Thursday, October 8, 2009

Is Blood Also Love Peace?

blood piru knowledge

A street gang composed of young children who dysfunctional home. They found the strength and security by pasting Together in the streets. they weapon and runners weapons illegal arms and drug trafficking in drugs. Most of the time they Col0r blue whites. If you want to stop gangs, you have to stop what they create. is the lack of security in the hood and there's a good job for the family there. And create a task force to bust these crooked policy, which benefits from the violence and drug use.
With government contracts for prison system
paying so much per head, not to mention the slave labor.
but until that happens we'll be here to do what
we need in order to give families the fall and Justice
those who don't have one.

80 619 babies Skyline Piru
pacifist (compliance) mad love to those who fell victum
for the match. but on the streets or in prison.
blood, Bloodz, bedown, Bloodz, horizon, Piru, 59brim, parkbloodz licoln, uptownbloodz, mob syndo

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