Saturday, January 30, 2010
Blood Gang Names Watchers

Friday, January 29, 2010
Sureno 13 Hand Signs Blood Gangsters

Judge Gregg Johnson granted the city of St. Paul's request to sue the Sureño 13 gang and limit activities of 10 of its alleged members in an effort to prevent gang violence at the event, which draws about 100,000 people every year.
City officials hailed the decision.
"This is an innovative solution to the problems that have arisen with gang activity in some of our neighborhoods," said Mayor Chris Coleman. "St. Paul is a safe city, and these injunctions are a proactive approach to send a clear message to gangs that we will not tolerate any violence in our community."
A 2007 state law allows for criminal gangs that engage in regular gang activity to be declared public nuisances. If that declaration is made, authorities have the right to pursue injunctions, according to the law.
Similar injunctions have been used in effect in California and Texas. Los Angeles currently has in place nearly 40 gang injunctions involving 57 gangs. Authorities say the legal actions have reduced crime and improved neighborhoods.
Critics say the injunctions violate individuals' constitutional rights and aren't as effective as other measures.
Johnson heard the city's argument Friday morning.
After the judge asked him whether he wanted to make comments on the constitutional issues of the request, City Attorney John Choi gave a brief statement in which he noted similar actions elsewhere, previous legal opinions, details on the city's proposed order and past actions by the gang.
Nobody spoke against the city's case during Friday's hearing, and no written submissions were made to the court.
Johnson wrote in his 14-page order that the city's request was "very limited and narrow in scope and clear in describing the conduct it seeks to enjoin."
The order will be in effect for 38 hours, from May 1 to 3, in an area bounded by Plato Boulevard, Ohio Street, Hwy. 52 and Sidney Street.
No gang signs, clothing
Under the order, the named members -- seven men and three juvenile males -- aren't prohibited from going to the event, but they can't associate with other known Sureño members. Among other banned activities are showing gang signs, wearing gang clothing, threatening people and recruiting people into the gang. A violation of the order could result in a misdemeanor charge.
A juvenile who was named in the suit attended the hearing Friday but didn't speak. He declined to comment to a reporter. None of the other individuals could be reached to comment.
Criteria used by police to determine whether someone is a gang member include self-admission, tattoos, clothing, past crimes and information from confidential sources.
An affidavit supporting the injunction includes the opinion of a St. Paul police gang expert saying the 10 alleged members belong to Sureño. But court documents do not detail their connections to the gang, and portions are blacked out.
Johnson agreed with the city that the 10 are "the most active and influential" in Sureño gang activities.
The city didn't need to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt, just provide a preponderance of evidence.
'Gang injunctions work'
To make its case, the city documented 13 incidents over the past year of criminal activity linked to the Sureño gang, including a shooting after last year's Cinco de Mayo celebration.
The city filed its request at the end of March.
Chuck Samuelson, executive director of the ACLU of Minnesota, said the city's case was deep on allegations but shallow on facts. "They're trying to use civil law to get a criminal result," he said. "The standard of proof is ridiculously low."
Authorities have already discussed using gang injunctions in the future to protect community festivals, schools, sporting events and specific geographic areas, Choi said.
"By and large, these gang injunctions work," Choi said.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Crip Knowledge Gang Blood from Los Angeles

The idea behind the gang was to gather up some of his friends and become active, aggressive protectors of their communities. However, this plan fell through with the immaturity that came along with the building of the gang and they soon became more concerned about protecting themselves against other rival gangs.
In 1972 the Crip gang had eight separate individual groups which grew to 45 in 1978. There were 109 individual Crip gangs by 1982 and 199 by the late 1990s. They all occupy territory within Los Angeles. There are other gangs who try to copy the style and mode of operation of the Crips, however they are in other parts of California and have nothing to do with the Los Angeles based Crips.
Although not exclusively, the Crips are mostly made up of African Americans. There is about 30,000 to 35,000 members that belong to the Crips throughout Los Angeles. They are known as violent and involved in warfare with other rival gangs. Among other crimes, this gang is known to have been involved in robberies, murders, and drug dealing.
Today, the Crips are known by the color they chose to wear of blue. Stanley was known to wear the color blue in association with the gang and when he died, other members decided to continue wearing a blue bandanna in his memory, which eventually became known as the gang color. Due to the insistence by police to crack down on gang violence however, the wearing of the colors is starting to not be shown as much. The biggest rival gang to that of the Crips is known as the Bloods.
The Crips are a very dangerous gang, not only to get involved with, but especially to cross. They are known to fight within their gang, if it means defending their hood. The gang has alliances within it and they have what is known as “cards”. These include Neighborhood Crips, Trays, or gangster Crips, Blocc Crips, Coasts, Deuces, and CC Riders. If need be these alliances will be put aside and violence ensue.
As more and more children and adults chose to join in the Crips, their territory continues to spread, and the violence along with it.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Bloods Street Gang Knowledge and History

