Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pueblo Bishop Bloods 2010
The Pueblo Bishops Gang is a Bloods gang located in South East Los Angeles within the LAPD's Newton Division and is headquartered in the Pueblo Del Rio housing project but claim much of the surrounding area as their turf as well. Their territory lies between Slauson Avenue in the South to 50th Street in the North and between Alameda Street in the East and Compton Avenue in the West. The East Side (E/S) 52 Pueblo Bishops are their main click, indicating that this gang controls E 52 street and that the territory they control is within the Pueblo Del Rio housing project. Although the Pueblo Bishops are Bloods, they rival the Blood Stone Villians and have been considered mortal enemies since a Pueblo gang member killed a Bloodstone Villains gang member execution-style over a bad narcotics transaction in 1998. The E/S PBB are also rivals of the Avalon Gangster Crips (although they currently have an unofficial truce with the Pueblo Bishops), 48 Gangster Crips, E/S 42 Gangster Crips, E/S 43 Gangster Crips and the 6 Pacc East Coast Crips. Police estimate The Pueblo Bishop gang had 200 members and its primary activities included drug sales, robberies and shootings.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hacienda Village Bloods 2010

Hacienda Village Bloods
The East Side Hacienda Village Bloods are an African American street gang in the eastern section of Watts in South Central, California. This gang was founded in the 1970's in a public housing in Watts called Gonzaque Village (formerly known as Hacienda Village) located on 1515 East 105th Street. Their enemies include the Grape Street Watts Crips, Watts Mafia Crips, Bacc Street Watts Crips, Front Street Watts Crips, Fudge Town Mafia Crips, PJ Watts Crips, all Avalon Gangster Crips and Q102 East Coast Crips to name a few. Their territory is located between 103 Street in the north to 107 street to the south and Compton Blvd in the east. The western section of their turf is bordered by the Circle City Piru and to the south of the ESHVB are the Bounty Hunters, who both are considered allies.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Family Swan Bloods 2010

Family Swan Bloods
The Family Swan Bloods, also known as the Neighborhood Family Swans, is an umbrella gang made up of a number of different neighbourhoods on the east side of South Central, Los Angeles, California. There are two seperate Blood gangs that have linked up to create Family Swan Bloods: the Mad Swan Blood, who are located from 77th Street North to 84th Street South and the Neighbourhood Family Bloods, who are from 89th Street North to 92nd Street South (aka the 89/92 Families). Their territory stretches from 77th Street to 92nd, but there are a few Latino gangs that coexist within their turf; the biggest of which being the Florencia 13, who haven't followed the trend of claiming "Blood Killer" like 18th Street gang and coexist quite well. The Family Swan Bloods are enemies to all Crip sets including the Avalon Gangster Crips, Main Street Crips and factions of the East Coast Crips. The Swans rapidly moved across many States and Cities in America, in particular the mid-west and east coast (The Swans have been active in the east coast since the late 80's). O.G. Puppet Loko and Lanky Blood from 79th Street started the first Mad Swan Blood sub set S.E.A. in Southeast Aurora. From there, Puppet Loko went from down south to New York and recruited members. There was also members like Madd Rabbit and Baby Mouse who started a subset in Arizona and K-Glock who started a subset in Texas. Most Family Swan Bloods subset outside of Los Angeles originated from these five members. In 2008 the F.S.B. in Los Angeles and the F.S.B. subsets outside of Los Angeles united under the Family Swan Nation 779, 804 and 892.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blood Stone Villains 2010

The Blood Stone Villains are located in Los Angeles and is actually a combination of two separate cliques: The 52nd Street Bloodstone Villains and the 56th Street Bloodstone Villains Gang. Collectively they are known as the Blood Stone Villains or BSV. Their allies include the Blood Stone Pirus, the Bounty Hunters, the Denver Lane Bloods, Campenella Park Pirus, Cedar Block Piru, Center Park Blood, Center View Piru and the Centinela Park Family. They are enemies of all Crip sets, most notably the Avalon Gangster Crips, and all Hoover Criminals. Their only known Blood rivalry is with the Pueblo Bishops Gang and have been so since a Pueblo gang member killed a Blood Stone Villains gang member execution-style over a bad narcotics transaction in 1998.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Bloods

The Bloods Started in Los Angeles as a street gang in the 1960s, spread to Texas prisons in the 1980s. Besides serving the broader purpose of neighborhood protection, the Bloods street gang originally arose as an opposing force to their rivals the Crips, who had been allying with various other gangs in the 1970s and becoming more powerful. As a result, the Piru gang allied with the Denver Lanes, the LA Brims and the Lueeders Park Hustlers to become the Bloods in 1972. "Bloods" was a term that African-American fighting men called each other in the Vietnam War. The Pirus later changed their name to Bloods.

