, Christianity, Confucianism and other revolutionary / historical world-views which when combined make up the ideological and Morality of "KINGISM". These Teachings are centered around the upliftment of the poor (the "Oppressed Third World People") and the struggle against the oppressive social, political and economic existing order of things.

To begin their meetings, members may face the East, which is where the sun rises, and recite one of the various Latin King prayers to Yahve (The Almighty Father and King of Kings) and pledge to be ever faithful to the Nation. These meetings are also used by members to discuss recent events, Dues, retaliation, position responsibilities and elections. When compared to most street Gangs, the Latin Kings are generally more structured and organized. The gang's rules are strictly enforced and some members celebrate January 6th as "King's Holy Day" and the first week in March as "King's Week" [7]
[edit] Culture

Due to the organizations contradictory history, it is often debated about whether they are a criminal organization or a positive force in the community (as they have obviously taken on both roles at different points in time, as well as simultaneously). For example, in 2000 there were approximately 1600 self-admitted Latin Kings in the Illinois Department of Corrections, and these accounted for over half of all the recorded violent acts on prison personnel and other inmates, making the ALKN the most violent prison gang in Illinois (Federal Bureau of Investigation, Fiscal Report, 2000).

But their "apparent contradictions", the Latin Kings may argue, can be better understood when viewed through the lens of their Teachings. Once a member of the Almighty Latin King Nation, according to the "Latin King Manifesto", a member naturally passes through three stages of consciousness:

(1) The Primitive Stage, wherein the neophyte member is expected to be Immature and to be involved in such activities as gang-banging and being a street warrior without the full consciousness of Kingism;

(2) the Conservative or Mummy Stage, which is where a member tires of the street gang life but is still Accepting of life as it has been taught to him by the existing system that exploits all people of color, dehumanizes them, and maintains them under the conditions and social yoke of Slavery;

and (3) The New King Stage, where the member recognizes the need for a revolution of the "mind". According to the manifesto, "The New King is the end product of complete awareness, perceiving three-hundred and sixty degrees of enlightenment; his observations are free and independent; his thoughts are not Clouded by any form of prejudice ... For him there are no horizons between races, sexes and senseless labels ", including the alley labels for recognition. The New King no longer views the rival warriors as the cause of his ills and seeks world unity for the sake of humanization and freedom for all the "Oppressed Third World Peoples".

Therefore, as Expressed by appropriately Teachings their own, a great majority of Latin Kings live a criminal lifestyle while a select few seek to better their communities and fight against oppression and social injustices.
[edit] The Meat Loaf Story

The Latin Kings rose to be one of the most feared and revered Gangs inside and outside the penal system in the state of Illinois. The Latin Kings ordered "hits" against Correctional officers, killed disobedient members and did not hesitate to commit violence against rival gang members. Latin King gang members would follow orders and vowed to lay down their lives for their "Nation". Unfortunately, this also meant extreme internal discipline and organized fear. One such story goes as follows:

In 1983, an inmate by the name of Carlos Robles was considered an escapee two days before he was scheduled to be released from the Illinois Department of Corrections. Years later, a high-ranking Latin King, who turned informant, gave the FBI critical information about the location of Carlos' skull and the bloody tale of how the Latin Kings butchered him and fed him to the Stateville Prison inmate population for dinner.

According to the informant's account, Carlos Robles northside was a Latin King who had disrespected the leader of the Southside Latin Kings, one Raul Gonzalez (AKA "Baby King"). After receiving approval from Gustavo Colon, the hit was ordered against Carlos Robles.

The two Latin Kings that were chosen for the hits were heavy users of PCP, and they basically told him they were throwing him a "going-away party". The two hit-men got permission from the cellhouse guard to use the basement for the going-away party-the basement of the cellhouse unit also contained the shower area. When Carlos entered the basement of the cellhouse with the Latin Kings they decapitated him and then chopped his body up into smaller pieces with heavy-gauge steel machetes. To eliminate evidence, they turned on the showers to drain the blood and wash off the body parts. Members of their own gang, according to the informants testimony, cooperated upstairs in the cell house by staging a diversion fight. Meanwhile the two Latin Kings placed the body parts into plastic bags and went through a tunnel which led to what was then the butcher shop area of the Prisons kitchen.

The two Latin Kings paid a rival gang member, who was in charge of the butcher shop, to grind up the body parts in the older meat grinder that was there, a very large commercial grade meat grinder. On the menu for the evening meal that night at Stateville Penitentiary was meat loaf. The rival gang member agreed, and grinded up the body parts with the pork and beef that was also going into the meat loaf for the evening meal. The skull was incapable of being ground; therefore, the killers buried the skull in the basement of the cellhouse.

No traces of the skin, bones, teeth, or blood of Carlos Robles were found for years. That is until the skull was dug up in 1995 in Stateville [3] when an informant offered information of its whereabouts to the federal authorities in 1995. No one was ever charged for his murder.
[edit] 1989 assassination of Officer Lawrence Kush

On July 1, 1989 a Correctional officer at the Stateville Correctional Center, Lawrence Kush, Jr.., Was assassinated by the Latin Kings while on the job [8]. Officer Kush was known to be very thorough when conducting "shakedowns" of prison cells at Stateville to find Contraband such as drugs, makeshift weapons, and money. During one of these "shakedowns," the other Correctional officer, who was conducting the "shakedown" with Kush, Gino Colon overheard inmate say that both Kush and the other officers were going to get what was coming to them. Colon was one of the two highest-ranking members of the Latin Kings "nation."

Testimony at trial indicated that Colon ordered a "hit" on Kush because his "shakedowns" were interfering with the Latin Kings' drug business. On July 1, 1989, two Latin Kings put on prison Jumpsuits, gloves, and stocking caps with holes cut in them such that the stocking caps looked like ski masks. They ambushed Kush and beat him about the head and body with pipes. When other prisoners and prison officials discovered Kush and came to his assistance, he was vomiting and bleeding from the top of his head. By the time Kush arrived at the hospital, he was brain dead from the injuries he sustained in this beating. The pipes, Jumpsuits, gloves, and ski masks used by the assasins were later recovered by Investigators on the prison grounds [[9]]. Through further inestigation it was discovered that Officer Lawrence Kush was just one of 30 officers on a "hit list" prepared by the Latin Kings [4].
[edit] Federal Sting Operations Against the Chicago Latin Kings
[edit] 1997: Operation Lord Gino

After spending a quarter century in prison on a murder conviction, Gustavo "Gino" Colon, co-leader of the powerful Latin Kings street gang, was charged with a 25 count indictment. Gang underlings were so sure that Colon would be released that they had already arranged for him to be squired Menard from the Downstate Correctional Center to Chicago in a limousine, according to law enforcement officials. Instead, 24 days before his release, Colon was Awakened by prison officials, who handcuffed him and then escorted him out of the prison, where he was handed over to federal agents. Colon was driven to Chicago in a van under tight security. He and 13 other members and affiliates of the Latin King street gang were charged with running a drug operation that is alleged to have distributed $ 6 million worth of crack and powder cocaine, marijuana and heroin throughout Chicago between 1995 and 1996.