During the summer of 1972 the Piru Street Crips had a conflict with the rest of the Crip gangs and warfare ensued. The conflict was over a murder the Crips had committed on March 21st of that year at the Hollywood Palladium. After a concert at the Palladium, up to 20 Crips attacked a small group of young men and robbed them of their wallets and leather Jackets. During this attack a young man by the name of Robert Ballou Jr. was beat to death after he refused to give up his Jacket. Robert Ballou was not a member of any organization so the Piru Street Crips had a problem with the other Crip gangs for attacking a neutral person. A neutral person is a person not in a gang, and is also known as a civilian or neutron. The Piru Street Crips were strongly against the abuse of civilians and waged war against the other Crip gangs over this event, but they were severly outnumbered by the rest of the Crip gangs and the Crips prevailed in that battle. The Pirus dropped out of the Crip allaince and wanted to terminate all peaceful relations with all Crip gangs after this war, so they turned to the Lueders Park Hustlers for assistance. The Lueders Park Hustlers agreed and a meeting was called on Piru Street. The Pirus also invited every independent organization targeted by the Crip sets to join the meeting. The Crips had murdered an L.A. Brim member by the name of Lil Country earlier that year, so the Brims attended the meeting as well. Others that attended were the Denver Lanes and the Bishops.
At the meeting, the groups discussed how to combat Crip intimidation, along with the creation of a new alliance to counter the Crips. At that time the color of flags was not important, but since the Crips were known to wear blue flags, the Pirus and the other independent organizations decided to discontinue the wearing of blue flags. They decided to take on the wearing of an opposite color, red, and created a united organization which became known as the Blood alliance. Blood gangs also decided to start demonstrating their flags to the right side, since all Crips are known to demonstrate their flags to the left. Even though all Blood gangs now demonstrate their flags to the right as a result of that meeting, some old school Blood members continued to demonstrate to the left regarding it as the original side and how they were raised. The Athens Park Boys and Pueblos were later also sanctioned into the Blood allaince, and soon after, other independent gangs who had been threatened or attacked by the Crips were also sanctioned into the Blood alliance as well.
Another organization, called the Black P Stones, was also sanctioned into the Blood alliance in Los Angeles. The Black P Stones actually originated in Chicago, Illinoise and were brought to Los Angeles in 1969 by T. Rodgers, who was sent to L.A by Chicago’s main 21 at the age of 12 to spread the nation and it’s teachings. T. Rodgers started 2 decks of Black P Stones in Los Angeles, one deck is called the Jungles (Baldwin Village, an area that had an organization called the Jungle Boys which T. flipped into Stones) and the other deck is called City (in the West Adams area). The People Nation alliance did not yet exist in Chicago at the time, so the Stones joined the Brims in Los Angeles as their own Brim sets before the Brims requested to be sanctioned into the Blood Alliance. Even though the Black P Stones in Los Angeles joined the Blood Alliance with the rest of the Brims and soon became their own Blood sets separate from the Brims, The Black P Stones in Chicago remained independent untill the People Nation was created in 1978. The Black P Stones in Los Angeles took on the wearing of red flags, but kept demonstrating to the left and used the same symbols and teachings as the original Stones in Chicago. The original Black P Stones in Chicago have been known to show great animosity towards the Black P Stone Bloods in Los Angeles for joining the Blood alliance without permission from the Stones in Chicago, so the Black P Stones in Los Angeles are regarded as renegades by the original Stones in Chicago. Renegade is a person or group of individuals claiming a gang or organization that they are not or are no longer really a part of or on count with. The Blood Stone Villains (also known as East Side Villains) and Blood Stone Pirus of Los Angeles are not part of the Black P Stone Bloods, they got their name from a 1970’s R&B group called “Bloodstone” and have no connection to the Black P Stone Bloods in L.A. other than being under the Blood alliance. Contrary to popular belief, T. Rodgers did not start the Bloods, and was not even at the meeting where the Bloods was created. His gang just simply fell in line with the Blood Alliance after the Blood Alliance was created.
