Monday, June 15, 2009

Diet For High Blood Pressure.

Diet For High Blood Pressure
Research at Chicago finds evidence that the recommended diet for lowering blood pressure can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. This study followed 88,000 women by age with a healthy almost 25 years. The researchers reviewed the women's food choices and see how much suffering a heart attack and stroke. Those who have the results (result) that it is the women that follow the eating pattern recommended by the government to reduce high blood pressure. Diet plan, which called Dash (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) include fresh fruits, vegetables, wheat, milk, low calorie, and vegetables that contain lots of protein compared with meat.

Women with eating patterns is about 24% have a lower risk of heart attack and 18% lower for the stroke than other women. 2 out of every 5 women aged 50 years in the United States the potential for interference to the heart and blood vessel which include heart attack and stroke. Previous research shows that diet can help prevent high blood pressure and cholesterol, which both can cause a heart attack.

This latest research is published in Monday's Archives of Internal Medicine. Around 15,000 women in the research to follow a diet that can lower blood pressure. They take 2 times the share of fruits, vegetables, and wheat compared with the 18,000 other women to follow the pattern of eating a normal American woman. Although this research only to learn about women, Fung said that men can get the same benefits with this approach. This research is limited because it can only follow the pattern of eating a woman for 24 years. Due to the limitations, Dr. Laura Svetkey, director of the Hypertension Center at Duke University said the research provides the results of research with long time coming in a decrease in high blood pressure.

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