Monday, June 29, 2009

Blood and water.

Blood and water

Once in order to drink a lot every day ... and ask 'Why should drink lots of water and white-many. . Good initiative can be useful info .. . In fact, the answer is' chilling 'but as an honest question must be answered with a honest, the topic can be described as follows: Approximately 80% of the human body consists of water.

In fact there are some parts of the body that we have a water content above 80%. The two most important organs with water content above 80% are: brain and blood. ! The brain has a water component of 90%, while the blood component has a 95% water. Ration drinking life is at least 2 liters a day or 8 glasses a day. Number of the above must be added when you
a smoker.

Water as it is necessary to replace the fluid that comes from our body through urine, sweat, respiratory, and sekresi. What happens when we consume less than 2 liters a day ...? Of the body will balance itself. How ...? By the way 'suck' water from the body's own components. From the brain ...? Has not been up to so (ah. brain dry .. imagine what happens ...), but from the nearest source: Blood. ! Blood taken water and become thick. Due to blood coagulation, the journey will be less rather than the thin lancer. When passing kidney (filter poisons from the blood), kidney work extra hard to filter blood. And because the filter in the kidneys smooth, often thick blood can cause tear in the kidney glomerulus. As a result, your urine reddish color, signs began to leak kidney filtration. When left continuously, you may have to spend at a 400,000 dollar a week for washing blood Eh, I have spoken earlier about the brain '... eh? So when the blood flows through the thick brain, the way a bit obstructed. The brain is no longer 'liquid', and because brain cells are the most extravagant meals, and consume oxygen, slow the flow of blood can cause brain cells die quickly, or not working properly (yes his name is also only fair to eat less) If this is with heart disease (which also works when the added weight of blood coagulate ...), then the attack can be more quick-stroke come.
Now you select to stay:

doing 'investment' with a drink at least 8 glasses a day - or-'pay interest' through a stroke or kidney disease.

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