Many Pirus began to use burgundy flags in addition to the red flags to seperate themselves from the rest of the sets in the Blood alliance, essentially turning Piru into a “Card” or “Car” for short. Cards are smaller alliances of individual Blood gangs within the Blood alliance itself, which gangs within the cards are known to put before the whole Blood alliance. Blood gangs strictly bang (go to war) to defend their territory (hood) before any alliance or card, and are known to be very vicious in their attacks. Also, Blood sets are always trying to expand their territories and find new territories to take over which essentially makes their wars never ending. Bloods are known to mark their territories and all boundaries by the use of extreme wall banging. Wall banging consists of marking territory with graffitti which shows what gang controls that turf or going into a rivals turf and crossing out their graffitti.
There are significantly more Blood gangs today than when the alliance was first created. This is because many independent organizations outside of California, and across the United States have also turned into Blood sets. All it takes for an entire independent organization or gang to become a Blood set is the will to become Bloods, meaning any gang can become a Blood set if it chooses to do so. Most Blood sets have names which include the name of their City, a street that runs through their turf, or the name of the projects, apartment complex, or community they control. Bloods are known to shout “SuWhoop” as a greeting to other Bloods and “Blatt” as a war call durring battle (Blatt = B.lood L.ove A.ll T.he T.ime). All bloods must shed the Blood (”Blood In” - shoot, stab, slice, etc.) of an enemy before becoming a Blood to prove that he/she is really down to “ride” (put in work) for the set/hood. Bloods are forbidden to attack any person in their turf/hood who is not an enemy nor any person who is not in a gang (neutral) without purpose, doing so will lead to being “Blooded Out” (killed). Bloods believe that they must protect their hood and anyone living in their hood and they take that belief very serious.
Contrary to popular belief, real Bloods do not represent any People Nation 5 point star and are not part of the People Nation Alliance. The confusion of Bloods representing the People Nation’s 5 point star started on the internet with unknown persons creating various fictional “Blood Books of Knowledge” which consist of mixing Blood history and People Nation history, symbols, and literature (lit) together. These fictional “Books of Knowledge” spread rapidly throughout the internet and eventually into the streets with wanna-be’s taking these books serious and being mislead. There are, however, legit Bloods who use the terms “5 popping”, “We ride the 5", and who replace the letter “S” with a “5", but when a Blood uses the number 5 it simply symbolizes the number of letters in the word B.L.O.O.D. So when a Blood calls himself “5" he is infact simply reffering to himself as “BLOOD”. This use of the number 5 may have also lead the the confusion of Bloods representing the People Nations 5 point star. This misrepresentation of the Bloods and the number 5 has largely affected Bloods in the South, East Coast, and some parts of the Midwest. This widespread miseducation of the Bloods has lead to a recent major outreach by west coast Bloods to all Bloods across the country to let them know that Bloods do not represent the People Nation of Chicago and do not represent any form of a 5 point star. This outreach has been making a major impact on Bloods in the South, East, and Midwest who have all been dropping all use of anything related to the People Nation and a 5 point star and are all steady getting back to their roots.