The East Coast Bloods began in 1993 in New York City. Leonard "Deadeye" MacKenzie, then 26-year-old inmate from Brooklyn living inside a Rikers Island cell, and fellow prisoner O.G. "Original Gangsta" Mack, founded the New York chapter of the United Blood Nation in 1993. Deadeye is now in his late 30s and is incarcerated in upstate New York.

By the late 1990s, New York Latin Kings leader Antonio Fernandez (AKA King Tone) aknowledged that the Bloods have begun to dominate New York's prison system, and that his own gang has abandoned criminal operations in favour of political-activism. Because of this abatement in Latin King crime, the Bloods have a stronger and larger population in jail.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Various Poses Piru Blood Gang

Various poses Piru by displaying a variety of different styles to be performed by a gang or group of people in the blood that creates a different impression.

There are those who show signs of Piru with a smile that surely can we interpret it is a positive thing, as well as on the contrary there with a frown face so also can we interpret the negative impression.

Piru Blood gang sign at a special knowledge that must be owned by the group in order to facilitate communication between them.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

High Blood Pressure

High Blood PressureHigh blood pressure or hypertension is a medical condition in which there was an increase in blood pressure are chronic (long term). Patients who have at least three blood pressure readings exceeding 140/90 mmHg at rest is estimated to have high blood condition. Blood pressure is always high is one risk factor for stroke, heart attack, heart failure and arterial aneurysm, and is a major cause of chronic heart failure.

Blood pressure

On examination the blood pressure will get two numbers. Higher rates obtained when the heart contracts (systolic), lower figure obtained when the heart relaxes (diastolic). Blood pressure less than 120/80 mmHg is defined as "normal." In high blood pressure, usually there is an increase systolic and diastolic pressure. Hypertension usually occurs in the blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or above, measured in both arms three times within a few weeks.


Blood Pressure Classification by JNC VII In Adults [1] Blood Pressure Category Systolic Diastolic Blood Pressure
Normal <120> = 160 mmHg (or)> = 100 mmHg

In isolated systolic hypertension, systolic pressure to 140 mmHg or more, but diastolic pressure of less than 90 mmHg and diastolic pressure was still within the normal range. Hypertension is often found in the elderly.

Along with age, almost everyone has increased blood pressure, systolic pressure continued to increase until the age of 80 years and diastolic pressures continue to increase until age 55-60 years, then decrease slowly or even decreased.

In patients with diabetes mellitus or renal disease, studies have shown that blood pressure above 130/80 mmHg should be considered a risk factor and should be given treatment.

Setting blood pressure

Increased blood pressure in the arteries can occur in several ways:

* The heart pumps more powerful that drain more fluid in every second
* Large arteries lose elasticity and become rigid, so that they can not inflate when the heart pumps blood through the arteries. Therefore the blood in each heart beat are forced to pass through narrow vessels than usual and cause a rise in pressure. This is what happens in the elderly, where the wall has been thickened and stiff arteries due to arteriosclerosis. In the same way, blood pressure also increased in the event of "vasoconstriction", that is if the small arteries (arterioles) to temporarily shrink due to stimulation of nerves or hormones in the blood.
* Increased fluid in the circulation can cause increased blood pressure. This happens if there are abnormalities of renal function and is unable to dispose of salt and water from the body. The volume of blood in the body increases, so the blood pressure also increases.

Conversely, if:

* Reduced heart pumping activity
* Arterial experiencing widening
* A lot of fluid out of circulation

Then the blood pressure will decrease or become smaller.

Adjustments to these factors are implemented by changes in renal function and autonomic nervous system (part of the nervous system that regulates many body functions automatically).

Changes in kidney function

The kidneys control blood pressure in several ways:

* If blood pressure rises, the kidneys will increase spending on salt and water, which will cause a reduction in blood volume and restore blood pressure to normal.
* If blood pressure drops, the kidney will reduce the discharge of salt and water, thus increasing blood volume and blood pressure returned to normal.
* The kidneys can also increase blood pressure by producing an enzyme called renin, which triggers the formation of the hormone angiotensin, which in turn will trigger the release of the hormone aldosterone.

Kidney is an important organ in controlling blood pressure, and therefore a variety of diseases and disorders can lead to kidney pda high blood pressure.

For example, narrowing of the arteries that leads to one of the kidneys (renal artery stenosis) can cause hypertension.

Inflammation and injury to one or both kidneys can also cause a rise in blood pressure.

The autonomic nervous system

Sympathetic nervous system is part of the autonomic nervous system, which will temporarily:

* Increased blood pressure responses during the fight-or-flight response (the body's physical reaction to external threats)
* Increased heart rate, speed and strength; too narrow majority of the arterioles, but the widening of the arterioles in certain areas (eg, skeletal muscle, which require more blood supply)
* Reduce the discharge of water and salt by the kidneys, thereby increasing the volume of blood in the body
* Release the hormone epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline), which stimulates the heart and blood vessels.


