Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Positive Indication of White Blood Cancer.

Measure the number of white blood cells you. A study found, the number of those who have a high white blood cell - a sign inflamasi - tend to have the risk of death due to cancer.

Studies conducted by researchers National University of Singapore, emphasized epidemiology new evidence about the important relationship between essential inflamasi and death due to cancer.

Research that is written in the Archives of Internal Medicine, using 3200 population data Australlia average age of 66 years, that is not suffering from cancer when they began to be evaluated between 1992 and 1994. Until this study ended in 2001, as many as 212 volunteers died due to cancer.

The risk of death due to cancer was high in most of the participants have the highest white blood cell. This still happens when researchers control the factors that influence the number of white blood cells, such as smoking, diabetes, and the use of aspirin.

Relationships between white blood cells and the risk of death due to cancer is higher in patients suffering from cancer tuberculosis. "The findings we conclude that the process of local inflamatori who have known progresi related to the tumor can be described with systemic inflamatori the number of white blood cells is higher," said the study author.

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