According to the 25-count indictment, Colon - known as "Lord Gino" - used prison telephones and meetings with visitors at Menard to direct the gang's massive drug operations, including the purchase of cocaine and the wholesale distribution of drugs from an apartment building in the 2400 block of North Kedzie Avenue. The "Sun King", Gustavo Colon was given a "Life Sentence" in federal prison after a two month trial [10].
[edit] 2006: Operation "Broken Crown"

A three-year investigation of the Latin Kings by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), entitled Operation Broken Crown, ended with the arrest of Fernando "Ace" King, who was suspected to be one of the highest-ranking members of the gang and at least 20 others. The operation was conducted in various areas in Chicago and the suburbs.

Prosecutors said the crack in the case came from an informant named Jesse Guajardo, the alleged "Inca" or leader of a southwest suburban crew of the Latin Kings, from whom the witness purchased cocaine on about 10 occasions between 2000 and 2003. In just 18 months alone in 2003 and 2004, Guajardo, arrested in February, allegedly purchased 150 kilograms of cocaine - including as much as 50 kilograms at one time for about $ 1.8 million - from his alleged supplier, Jose Estrada, according to federal charges.

The investigation by ATF and various local, state and federal law enforcement partners when authorities began executing 10 federal search warrants and arresting alleged leaders, members and associates of the Almighty Latin King Nation (ALKN) street gang and individuals who supplied them with and purchased Narcotics .

About 10 kilograms of cocaine and 87 firearms were either seized or purchased previously during the investigation, authorities said.

Fernando "Ace" King, was sentenced in U.S. District Court for the Northern Judicial District of Illinois before Judge David Coar to 240 months in federal prison for Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substance, and 120 months for Conspiracy to Possess a Controlled Substance. Judge Coar allowed the sentences to be served concurrently.
[edit] 2008: Operation "Pesadilla"
Chicago FBI's Joint Gang Task Force news conference.

Some 400 agents and officers fanned out into the Little Village Community to arrest many of the 40 Latin Kings hit with a federal or state charges. Among those charged in the operation were the "Supreme Regional Officer" as well as 32 "Incas" and "Casiques,": top leaders in the gang's block-by-block organization.

Among those charged in the drug conspiracy case was Vicente Garcia, 30, of Bolingbrook, identified by authorities as the gang's No. 2 leader. Garcia, succeeded Fernando "Ace" King as the gang's "Supreme Inca" after King was convicted in another federal Prosecution

The undercover RECORDINGS Garcia captured Issuing a decree that each Inca in the 24 Latin Kings sections controlled by the Little Village region of the gang sell a quarter-ounce of cocaine twice a month to generate revenue for the "Nation Box," a kitty the gang used to pay for guns, drugs, Funerals and legal fees, authorities said. Investigators methodically built a case as the wired informant made the rounds handing out drugs and Collecting money from the alley Supervisors month after month. Investigators dubbed Operation Pesadilla their work, Spanish for nightmare [11].
[edit] 2009: Operation Augustin Zambrano

Augustin Zambrano, alleged to be a "corona" of the Latin Kings, making him the highest-ranking leader outside of prison and responsible for overseeing the illegal activities of all factions of the powerful Latin Kings Chicago, is among 18 defendants charged in a sweeping new federal indictment against the gang's alleged hierarchy. Zambrano and other alleged leaders of the 26th Street Region Of The Latin Kings were charged with racketeering conspiracy for allegedly running a criminal enterprise to Enrich themselves and others through drug trafficking and Protecting and preserving their power, territory and revenue through acts of murder, attempted murder , assault with a dangerous weapon, extortion, and other acts of violence [12].

To Enforce the Latin Kings' grip on the community and control over its members and associates, defendants charged in the racketeering conspiracy (RICO) count allegedly kept victims in fear of the gang and its leaders by enforcing what it referred to as an "SOS" - or shoot on sight - order against Latin King members who cooperated with law enforcement.

As part of the racketeering conspiracy, defendants and their associates allegedly:

1. conducted the gang's affairs through a series of laws and policies, some of which were codified in a constitution and a series of laws. The rules included a three-page list of 25 rules Establishing procedures for homicides, "security," and the sale of counterfeit identification documents;

2. attended regular meetings, known as "demos" - or, when held by officers Nation, "Nation demos" - at which they discussed, planned, and otherwise engaged in criminal activity, including murder, attempted murder, Narcotics distribution, and obstruction of justice ;

3. initiated members by causing them to endure physical assaults conducted by other members at various gang-related gatherings;

4. engaged in a system of "violations" in which they and others enforced discipline and the rules by Attempting murder, conspiring to murder, physically beating and threatening those members who violated rules, questioned authority, or posed a threat to the leaders or purposes of the alley;

5. committed illegal acts known as "burns," including murder, attempted murder, aggravated battery, intimidation, and assault against individuals who posed a threat to the gang or jeopardized its operations, including rival gang members and witnesses to illegal activities. Latin Kings members and associates were required to participate in such "burns," received standing orders to shoot rival gang members, and were instructed to retaliate for gang-related attacks upon fellow members and associates;

6. managed the procurement, transfer, use, concealment, and disposal of firearms and dangerous weapons to protect gang-related territory, personnel, and operations, and to Deter, eliminate, and retaliate against a rival Competitors and other Gangs and individuals;

7. Monitored law enforcement radio frequencies to detect and avoid law enforcement inquiry into their activities, including gang-related during missions;

8. acquired automobiles, which were known by several names, including "rammers," to use them during missions against rival Gangs;

9. earned money for their members and their activities regularly Financed through funds obtained in the illegal trafficking of Narcotics, including the possession and distribution of cocaine and marijuana;

10. and operated a "Box" system in which section and region leaders and others controlled and maintained a stash of money for the gang. Gang members and associates paid monthly Dues required into the box which, in turn, the gang used to bail its members out of jail, to send money to incarcerated members, and to purchase and sell firearms and controlled substances. Members their associates at times paid money into the "Box" by selling Narcotics supplied by Nation-level members of the gang [13].

The charges result from a sustained, coordinated investigation by multiple federal law enforcement agencies, working together with the Chicago Police Department and other state and local partners, to dismantle the hierarchy of the Latin Kings and other highly-organized, often violent, drug-trafficking Chicago Street Gangs. Nevertheless, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies have yet to do much in terms of Eliminating, but simply to diminish, the Almighty Latin King Nation's power and control over Chicago's illegal drug trade.
[edit] New York Latin Kings

To avoid imprisonment for his criminal activities in Chicago, Luis Felipe moved to New York, where he was later convicted of killing his girlfriend, which he claimed was a Drunken accident. While in jail, he got permission from his superiors in Chicago to start the New York chapter of the Latin Kings which grew very rapidly. Using hand-written letters, he gave members orders to kill enemies, as well as the Latin Kings disobedient, in order to preserve discipline. Felipe's gang was highly organized.
[edit] Street gang: 1984-1995

From 1986 to the internal power struggle that erupted in 1994, the ALKQN would solidify its role as a corridor through crimes such as murder, racketeering, and RICO Act charges. [2]

