Sunday, April 26, 2009

Is He High Blood Pressure?

Blood Pressure Is he?
Blood pressure is the pressure imposed on the arterial vessel during blood circulation caused by the throbbing heart.

Blood pressure is measured how?

Blood pressure there are two sizes and is usually measured as follows - 120 / 80 mmHg. Nombor up (120) shows the arterial pressure over the vessel due to heart beat. He called sistolik pressure. Nombor down (80) shows the pressure during a break between the heart pumps. He called diastolik pressure. The most good for measuring blood pressure is during your break and sit in or lie.

Blood pressure variability

Measure blood pressure is not the same throughout the period. He often change according to your body needs. If your high blood pressure, your doctor will check your blood pressure back to some degree determine the time for your blood pressure is real.

Is he high blood pressure?

Measure blood pressure is always higher than the normal rate for a period that is long. Value is beyond measure blood pressure OPTIMA ie 130 / 80 mmHg.

High blood pressure on the bottom does not indicate any symptoms. You may have high blood pressure and at the same time you have felt themselves sihat. Meet doctorate is the only way to know your blood pressure.

Due to high blood pressure

High blood pressure regularly can bring complications, such as the following

heart attack

wind ahmar

heart failure

damage to the fruit belt

Ensure blood pressure OPTIMA

check your blood pressure regularly at least 2 times a year or more frequently depending on your level of blood pressure

not smoking - nicotine in cigarettes can cause heart beat faster and constrict the smooth channel pulse forced pumping of the heart stronger to meet the needs for your body

reduce the salt - excessive salt in the blood can cause more water stored in it forced and this resulted in a high blood pressure

reduce fat - excessive fat collected around akan channel pulse and make it bold and stark

Ideal body weight winner
exercises regularly
Avoid drinking alcohol


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