Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Blood cancer in children.

Blood cancer in children

Leukemia is a type of cancer that most often found in children, or around 25-30 percent of the total number of cases there. Symptoms that need to be, among others, the child appears lethargic, tired, along with pale, fever that does not clear the cause, bleeding not normal, The speck-blue The speck on the skin, exacting because the bone pain, and stomach feels hard or swell.

Protrusion on the body of a child also needs to. Some other types of cancer that also affects many children is brain cancer, retinoblastoma (eye cancer retina), limfoma maligna (lymph gland cancer), kidney cancer, rabdomiosarkoma (nerve cancer), and osteosarkoma (bone cancer).

On brain cancer, the symptoms need to be a headache that the longer the weight, along with nausea and vomiting that hose, power of vision is reduced, the decline in awareness, behavior change occurs as a rage, and even can cause paralysis and convulsions. This type of cancer usually occurs in children who have been larger.

Cancer eyes also be one of the causes of death in children with a case number is high enough. "Symptoms to note is The speck of white in the middle of the eye as if a light shines when. Not change the cat's eyes as luminous at night. Vision can also be disrupted, cast a sudden, prominent eyes and the ball out.

Although the cause of death, cancer in children can actually be cured, especially if known and treated since early stages. Hope for recovery to be greater if the child is suffering from cancer can go through life after undergoing treatment at least five years. Some types of cancer even take more than five years.

Handling and treatment of cancer in children and depend on the type of stadium. However, it is not far different from the treatment in adults, that is, the combination of surgery to remove tumor, chemotherapy, radiation, and treatment information and post-operation rehabilitation.

[source: dr. Heru Noviat Herdata, Sp.A]

1 comment:

  1. And Lainey's mother - well, Lainey's mother hanged herself in the basement just days after Lainey's high school graduation. anticancer treatments
