Sunday, October 25, 2009

Blood Group Membership

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Blood refers to a loosely organized association of street gangs in smaller, known as the "set", which adopted the common gang culture. Each set has own leader, and generally operate independently. Most members of the blood of African American men, although some series have recruited female members and members of other racial and ethnic backgrounds. Members ages range from early teens to twenties, but some in positions of leadership in their twenties and thirties sometimes.

It is not known national leaders, but the individual sets of blood The blood has a hierarchical management structure with the level of member ID. This level indicates the status of the gang. A leader, usually the older members of the wider criminal history, running each circuit. A set of leaders are not elected but rather himself stated in its development and management of corporate reputation for gang violence and cruelty, and through his personal charisma. The majority of the set is called "Soldier", which is usually between the ages of 16 and 22. The soldier has a firm commitment to implement and they are very dangerous because of their willingness to use violence, either to gain respect from gang members and adapted to each person who "does not respect set. "Associates" is not a full member, but they identify with the gang and participate in various criminal activities. Insofar as women are gang, they usually associate members and tend to be used by men to carry their weapons following drugs or prostitution to earn money for their set.

Recruitment is often influenced by the environment recruitee. Blood was recruited heavily among school-aged children in a poor predominantly African American. Gang youth offers a sense of belonging and protection. It also provides immediate gratification for kids who are economically disadvantaged to see the trap of gang life: gold jewelry, cash, expensive sportswear.

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