In 1991 Felipe was returned to prison after a short release for parole violations stemming from the receipt of stolen goods. Felipe would however continue to guide the ALKQN members who now totaled about 2000 members both incarcerated and free. In 1994 with the rapid growth of the Latin Kings, an internal power struggle erupted and violence within the Kings ensued. Between June 1993 and February 1994, seven Latin Kings were murdered. Following the Outbreaks of internal gang violence Luis Felipe and 19 others were charged with murder and racketeering, the indictments would end in 1995 with 39 Latin 1 Latin Kings and Queen indicted under the RICO Act. [2]

The details of the charges against Felipe would later become known. Felipe was charged with ordering the killing of William (Lil Man) Cartegena. Cartegena was taken to an abandoned Bronx apartment where he was strangled, decapitated, mutilated and his corpse set on fire. Felipe Cartagena murdered allegedly for theft from the organization. [5]
[edit] Reformation: 1995 --

In 1996, following the trial of Luis Felipe, Antonio Fernandez [14] who was recently blessed as the Inca and Supreme Crown of the New York State and New Jersey [15], kneeled with other Latin Kings in front of the Federal District Court in Manhattan and is quoted as stating: It's time for a fresh start ... Now they can not hold our past against us. 1996 is believed to be the beginning of the ALKQN's transformation from a street gang to a "street organization."

Latin Kings and Queens begin en mass Appearing at political demonstrations in support of the Latino community. To further its transformation and efforts to legitimize, the organization begins to hold its monthly meetings (universals) at St. Marys Episcopal Church in West Harlem. At this time the membership of the Latin Kings is believed to have swelled to 3.000 and 4.000 free incarcerated. The monthly universals are drawing in an attendance of 500-600 regularly. Internal changes to the organization begin to take place as Fernandez ALKQN amended the manifesto to include parliamentary elections and new procedures for handling inter-organizational grievances and removing death as a possible punishment, replacing it with "vanishing," the act of being Banished from the movement. [2]

For the ALKQN, 1997 begins with Felipe being sentenced to the harshest penalty passed down since World War II, Felipe is sentenced to 250 years in prison, the first 45 to be spent in Solitary confinement. The other 39 members were sentenced to an average of 20 years in prison for their roles in the crimes. The year would bring further legal troubles as Fernandez and 31 others are arrested in a raid in the Lower East Side and charged with disorderly conduct. The Special Commissioner of Investigation for Schools soon after the charges ALKQN with infiltrating the school system, a school security guard with five years of service is dismissed on charges of unprofessional conduct for his association. The year comes to a close with Fernandez being arrested in December by the FBI for domestic abuse. [2]

The pending charges against Fernandez were dropped in early 1998. Following the release of Fernandez, a joint operation of the FBI, New York City Police Department (NYPD), Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), the New York State Police and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) comes to a close with the arrests of 92 suspected members ALKQN. The Latin King leadership insists over half of those arrested are not members. The operation, dubbed Operation Crown, cost the city over one million dollars and took 19 months to complete.

Fernandez was released after four days on $ 350,000 bail, which was paid for by contributions from community members. Over half of the arrested were charged with misdemeanors, other were charged with weapons possession and drug trafficking. Fernandez was eventually permitted, though on house arrest, to attend monthly meetings universal. It was during his time on house arrest that the Latin Queens underwent a shake up in leadership, dismissing many of the leaders in order to bring in more politically focused members. [2]

The Latin Kings during this period begin to Gain Legitimacy. First, Lolita Lebron, who was a member of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party, appointed the New York State ALKQN to protect her during a demonstration in front of the United Nations. Following the UN demonstration, Rafael Cancel-Miranda, a Puerto Rican Nacionalista who spent 25 years in federal prison, attended a monthly universal. Before years' end, Adelfa Vera, Puerto Rican activist, attended a monthly universal and was given ALKQN sacred beads by the present leadership. Adelfa was praised during the meeting and stated "These kids are our hope for Liberation struggle. I can die in peace, because we found the continuation" [2]

In 1998 Fernandez [16] pleaded guilty to conspiracy to sell and distribute heroin. In 1999 he was sentenced to 13 years in prison, which he is serving at Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary in Kansas and was placed in Solitary confinement. He was eventually transferred again and placed in general population.
[edit] Latin Queens

While originally the Latin Kings are thought to be a male organization, it eventually began to absorb women and give them an equal share. The Latin Queens constituted the female half of the ALKQN. [6]

The Latin Queen's agenda is composed of self-respect, independence, family support, ethnic identity and self-empowerment. Seeking such goals has attracted a wide variety of females who had been drug addicted, victimized and / or neglected by families, Spouses and partners. Sociologists studying the Latin Kings and Queens have observed the different methods in which both groups attempt to "reclaim and regulate" their environments. The Latin Queens are believed to focus more on their private space issues such as home life and Protection and Nurturing of their bodies, as opposed to the Latin Kings, who are more Concerned with loss of public spaces in their own communities. [6]

The evolution of the ALKQN has been viewed by outside sources as being assisted by the addition and greater role in Latin Queens which have played, exposing the ALKQN to a greater range of cross-class supporters than would have been possible prior to their integration. [ 6] In regions such as Spain, Latin Queens are helping to legitimize the ALKQN through integration with government sponsored programs. In Catalonia, the 200 person Latin Kings and Queens tribe was designated as the Cultural Association of Latin Kings and Queens of Catalonia. The "cultural programs" designation was bestowed through government sponsored programs to assist Gangs with integration into society and is led by Latin Queen Melody, Erika Jaramillo. [7]

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gang Piru Gang Signs

gang piru gang signs, blood piru knowledgeGang Piru Gang Signs

Let say that you are not learning anything here at The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st century. Whether you in a freestyle rap battle in Compton, or just "keep it real" in your hand.
Thank's for all, just give some basic knowledge here!

#tree top piru hand signs-bloods signs-blood pledge gang-hoover bloods-blood gang signs-hoova crip knowledge-latin king knowledge#

Monday, November 23, 2009

What is folk gang signs?

folk gang signs, blood piru knowledgeFolk Gang Signs

Folk gang signs, is a sign that indicated by a hand with certain creations made by the members of the gangsters are more populist and more widely known.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

What Are Crip Gang Signs?

Crips gang signs show alot they show C^, Bk which means blood killer they show C^rip love and six point stars which is also the star of david... The main C^rip color is blue and every C^rip rocks to colors the blue means C^rip but the other color is the rank of their set for example the R20llin C^rip gangs colors are gold and blue gold for the R20llin which is a set and Blue for the C^rip...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

BLOOG Gang Signs

blood gang signs, blood piru knowledgeBlood Gang Signs

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Other sign :
Top complete crip gang codes symbols knowledge
Hand gang sign : blood piru knowledge
Blood Gang Alphabet : easily learn
mafia Crip sign
blood piru knowledge "hand sign"

Friday, November 20, 2009

Crips, Blood, and "crack"

The 1980's

Introduction Crack or "Rock" of cocaine in the 1980s, has a monumental impact of changing the soul of the Crips gang, blood. Blood Crips against the war continues, but the temptation to sell with quick money "gap" has become the priority. Members of the Crips and Blood gangs, began selling "cracked".

blood piru knowledge
They use the same "sell" their methods are always used when they sell PCP. Basically selling "gap" of street corners, parks, vehicles, etc. While the "crack" was taken, gang members have been overwhelmed by demand. PCP was simply a "ghetto" drug, but the "crack" is different. Gang members have difficulty "rocking" is fast enough to keep up with demand. "Crack" of all races, economic and social barriers. Not only interesting in the ghetto, but it was the same, if not more interesting for those who live in the suburbs. This drug is a manufacturer of instant money to these gangs.

