Sunday, October 11, 2009

Knowledge of gangs

knowledge of gangs

Understand what street gangs.
Rata Penuh
Webster's Dictionary of the knowledge of a gang as:
1. A group of people who work for illegal or antisocial, for example, a band of antisocial adolescents or

2. A group of people who have informal relations and close.

The above definition clearly does not fit the definition needed to describe a street gang.

There is no national standard definition of street gangs.

Many states have enacted laws that gangs, mostly involves the definition of a gang. Law enforcement agencies in States that have not adopted legislation, also many definitions of a gang. Each definition is designed to meet desirable to identify the band through a federal or state or department policy.

Defining the risk of starting a wave of hysterical anti-gang and Table subsequent anti inefficient and costly gang activity: namely, curfews and sweeping - the poor, but the current strategy is used in many parts of the country.

Without such a definition, other problems often occur immediately surface. Generalizations that apply to groups of white supremacy, bikers, gangs, Asian, African American and Latino gang together when in fact there are clearly discernible differences between these groups.

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