Saturday, June 20, 2009

Knowledge of container hotel.

Knowledge of container hotel

Travelodge Hotel: first hotel in the world who use the container as a material basically

Hotels in London, this may be less visible or not "ooh" compared with other hotels, but you certainly impressed when I have been in this hotel is made.

Travelodge Hotel is (probably) the first hotel in the world who use shipping containers as the foundation.

Because the container is the development of the hotel is 25% faster than with the use of building materials in general. And if you ever need dibongkarpun, some materials (especially container itself) can be used again.

The hotel consists of 120 rooms each room measuring 5 × 3 m. Once the hotel is finished, they will also make the hotel the same amount of room that is 307 more rooms in Heathrow.

Why? Great? Try a hotel in the port are made like this, certainly far more quickly because a lot of container is also used there?

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