The band members tried to develop various methods of distributing "crack" to reflect the high volume "clients", without actually doing in the local "street corner" risk arrest themselves. Consequently, a new phenomenon emerged in the South Central Region. "Crack House.

"Homes Crack houses have been modified to meet the needs of drug traffickers, in addition to being a place that is easily accessible and convenient for buyers of drugs. The windows and doors of houses are reinforced with bars of Security Steel. Front door security screen is usually closed with a stainless steel wire mesh with small holes, and the type of a mail slot. This allows drug traffickers to the house to see who came to the door of entry. This also prevents buyers from people who actually identify those who sell drugs. The money and the crack will be exchanged through the slot "mail". Note: the drug suppliers (Chief gang) would never go in the house for fear of being arrested.

Usually some members of the gang will always be in these houses. Their belief is that some additional gang members will provide greater protection for their operations, and more if the house had been raided by the police drug can be destroyed more easily and quickly. In addition, the extra weight makes it more difficult for police to identify individuals who actually distributed the drug through the door. This also allows a possible continuation of a little more difficult.

Operating a crack house is a new learning experience for both gangs and law enforcement. For law enforcement, the main problem is to enter the house immediately before the drug was destroyed. For gang members, while it reduced the amount of cocaine that they would lose if their homes were attacked.

Entry techniques for applying law developed by trial and error method. Once the registration form can imagine considered, and is sometimes used. The type of rubber-wheeled tanks of vehicles spent pot lining around the house for vehicles with safety bar wenches off slightly. Of course, all these methods also need time to prepare and distribute. Consequently, they are inherently inefficient, except for some of destroying the houses are usually rented.

Once the gang members see the police put up one of these types of guarantee operations in their environment, warning whistles could be heard throughout the region. The 'crack' and retailers are usually disappeared when the transaction is established and implemented. Over time the techniques developed came quietly enough, and very effective. Several small teams can enter the Fort "crack house in less than 30 seconds.

Initially, the leaders of drug gangs provide homes with a "Crack" to last a day or more. If law enforcement has begun to make their entry will begin flushing the stone in the toilet. Gang problem facing is that they generally can only flush once when the water is usually turned off by the police. A number of "rock" the house of bottled water in the extra hand should this situation occur, but it is very convenient.

As law enforcement becomes more effective in their technical input, gang members are available to reduce the supply "gap" for only a few hours to minimize potential losses. They also found a way to do without "cracked". They will save a large pot of boiling water on the fire. If law enforcement comes, they will destroy the "cracked" by entering into boiling water.

In mid 1980, "Crack house phenomenon began to disappear. Paging became the latest rage for drug traffickers. The pager new method opens the possibility to distribute crack cocaine. Almost all gang members have their own pager.

Other important changes began to occur during this period. The distribution of drugs "zone", in collaboration with Crip gangs and the culture of blood, began to spread throughout the city. Both Crips and Blood began competing for some of these new "virgin" territory. This has led to violence between gangs, reaching its climax. Daily shooting is the norm. Finally, blood and drug Crip leaders find common bonds they could all agree. "Money".

Some gangs are there in the front line "Crack" distribution look more visible, more powerful and more dangerous. The money goes in this environment more rapidly than the gang members could spend. The gang members buy everything from horse racing thoroughbreds, pig won a prize, the jewelery, custom low rider, etc. Money is not a problem.

Some of these gangs are the following:

Mob Piru "Mob James", "STATE", Johnson, et. al

Grape Street Crips "Honcho", "McGill", and. al

Santana Block & S / S Crips "Whiskey", "Gangster", "Turtle," "Twins" and. al

The day Wayne, aka "Honcho" has also bought its own paging service. Various Crip and Blood gangs used their service. Very probably not aware of the services Blood Gangs pager ownership of their rivals "Honcho".

Ringleaders, such as "Honcho", "Harry O", McGill, McGowan, Johnson, et. al, has a bigger dream. They could see the potential windfall they would reap if they are able to distribute cocaine rock across the nation. They follow up on those dreams. They started to use this unfortunate nation wide venture with distribution of drugs moving "boy" house in major cities across America. They also know that fear the reputation of the Los Angeles gang to come help the opposition of the local environment.

Although gang members as "Honcho" fulfill their dreams of a nation wide "crack" the distribution ring other gang members, such as Easy E, etc., which has a pocket full of drug money , want to be a super singing stars. The medicine they use the money to rent studio time to achieve those dreams.

A number of other groups such as "Eight Ball", "NWA", etc. are also trying to break into the entertainment field. "NWA" (niggar with attitude) is a Gangster Crip Compton. "NWA is one of the first group of fairly good results with" anti-establishment "gangster lyrics. They are also a pioneer success Compton (Mob Piru, Atlantic Drive Crips, etc.), the gangster rapper who appeared on the scene in the 90s.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Crips and Blood History

First hand about their real history and myths surrounding the origins and founder of the gang

Introduction: When the World Wide Web, there are web sites, newsletters, and other sources indicating that Stanley "Tookie" Williams is the founder of the Crips. This report with historical information submitted by the 30-year veteran of the sheriff's department in Los Angeles, described the history and origins and the Blood and Crips illustrates the fact that despite being a part This story, Tookie Williams, not the founder or a Crip set the current leader.

History and origin: The original Crips in Los Angeles in the mid to late 1960s, and Blood formed in response to Crips. The two bands subgroups unstructured or series, which comes mainly from the specific environment. Usually, members dressed in typical fashion, with a color screen (associated with the Crips in blue and red with the blood), use monikers, sometimes showing gang names or monikers clothes, and communicate through graffiti. However, when individual members or groups became more serious about drug trafficking, they also become more attentive to attract attention to themselves with the trappings of gang is.

blood piru knowledge, bloods&crips

In the early 1980s, the gang members appeared outside Los Angeles and others in California primarily to sell cocaine. Investigation Report in 1991, placed Crips or blood in 32 countries and 113 cities. However, this change is not regulated by any national leadership. Instead, crimes are often committed or directed by individual leaders (who often change), rather than as a result of some collective or hierarchical decision making process.

The Crips is a free association of 200 gangs, many of whom are at war with each other, and no one recognized or given any kind of central authority. Individual bands is equally weak in their organization. Most are quite fragile coalition of smaller independent bands.


There are many stories about the initial and subsequent expansion and Blood Gangs CRIP. The following paragraphs describe some of the most common myths, and provides information, factual light on the Crips and Blood gangs as witnessed firsthand by Sgt. Curtis Jackson, the Sheriff's Department Los Angeles, retired.

