Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Identical With The Bloods Red Color

Blood Background: Blood street gang that originated in the Centennial High School from the Piru gang, which took its name from Piru Street in Compton, California. The blood that was formed to protect members of the Crips, and soon after that, another street gang, with the same motive, began using the name Blood Piru and to indicate their harmony with the main gang. Although the Blood street gangs, or sets, is a smaller group than the Crips, they are potentially dangerous, especially when there are in each number.

Blood present in a significant threat to correctional administrators not only because they are predators and violent behavior, but more importantly because of their intense rivalry with the Crips. When doing Crips, the Blood has a strong appeal to the type of weapon attacks.

MEMBERSHIP: California Blood sets are usually from South-Central Los Angeles, they have similar attitudes about group loyalty and violence. Like the Crips, the Blood like to be the center of attention. They are especially arrogant, and believe that acting naive about them convey weakness. Members blood will seize every opportunity to lie and describe the image that they only respect those who are "bigger and badder".

The blood (and the Crips as well) said that, as a group, the "stealing" or become an informant is forbidden. However, once removed from their group, they are usually easier to handle, perhaps because of their belief that they are shrewd businessmen.

Blood also has his own system of "Flash" or hand signals are used to identify membership in a particular group or set.

IDENTIFYING INFORMATION: Traditionally, the Blood street gang always wore a red color, using red bandannas or red cloth; similar graffiti and graphic styles, emphasizing disrespect Crips and Crips symbols. Recently, a new trend seems to have emerged. Blood in several eastern states have reportedly known for wearing a brown, tan and rust or burnt orange color represents the "dry" blood. They also have been known to wear pink, red color variations.


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