Sunday, April 26, 2009

Blood Cell.


Blood is the fluid of the animal all the high-level send function oxygen-oxygen and oxygen needed by the body of the network, transport chemicals results of metabolism, and also as a body defense against viruses or bacteria. Medical terms related to blood begins with hemo-or hemato-which comes from the Greek meaning haima blood.

In the insects, blood (or better known as hemolimfe) is not involved in oxygen circulation. Oxygen in the insect system trakea distributed through channels such as the channel air directly to the network body. Blood insects carry oxygen to the body of the network and remove the remaining material metabolism.

On the other animals, is the main function of blood oxygen transport from the lung or gill to the body of the network. Hemoglobin in the blood that are functioning as ligature oxygen. On the part of the vertebrate animal or not the small invertebrates, oxygen seep directly into the blood plasma because oxygen carrier protein that dissolves freely. Hemoglobin is an oxygen carrier protein, and there are most effective on animals, vertebrate or vertebrata. Hemosianin, the blue, contain copper, and is used by animals crustaceae. Squid using vanadium kromagen (colored light green, blue, yellow or orange).

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