While he was with the LASD, Sgt. Jackson has been recognized nationally and internationally as one of the foremost experts of the United Nations in the street gang. It is considered the "godfather Black Gangs" and be there at the beginning of the phenomenon of street gangs Black.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Crips, fierce competition from a gang of blood

Crips Background: A gang is very high since the street gangs in Los Angeles, California in late 1960. Original Black Crips gang was first reported on the campus of Washington High School in South-Central Los Angeles. In early 1970 the company has grown and launched in other parts of the County of Los Angeles. This new subsidiary of street gangs known as the set and they use the word "Crips" gang in the name of each - namely Harbor City Crips, Crips Compton Ave.

Members: Best Crip gang members street aged 12-24 years. The average age of 17-18. Most members of the White and Black Hispanics but known to be members of Crips sets in various regions of the United States. Crip members are rarely identified and most of their street name (nickname) using an alias. Gang initiation is usually done in several ways: armed robbery, assault or murder, drive by shooting, or fighting, in which other members are physically beaten prospective members. This is often referred to as "jump-ins" and aims to show the courage and loyalty to the band.

Identification: Crips identify with the color blue and usually wore a blue bandana as identifiers, called the flag.

Crips refer to each other as "Cuzz" and use the letter "C" to replace the letter "B" in conversation and writing. They have a complex communication system that involves not only graffiti on the wall - which marked the limits of their territory - but also use hand signals (flashing), displaying their colors and wear sports selected. The initials BK represent their status as "Blood Killers." Crips seldom wear tattoos . Their graffiti represents past or future gang activity.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Myth blood gang

Myths and urban legends - Throughout history there's always a myth about everything - humans, animals, soil, air and sea monster, the fastest ball in the old west, and more.

In this era of gangs, many of which have been said and written about gangs. Unfortunately, too much of what has been said is a myth passed from one person to another until believed to be a reality.

The myth following is an excerpt from my file, but I do not know the source, giving due credit to the author. I'm sure he wanted to share with you.

blood piru knowledge, myth
Myth # 1
Myth - All street gangs is a grass-oriented.

Fact - Some gangs may not claim the region while others may work in several places, even in small towns that are not suspicious.

Myth # 2
Myth - All groups have a leader rigorous and structured.

Fact - Most bands are fairly weak group and have a "so-called" leaders. The new leaders are often waiting in the wings while standing members or leaders who are jailed or killed.

Myth # 3
Myth - The minority of young members of street gangs.

Fact - The teenagers, aged 18 years or less, in fact, write most of gangs. Hardcore members representing 10% - 15% of active gang participants / members.

Myth # 4
Myth women - are not allowed to join the gang.

Facts - Women are allowed to join a large number of gangs. Mara Salvatrucha is the exception. Females are often very difficult and dangerous. In the past, women were regarded as a mule "- a transporter of weapons and drugs - no precise figures are available on the number of female gang members. Estimates vary between 9% - 22%. For membership female gang

Myth # 5
Myth - The gang members do not cross the color line.

Fact - Most of the gang now allow other ethnic groups to join their gang. Hybrid an ethnic gangs in May to adopt a name other ethnic groups.

Myth # 6
Myth - graffiti / tagging is just an art form.

Facts - Graffiti is much more than art form. It is the newspaper of the street and proclaim his message to the existence of gangs / crews and offers a challenge to rivals. Graffiti / tagging function as a form of intimidation and control - Instruments announced.

Myth # 7
Myth - Gang consists of a chain gun, knife, tire iron and bats.

Facts - the above is a weapon for gang last year. Today, the weapon of choice is a semiautomatic pistol, and also AK-47. Tech-9, AMC-10 and Uzi.

Myth # 8
Myth - The gang members that hurt each other.

The fact - the opposite is true. In the case of gang-related homicides, 80% of people have been killed or attacked or observers are not affiliated with a gang.

Myth # 9
Myth - A way to eliminate the gang is a gang member locked.

Facts - detention and rehabilitation of hardcore gang members have proved ineffective. Changing patterns of criminal behavior is difficult. Prison is often the center of command and institutions of higher education for sustainable gang-related crimes. Often, detainees were forced to take sides, often along racial lines, with one group or another.

Myth # 10
Myth - The gangs are a problem for law enforcement.

Facts - Gangs are a problem for everyone. Communities need to develop programs for the entire system effectively address the gang problem where you are in childhood. Do not let gangs grow and develop a power base. Gang problem becomes more difficult or impossible to remove.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Blood gang in the individual level of involvement

Gang may involve different levels of commitment and participation to any individual. Type of commitment and involvement in gangs should be described to establish the level of participation for each participant identified.

blood piru knowledge, level

Level I - Make Believe

* Know the individual gang members, but does not associate with them
* Maybe like, respect, admire or emulate gang members or gang lifestyle gang
* Know about gangs - through newspapers, internet, movies, TV
* Looking at the individual gang members as "Living in a dream world."
* (This rate may represent 10% of real gang members)
Level II - At Risk
* Relax and sometimes partner with gang members
* Maybe like, admire the respect the lifestyle of gang members but not full-time
* Living in or near a gang area or have gang members in the family
* Is this a negative view of past, present and future: no self-esteem
* High levels of absenteeism, truancy, antisocial behavior in school
* Top of aggressive behavior
* Chronic Anger
* (This rate may represent 20% of real gang members)

Level III - Partner (would-be's)
* Personally knew and admired members of the gang
* Associates regularly with gang members, often in groups, only rarely
* Liberal or favorable attitudes and drug groups
* Mentally ready to join a gang and would do anything for the approval of the band and acceptance
* Adopted by clothing or gang tattoos
* Drop Family
* Identify the gang as a source of power, money and prestige
* (This rate may represent 40% of real gang members)

Level IV - Gang Member
* Associates exclusively with gang members
* May go through a gang initiation
* Generally have a nickname gang
Flash * could be signs of
* May be a tattoo
* Taking away from home and school
* Truly committed to the lifestyle of gangs
* Can carry guns or have easy access to firearms
* Participate in another gang crime gang activities
* Vulnerable to drugs and / or alcohol
* (This rate may represent 20% of real gang members)

Level V - Hard Core Gang Member
* Partners with anyone except members of gangs and the lifestyle of gangs
* A ordered the commission of the crime on the streets
* Initiate and direct the activities of evil
* Drugs and / or alcohol consumers
* Living in or near a gang area or region
* Really staff for the cause of the band
* (This rate may represent 10% of real gang members)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Knowledge is not a good family

blood piru knowledge, good familyYoung people join gangs for a variety of reasons. Extraordinary reason for children to join is to respond to needs not met by their family, school or the environment. Here are some reasons why young men decide to become involved with gangs.

* Naivete
* Attention
* Low self-esteem
* The desire for friendship and a sense of belonging
* Love
* Pressure
* Respect
* Fear /
* Please protection
* Feeling of Power
* Victims of poverty or inequality
* Family Tradition
* Joy
* Access to drugs, weapons, sex and money
* The belief that life gang visit Excel
* Family problems / lack of positive communication
* There is little or no adult supervision - there is no role model
* Idealization of thug life by the media (film, television, music industry)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Knowledge of gang legislation

blood piru knowledge, gang legislation
As more and more crimes committed by gang members, many city, state, and even the government of the United States, has felt the need to enforce laws related to gangs to protect people and property.

