Thursday, July 2, 2009

We are certainly happy, when healthy blood sugar.

We are certainly happy, when healthy blood sugar

Yes, try searching for various things that can make you happy. Exercise is pleased to be able to maintain the healthy sugar

A study has proven that those who fell ill have a tendency of depression around 42% for infected diabetic. The feel sad, the more likely it is for diabetes.

The researchers estimate grieve is one of the causes of the condition of the body is not so healthy. Especially if accompanied by "events" incarcerate themselves in a room, smoking, or drinking alcohol.

All of the above could trigger diabetes. Even without any bad habits, people tend to keep depression akan suffering diabetes.

Overcoming depression is not easy. Counseling and other treatment is also not powerful enough to remove. That we can do is keep at it and sad thoughts. Heavy indeed human. But should not leave too long.

In addition, to reduce the risk of diabetes, remove excess weight. Then, Familiarize to control the pressure and blood sugar.

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