Blood sets have a loose structure of ranks based on how long a person has been banging for their particular hood and how much work they put in for the hood. Their rank structure is as follows:
(from lowest to highest)
L.Y.G. (Little Young Gangster) - members under 18 years old
Y.G. (Young Gangster) - members over 18 years old
O.Y.G. (Original Young Gangster) - after 5 active years of banging
O.G. (Original Gangster) - after 10 active years of banging
O.O.G. (Double O.G.) - after 15 active years of banging
O.O.O.G. (Tripple O.G.) - after 20 active years of banging
These ranks don’t signify leadership or dominance over anybody else in the set, they just signify respect for those who have been in the hood longer, put in more work for the hood, and have survived the longest. This means that Bloods with higher rank don’t give out orders or call shots over those with lower rank. Bloods with higher rank are respectfully reffered to as “Big Homies” by Bloods with lower rank. Once a person has joined a Blood set, it’s for life… meaning you can not leave the set or flip (switch) to another set.
Hip Hop Forum
Stack Bundles
Known Blood Sets - Click a set for more information.
135 Piru
145 Neighborhood Piru
456 Pomona Island Piru
52 Pueblo Bishop
59 Brim
59 Bounty Hunter Blood
59 Piru
89 Family Swan Blood
92 Bishop
92 Family Swan Blood
Almighty Black P. Stone Blood
Athens Park Blood
Avenue Piru Gang
Bebop Watts Bishop
Blood Stone Piru
Blood Stone Villain
Campenella Park Piru
Cedar Block Piru
Center Park Blood
Center View Piru
Centinela Park Family
Circle City Piru
Cold Stone Villain
Crenshaw Mafia Gang
Cross Atlantic Piru
Denver Lane Blood Doty Block Gang
Double ii
Down Hood Mob
East Compton Piru
East Homicide Brim
East Side Bounty Hunter Blood
East Side Rolling 20's Neighborhood Blood
East Side Uptown Blood
Elm Street Piru
Fruit Town Brim
Fruit Town Piru
Gangster Killer Blood
G Shine
Hacienda Village Blood
Harvard Park Brim
Hawthorne Piru
Hit Squad Brim
Holly Hood Piru
Inglewood Family Gang
Kabbage Patch Piru
KrimeVille Gangster Blood
Kalas Park Lok
Leuders Park Piru
Lime Hood Piru
Lincoln Park Blood
Lynwood Mob Piru
Mad Dog Blood
Mad Stone Blood Mad Swan Blood
Miller Gangster Blood
MOB Piru
Nine Trey Gangster
One Eight Trey Gangster
Original Block 151 Neighborhood Piru
Outlaw 20's
Pacoima Piru
Pasadena Denver Lane
Project Gangster Blood
Queen Street Blood
Rolling 50's Brim
Samoan Warrior Bounty Hunter Blood
Sex Money Murder
Skyline Piru
Scott Park Blood
Scottsdale Piru
Squiggly Lane Gangster
Tree Top Piru
Ujima Village Blood
Valentine Gangster Blood
Village Town Piru
Water Front Piru
Weirdos Blood
West Covina MOB Piru
West Side Piru
West Side Rolling 20's Neighborhood
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Blood Gang Hand Signs
Gangs use hand signs as a means of communication. Most often, hand signs are a way to issue a challenge or to throw out an insult. Many gang assaults start with the exchange of gang hand signs between rival gangs. This is sometimes referred to as "flashing" or "throwing" signs.
38--This version of 38 is formed using two hands. The thumb and first two fingers of each hand curve together to form two small "o"s--the "8." The ring and small fingers of both hands form the "3." The ring fingers touch, while the small fingers fan out to form the top and bottom of the "3."
Sometimes hand signs are a symbol of something significant to the gang such as "13" or "N." Gang hand signs can signify a gang name or acronym such "TOP" (Tiny Oriental Posse) or "QVO"
(a corruption of the Spanish phrase, "Que Hubo," meaning, "What's happening?"). A rival gang would see this as a challenge. The QVO hand sign can be done with two hands. The first hand forms the "Q" by making a qvosmall "o" with the thumb and index finger. The remaining fingers stay together, forming the line that comes down from the "Q." The last 3 fingers of both hands touch together at the fingertips and form the "V." The thumb and index finger of the second hand form the "O."