These laws vary from state by state, and some are more details on the subject than others. Some focus on the actions taken by gang members as a crime, the other as a misdemeanor, and others combine the two crimes. Legal issues in each country are also varied, ranging from recruitment by gangs, drive-by shootings and carjackings to graffiti gang-related apparel, curfew and gangs in schools.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Symbol of knowledge that is more intelligent hand

Times have changed. Many have learned that the gang clothing identifying them as gang members can easily bring to the attention of police.

Street gangs use hand gestures like a silent language to communicate with others and unless the signs are used hand in front of police officers, there may be no other indication that the person was a gang member.

hand signs, blood piru knowledge
The signature is often used as a means of identifying members of a gang with other gang members and each group showed signs of their own hands, they use to show their loyalty to the band, or fail to comply not (the disease) a member of a rival gang.

Many gangs have created a signature, using their fingers and hands, to represent each letter of the alphabet and other symbols to represent a word or phrase. Most members have become adept at this "art" and can communicate with other without speaking. View this signature is known as "flash" or "start" signs.

Often we are asked to list the signature and the tape is not possible to satisfy this demand. Why? Because there is no master list of signs that are used by each gang. There are about 25,000 gangs in the United States and each group has its own signature that would be a list of 25,000 signatures. If you add some other signs that used to greet or disrespect, and 26 letters in the alphabet, you can see that the list may contain at least 750,000 or more signatures.

For parents, teachers, counselors, or others who work with youth, did not need to learn the different hand signals. If a child is observed to flash or practice of signing, just knowing that the team uses signatures should be a warning that children or their students may join a gang or already in gangs. This practice should not be allowed and the rule of "zero tolerance" should be defined.

Good practice for the police and other law enforcement agencies, if they see gang members sometimes, often or every day, they should be concerned about the signature used by gangs in their immediate environment. If the public only a few bands, agents must search for gang members who are willing to explain and demonstrate the hand signals used by the gang. In trying to learn the hand signs of gang that is not in your area mean nothing.

If there are many gangs in one city or region, an agent must try to make contact with gang members as he could for regions or areas where he has worked to try to learn some hand signals basis for each gang that may be encountered. At least, he must learn to identify signs of gang signs of disrespect rival gangs, and all other signs that can be used to warn group members to fight or attack someone.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Blood is a bet on a group of gang

On initiation, a rite, ceremony, or instructions with which a member of a sect or a society or held by a particular function or status.

Initiation may have been part of culture since humans started to organize the group and there are people who want to join. There are clubs, organizations and secret societies around the world that require prospective members to go through some form of initiation. Initiation may be something as simple as learning a set of rules and regulations and then read them before the members. Or at the end of the spectrum, initiation May require the person to survive some of the difficulties that causes pain.

Street gangs or gangs in the prisons are not created as a condition of initiation rite for gang members, but must have extended the mandate of initiation.

Geng use initiation rites as a means of determining whether the designated mentally and physically strong enough to be worthy of membership. In other words, they do not want members to be held at the first sign of trouble or people who whine about this / his orders or instructions.

blood piru knowledge

Gang members often refer to joining a gang as "Blood In - Blood Out" - which wants to join you and may have shed the blood of your own or someone else's blood.

Join a prison gang literally means "blood - the blood out. Gangs of prison, do not want law enforcement to try to infiltrate the gangs by placing an informant or undercover agent in a group, generally require prospective members to murder or serious assault someone in prison. This "guarantee" that the loyalty of individual leadership and above and above. In theory, if he had killed someone, he will not disclose this fact to the authorities, other violence about it in May or witness.

Street gangs use a variety of measures taken to induct an individual into full membership.

These actions may include one or more of the following:

* "Beat" or "jump in" - The oath must prove himself immortal by a beating by a pre-determined number of members for a pre-determined number of minutes. During this action, members using fists, kicks and stomps, or even beat the club to new members. This is often referred to as "the act of love." It is also, in many cases, an act of extreme violence. New members at most, can survive with broken ribs, cuts and bruises or maybe a broken jaw. But the moves could be so severe that the person can suffer permanent injury or even death.

MS-13 "Beat-in '

More Videos

Go Video

Other forms of initiation
No armed robbery - was inaugurated (s) committed the crime of armed robbery and often fired on the victim (s) without reason.
o Drive-By Shooting
o assault on innocent victims
o Rape of innocent victims
O blessed In - Sometimes a candidate member of the gang will not cover all the normal ritual of gang initiation. May it be blessed "is probably the result of a reputation as one of the prospects of a gang decent or it may be a family member of a gang member who has secured the eligibility and fidelity.
o "Sex in" - Male inductees are often "sexed in" by having sex with several gang members. This is sometimes used as a substitute for battered women has been reported that sometimes were asked to consent to have sex sex with someone who is experienced HIV-positive.
o Murder - which was necessary to kill an innocent victim, a member of a rival gang, or even a police officer.

Leaving street gang

Out of gang violence may be the same as membership. Many gangs require a lifetime membership.

The gang takes a lot of people want to deviate from the path of gang life, take a "beat". Such abuse often more serious and more harm to members of blows that would have been taken to join.

Although not a "beat the new section below, with video showing the brutal beating, where groups of young people involved.

Teen Violence - Caught On Tape Beating Gang (requires Windows Media or Real Player)

Leaving the Prison Gang - Blood - Blood Out

To join the gang from prison, the prospect must shed the blood of someone (in the blood). This often involves the murder of a member of a rival gang. Most gang members in prison should remain a lifetime member. Even if he is released from prison, they were supposed to remain faithful members incarcerated in providing support for them, by any means, usually through the sale of drugs and / or street crime. The punishment for "stop" the gang is death; In other words "Blood Out."

Friday, November 6, 2009

Meaning Graffiti blood group

Graffiti, graffiti unique, is often the first indication that gangs are active in your community. Graffiti is the newspaper, billboards, the Internet world of street gangs and used to mark the gang's power and status. Graffiti marking territorial boundaries and serves as a warning to other gangs that the area marked by signs and symbols unique is the area or "grass" a particular gang. Graffiti warns against trespassers or intruders from rival gangs and even the police, they are not accepted. It also may be an advertisement for the sale of medicines and a warning that dropped the fellow gang members.

graffiti, blood piru knowledge
Graffiti should not be tolerated in ANY community. It is often, if left to the wisdom, causing environmental degradation and devaluation of property. Research has shown in many cases that if the graffiti is allowed and not removed, additional graffiti appear. The graffiti removal is very expensive and some of the city, which has developed a program to eliminate graffiti, have spent large sums of money to recover and improve the environment or society.

Most cities have codes or laws relating to litter the property. Many saw the need to adopt laws that are directly related to the perpetrators of graffiti and many of these laws have heavy penalties against offenders. You can learn more about certain laws and ordinances by clicking here.

NOTE: All graffiti is gang related. Those are called "taggers" from painting graffiti on buildings, fences, signs, roads, highways, trucks and even cars and trains. Many of these people have a reputation for creativity and often sign a "Tagger" name.

This is no less important to immediately remove graffiti of this type. IT IS STILL vandalism!

Links below are intended to familiarize you with the culture of graffiti, "and also as an example of the many signs and symbols used in graffiti gang, and set up programs of anti-graffiti.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Gang colors.

Gangs and gang members, and apparel and types of tattoos, has a color that is usually worn as a means to identify themselves and their affiliates. Many non-gang member who wore gang colors plain wrong place at the wrong time have been attacked and even killed.

The following information is intended to show the color that can be used by groups to identify themselves. These colors can be seen in the clothes worn by gang members, their flag (bandana) or in their graffiti. Because the current trend to change the identification bands that have used the traditional colors of these may not be appropriate.

This list is not exhaustive. There are many other gangs spread across the United States, which may or may not claim affiliation to a nation. If you know of a gang known for is not listed below, send the group name, color and their affiliations, if any, to me via Email.

Please note that color is not a positive identification of members of gangs. But one of the identifier of the combination of colors used by law enforcement and others to identify gang members.
blood piru knowledge, blood street gangs
Two of the gang's most famous red, covered with blood, and blue, worn by the Crips.

Gang Color List

Affiliate Color
Basic blood-red, also dressed in a known set brown, orange, burnt orange to represent the blood dried
Crips Blue

Folks Nation gang Affiliation


Light blue, black

Ashland Vikings Green, Black Folks
Black Students Black, blue Folks
Black Gangster Disciples Black, blue, white, silver Folks
Civil Struggle Black, blue, white, silver Folks
C-Note Green, Red, White Folks
Campbell Red Boys Blue Folks
Harrison Gents Purple, Black Folks
Imperial Gangsters Pink, Brown Folks
Mad Black Whale, blue Folks
La Raza Red, White, Green Folks
White Party, Black Folks
Latin Disciples Blue, Black Folks
Latin Dragon Black, Green Folks
Latin Eagles Gray, Black Folks
Latin Jiver Black, Brown Folks
Latin Lovers Red, yellow, Folks
Latin Soul Maroon, Black Folks
Orchestra Albany Brown, yellow, Folks
Simon City Royals Blue, Black Folks
Spanish Cobra Green, Black Folks
Satan Disciple canary yellow, black
Spanish Gangsters blue, Black Folks
Two Sixers Tan, Black Folks
Two Black Boys Blue Folks

With People Nation gang affiliation

Bishop of copper, brown, black
Black Stone Rangers Black, green, red man
Black P. Stone Nation Black, green, red man
Cullerton Deuces gray, black, white people
Ek Rukn Black, red, green, or People
Gaylords gray, blue, black people
Crazy Deuces Green, Black People
Mad Black Whale, Blue People
Mad unknown Black, White People
Kents Gray, Black People
Latin Counts Red, Black People
Latin King Gold, Black
Latin Saints Blue, Black People
Mickey Cobra Red, Black People
Pachucos Black, White People
Puerto Rico Black Stone, Orange People
Spanish Lords Black, Red One
Vice Lords Black, red, green, or People

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Clothing - Is it used as a fashion garment or gang?

"Clothes make the man." Or who has so often said. Clothing is also, by style, color, and how it is used, may indicate that the individual, a young man or young woman is a gang member. Unfortunately, many young people today who are not related to gang activity has even adopted the dress style and manner of cool.

blood piru knowledge, blood gangs

The emergence of youth gangs carrying bags and Banger visible, and most recently - the drug addicts seen, does not necessarily mean that the gang had arrived in a particular environment. It is not graffiti, code words and symbols are converted automatically into gang activity.

Arose from the grunge "look with great praise from the hip-hop with" attitude ", small bags and heads shaved, clothing or gang, has become popular among teenagers, including the scale of young upper class and white middle too. Gang Clothing posted everywhere that the statement of chic fashion to young people. This shows that all your peers, and videos on MTV.

blood piru knowledge, blood gangs
Professional and College Sports Wear - Today's youth can be seen in groups in the streets, in schools, malls, everywhere, all the same kind of clothes and a hat with a color identical or similar. Does this mean that every young man in this way is a gang member? Absolutely not !!!!!

If a young man wearing jewelry popular items as a star of six points, five point star, a crescent or a Playboy bunny, does that mean he or she is a gang member? Again, absolutely not.

Wearing a certain style, type and color of clothing, colored bandanas, jewelry, shoes and other goods, not a positive indicator of the gang. This is just one of the indicators or factors to consider when identifying gang members.

In many areas, especially when the band is still involved in the war region, where shootings are commonplace, where people are often attacked or killed, many victims are identified as members of a rival gang because " he wore a particular color. Sometimes, young children without gang ties, had become targets or victims, because they, too, wearing the wrong colors or clothes.

Young people want to "look cool" and wearing the latest fashion, including fashion gang. My advice is do not!

There is an old saying - If you walk like a duck, if you talk like a duck, if it looks like a duck, then it must be a duck.

In other words, if you walk and dress like a gang bang, real gang Banger May falsely identify you as a member of a rival gang. Trying to calm down and act like gang members, you might be a target.

Links below are intended to draw attention to what happens when your clothes make you look like a gang member.

* Bologna killings "Mistaken Identity - by shooting Gang MS-13
* Stabbing caused GANG-style dress
* Children 17 year old boy killed in SF, one for gang members
* Teens cautious on roads where you can shoot without reason

Efforts to equip the standards prescribed by the school staff have failed dismally short to go to school uniform width. In Bannister V Paradis (1970) lower court ruled that the ban on clothing because of style and taste is unconstitutional except the clothes he had worn such a danger to health and safety of others or cause disturbance or other disorders (Lane et al. 1994: 64). There are many other cases related to clothing: they discuss length of the skirt - V. Wallace Ford (1972), and one directly linked to the problem of gang clothing Olesen v. Board of Education School District No. 228 (1987). (Source:

Note: It was reported that some of the band began to change their dress code is no longer wearing their colors in the efforts of law enforcement to deceive and conceal their gang affiliation

To learn more about the importance of clothes, colors, jewelry and other items worn by gang members click on the link below.

* Parent Information - Clothing
* Gang Related Clothing
* Boys and Girls - Gang Related Clothing and Styles
* Planned Hearing on Gang insignia on clothing

Professional and college sports clothing worn by team of street gangs.

The following information is an indicator of how many gang members by using the popular sportswear to illustrate their gang. The two professional teams and universities are represented. It should be noted that sportswear is not necessarily a gang. The list is drawn up to make readers aware of the possibility of gang involvement. Should also be noted that street gangs have become aware of the fact that law enforcement uses color as an indicator on the gang.