bkA hand sign can be a direct threat such as "BK" (Blood Killer) or "CK" (Crip Killer). A Crip gang member would use the "BK" hand sign to mean "Kill a Blood." The small "o" formed by the thumb and index finger and the middle finger are supposed to resemble a lowercase letter "b." The last three fingers spread out and form the "k." via

Sometimes hand signs are a symbol of something significant to the gang such as "13" or "N." Gang hand signs can signify a gang name or acronym such "TOP" (Tiny Oriental Posse) or "QVO"

bkA hand sign can be a direct threat such as "BK" (Blood Killer) or "CK" (Crip Killer). A Crip gang member would use the "BK" hand sign to mean "Kill a Blood." The small "o" formed by the thumb and index finger and the middle finger are supposed to resemble a lowercase letter "b." The last three fingers spread out and form the "k." via
Monday, January 25, 2010
Blood Gang Signs

Other sign :
Top complete crip gang codes symbols knowledge
Hand gang sign : blood piru knowledge
Blood Gang Alphabet : easily learn
mafia Crip sign
blood piru knowledge "hand sign"
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Blood Gang Knowledge

Blood, Like Kin Folk? Not If You Have A Little Gang Knowledge: The Bloods are reputed to have gotten their name from the term ‘blood’ as a term similar to the word ‘brother,’ which was utilized by soldiers in Vietnam to refer to each other. Blood members are usually like kin folk to one another, and are treated as such in most cases. The designated area, or ‘turf’ for the Blood gang was around a certain housing project. Gang members usually do not fight each other, but the Bloods are known for being extremely violent and will fight (and kill) over many things.
Gang Knowledge - The Crips: The Crips is another street gang that was formed in the Compton area around the same time as the Bloods. While this information will never be known for sure, credit for founding the Crips is given to Raymond Washington and Stanley “Tookie” Williams, the latter of which was recently executed for murder in 2006. The Crips are represented by the color blue, and wear blue bandanas in much the same way that the Bloods wear red ones.
“Tookie” Williams Authored Several Books About Non-Violence and Other Gang Knowledge: Although the alleged founder of the Crips, Stanley Tookie Williams wrote several books while on death row, none of these books admitted fault to his murders or said where the name actually came from. There is a great deal of speculation on where the name ‘Crips’ came from. Some say that the gang was named after the “Tales From The Crypt,” a popular show that used to come on HBO, but simply misspelled the word ‘Crypt.” Others say it has to do with the word ‘Cripple’ and was shortened to Crip by a reporter, which would mean the name was given to the gang by a member of the media, and not a member of the gang. Still others say the letters C-R-I-P stand for something, from Community Revolution In Progress to City Riot In Progress.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Blood Gang Nicknames
Friday, January 22, 2010
Piru Hand Signs Into Worship

They're always proud of the piru hand signs seems to be the main idol in the life of their day-to-day, in solitude and at the time groups.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Blood letter B Means
With the letter B, which means BLOOD, made with the background color of blood, this is a clear sign of the blood groups.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Crab Killer Allowed
The members they are allowed to kill the enemy and against the group of them, this we can see from the picture symbols on them.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Star Five of Blood Gang Symbol
The symbol is in their very varied and multiform, as you see this symbol of the passage of blood, but the writers here I do not know what the meaning is. Again, sometimes the symbol is required as in war or social activities and the other, this would be more useful than the symbol on the gang-gang is essentially a symbol that is not useful and beneficial.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Crab Killer & Blood Love

There is also the name of their gang Crab KILLER, with the goal of which is not in love with the noble blood, which means to kill someone it is easy to do. Love the blood is correct if you are positive, as we keep the blood from the disease is always healthy, if you like the above are not true and blame.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Special Mask Blood Gang Group
The group is doing in every action always wear mask, so that the action is not known by their enemies, the color of blood is a proud group of them, almost in every symbol that is made with the color of blood, whether they are blood thirsty? As a normal human certainly does not want to drink the blood, unless they are the people mad, and not understanding.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Blood Symbol On Graffiti

They symbolize the blood of those with gang graffiti art, with a good and interesting. Of course also with making graffiti on the sticker, so clearly their goals and be recognized. Graffiti art is very beautiful, do not change their path just to the art world rather than continue to reside in the darkness of the world dark and full of sin.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Piru Symbol On The Car

They will make a blank object to create symbols of the gang they, as in the car there are many symbols that location is not uniform, that if seen from the physical aspect of this car is not used, in this case we can give that attitude that's not good because of this act, including vandalism of action, if you want to pour art talent can be on a canvas or the other, this is a good and commendable.
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