Sports teams, sports, logos and gangs

Team Sports

Color / Clothing / Logo

Gang - Affiliates
Atlanta Braves initial "A" for the Almighty
Boston Celtics color - green / black Spanish Cobras
Charlotte Hornets initials "C" & "H" 4 Corner fraud
Charlotte Hornets colors - black / pink Imperial Gangsters
Chicago Bulls Color - Black / Red Vice Lords
Chicago Blackhawks Colors - Black / Red Vice Lords
Chicago Cubs first "C" Spanish Cobras
Dallas Cowboys Star Point Five People
Denver Broncos Switch "DB" for the initials "BD" Black Disciples
Detroit Lions Color - Black / Black Gangster Disciples
Detroit Tigers initial "D" for the disciples Folks
Detroit Tigers Colors: Black / Black Gangster Disciples
Duke University Colors - Black / Blue; "Duke" = "Disciples Using Knowledge everyday" Folks
Georgetown initial "G" for gangster Folks
Hoyas Georgetown Hoyas "means" Hoover's On Your Ass Disciples "(Larry Hoover) Gangster
Georgia Tech early "G" for Folks Gangster
Indiana University The initials "I" & "U" overlapping appear to be in the form of a fork Folks
Kansas City Royals Colors: Black / Black Folks
Kansas City Royals 'Simon Royals' City Royals
LA Dodgers initial "D" for Disciples Gangster Disciples
Los Angeles Kings "King" Latin Kings
Los Angeles Kings "King" stands for "Kill Inglewood Nasty Gangsters" People
Los Angeles Raiders "Raiders", an abbreviation of "cruel Ass Insane Disciples Running Shit Folks
Miami Hurricanes orange-People
Initial Michigan "M" Maniac Latin Disciples
Minnesota Twins initial "M" Maniac Latin Disciples
NY Yankees Colors - Black / Blue / White Gangster Disciples
North Carolina - University Colors - Black / Black Folks
Oakland A's initial "A" for Ambrose Ambrose
Colors Oakland A's - Green Spanish Cobras
Orlando Magic "Magic" means "Maniacs and gangsters of Chicago" The
Philadelphia Phillies initial "P" for "People" People
Phoenix Suns The initials "P" & "S" Black Peace Stone Nation
Pittsburgh Pirates Colors - Black / Silver Latin Kings
Pittsburgh Pirates initial "P"; to Pirus (Blood) Blood
St. Louis Cardinals hat is red Spanish Vice Lords
Texas Rangers T "Initial" like a fork made to a friend
University of Illinois initials "U" & "I" all made Folks fork

Other logos, symbols and accession


Used For

British Knights initials "B" and "K" for Blood Killers Crips
Burger King's initial "B" and "K" for Blood Killers Crips
British Knights initials "C" & "K" for Crip Killer Blood
Converse All Star Five Star Point on people label logo
Sports starter broke a star with five points in honor of "The Folks
Beginners in the sport five-pointed stars
FUBU (For Us By Us) Figure Clothes "05" The people
Nike Colors - Folks Black / Black
Calvin Klein The initials "C" & "K" for Crip Killer Blood

Monday, November 2, 2009

History of gangs

Asian, Black, (African-American), Hispanic and white - they were all part of the history of gangs. History does not repeat itself. Gangs in the United States is not new or recent. Their history traces back to the post-Revolutionary War days and they have formed originally as a way to protect yourself and as a social club. In the early nineteenth century, Irish immigrants formed the first time in the street gang in New York. Then with the arrival of immigrants from different ethnic groups, other gangs have begun to form, mainly by race or culture.

In the 1920s, the city of Chicago is reported to have had over 1300 gangs in the city. In addition, at that time, gangs began to form and is present in Los Angeles, California.

blood piru knowledge, blood gangsCurrently wearing gang colors or a certain type of clothing and come from all ethnic groups, Asians, Blacks (African American), Hispanic, and White (White). They use a nickname or "nicknames to identify themselves. They use drugs and alcohol. They engage in criminal activity, including assaults and murder. Gang today comes not from one of the identifiers or criminal activities. They have improved and expanded enough that it takes to be "gang bang" of the past.

The 3Rs

To better understand the gang mentality, the following are considered "Three Rs" of gang culture:

(1) Reputation / REP: This is a critical concern "gang" (gang). A representative extends not only to each individual, but the band as a whole. In some groups, status (or rank) is gained in the gang to have more "juice" is based largely on the reputation of a person. While "juice" is very important ways in which the benefits of gang members "juice" is just as important. Gang activity Gang can embellish their past in order to attract the attention of others. Gang members freely admit crimes can increase the feeling of power.

(2) COMPLIANCE: This is something that everyone wants and some gang members, their willingness to bring to the extreme. Yours look not only individuals but also to specify a person or group, family, region and various other things, real or perceived in the mind "gangbanger." Some gangs require, by rules written or oral, that members gang must always show disrespect to rival gang members. (The definition of gang slang as DIS). If a gang member witnesses another member fails to DIS by a rival gang hand signs, graffiti, or a simple "mad dog" or look down, they can issue a "violation" for fellow posse member and he can really be "beaten down" by their own gang as punishment. After DIS has been issued, if it is perceived, the three "R" will become clear.

(3) reward / Revenge: It should be understood that in gang culture, no challenge to remain unanswered. Several times, shootings and other acts of violence following an incident regarded as "DIS" (disrespect). A municipality is a confrontation between rival gangs and establish a gangbanger. " Outnumbered, he left the area and returned with "buddies" to end the confrontation to keep his reputation intact. This may occur immediately or may take the delay in planning and getting the equipment needed to complete the revenge attacks. Also be understood that numerous acts of violence is the result of bad drug deals or infringement of the area of drugs. Some question the authenticity of the gang rivalry in shootings and other violence. However, if a group of people to do both at random or premeditated violence, not a gang? If aspects of the band to learn, many crimes can be solved by the use of technical collection agencies for accurate information to law enforcement to handle this problem. In gangbanging, today's witness is tomorrow's suspect is the next victim

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Where do we find the blood gang?

The chances are that you have gangs in your community, your school and your workplace. Prison and jail, you're almost certainly a gang in prison. And perhaps you have gang members living in your own home and you do not recognize the problem. Gangs are no longer limited to large urban agglomerations. They are now found in many smaller cities in the United States and not just low income, poorly educated, dropouts of society. Members of the gang now mixed in all races, cultures and ethnicities. Are no longer members come from single parent families who are never available to show the love and guidance of children. Our young people today are sometimes join gangs, although they lived with both parents who are in the middle income or income sector of society.

Too often the words we do not have gangs in our communities say the city fathers, police, chamber of commerce or tourism office. This is often followed by what we have is a bunch of wannabes. The conclusion here is that since the gangs in the community are not from Los Angeles or Chicago, they are not real gangs. Nothing could be further from the truth. If a group of young people in your community have banned together and call themselves a certain name, if they use signs, symbols or colors, and if they commit a crime, they are gangs, no matter what community members say.

It is easy to understand why any community, large or small, may deny the existence of gangs in the community - people do not want the stigma of a criminal. However, in denying the existence of gang activity, the public and helped the gang - they are a band that can develop, strengthen and develop the basic amount of power. In consequence of this power base, the gang believed to develop alliances and rivalries with other gangs gangs in the community

It is also easy to understand how parents do not recognize gang identifiers, such as graffiti, signs and symbols, tattoos, or a particular style of dress, worn or used by their son or daughter. How did this happen? They do not have time to become conscious.

Geng Have Gone Global

As mentioned previously, gangs are not limited to certain regions of the United States, they are not limited to the United States. Although their numbers are small, the gang is now known in several European countries, the United Kingdom, Africa and even under - Australia. This gang is now the same problem for every community and law enforcement that the United States.