In most patients, hypertension causes no symptoms, even if by accident some of the symptoms occur simultaneously and reliably associated with high blood pressure (when in fact not). Symptoms in question are headache, bleeding from the nose, dizziness, facial redness and fatigue, which could have occurred either in patients with hypertension, as well as to a person with normal blood pressure.

If hypertension is severe or chronic and untreated, can develop the following symptoms:

* Headache
* Fatigue
* Nausea
* Vomiting
* Shortness of breath
* Restlessness
* Blurred vision that occurs because of damage to the brain, eyes, heart and kidney.

Sometimes patients with severe hypertension has decreased consciousness and even coma because of brain swelling. This is called hypertensive encephalopathy, which require immediate treatment.

Causes of hypertension

Hypertension based on the cause divided into 2 types:

1. Primary or essential hypertension is hypertension that is not known the cause (located at approximately 90% of all hypertension).
2. Secondary hypertension is hypertension caused by / as a result of other diseases.

Primary hypertension is likely to have many causes, some changes on the heart and blood vessels together probably cause increased blood pressure.

If the cause is unknown, it is called secondary hypertension. In about 5-10% of patients with hypertension, the cause is kidney disease. In about 1-2%, the cause is a hormonal disorder or the use of certain drugs (such as birth control pills).

Another rare cause of hypertension is Phaeochromocytoma, namely tumor on the adrenal gland that produces hormones epinephrine (adrenaline) or norepinephrine (noradrenaline).

Overweight (obesity), an inactive lifestyle (exercise lazy), stress, alcohol or salt in food, can trigger the occurrence of hypertension in those who have a reduced sensitivity. Stress tends to cause increased blood pressure for a while, if the stress has passed, then the blood pressure usually returns to normal.

Some causes of secondary hypertension:

1. Kidney Disease
* Renal artery stenosis
* Pyelonephritis
* Glomerulonephritis
* Kidney tumors
* Polikista kidney disease (usually inherited)
* Trauma to the kidney (injury of the kidneys)
* Radiation therapy of the kidney

2. Hormonal Disorders
* Hiperaldosteronisme
* Cushing's syndrome
* Phaeochromocytoma

3. Drugs
* Birth control pills
* Corticosteroids
* Cyclosporine
* Erythropoietin
* Cocaine
* Alcohol abuse
* Cinnamon (in a very large amount)

4. Other Causes
* Koartasio aorta
* Preeclampsia in pregnancy
* Acute intermittent porphyria
* Acute lead poisoning.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bloods Gangs

Bloods GangsAs the Crips grew in South Central Los Angeles in the early 1970s, it began against other gangs. It was during this time of conflict that several gangs joined forces to combat the growing Crip threat. The most famous band in this group are Piru Street Boys. They lead the revolt against the Crips and was instrumental in the creation of blood-ties in 1972.

In the next 10 years continue to operate the blood and grow in a fragmented. Conflict with the Crips continued and the blood found much in the minority.

Violence exploded in 1984 between the two groups - between 1982nd It was during this time crack hit Los Angeles. Crackme or more of a rock cocaine cheaper and more addictive than the powder of the drug. Transition region are becoming increasingly important, because a lot of blood and Crip sets fought over drug sales locations. Some members moved blood in several major cities around the west coast to expand their drug use. To minimize attention from law enforcement authorities, leaving many blood gang members who apparently gang membership IDs, so that they can continue illegal activity with little fear of fear.

It was during the late 1980s that the blood has become a household name. Color film, staring Sean Penn and Robert Duvall was released which focused on the gang problem in Los Angeles. It was rumored that some movie theaters actually promoted the movie by offering a bandana participants movie. This is after the movie that many young people who do nothing with Los Angeles based band started their own groups of blood. Although many of these groups is nothing more than imitating childish group dress and slang they saw in the movie, some soon involved in violent activity and drug sales committed similar gang activity by original Blood gang members in California.

In 1993, a group known on the East Coast, a band such as the United Blood Nation. Born in New York's Riker's prison, Iceland, African American inmates created a group as a way to by the Latin Kings, to protect the most often in the prison at the time. Although the United Blood Nation (UBN) was born in prison, as a member who was released to the streets, they formed street gangs on the east coast with the same name, while copies of Los Angeles Blood lifestyle.

Although recognizing the majority of the blood-bands with the color red, the members do not always wear gang identifiers when engaging in criminal activity. On the West Coast members are more likely to use a bandana for identification, while some Blood sets on the East Coast will use a colored bead necklaces.

Although Blood gangs the same name, there is no formal leadership structure that controls all Blood gangs. A Blood gang member Springville Utah may very active in the gangster lifestyle, but have no connection to the Blood gang in the West or East Coast.

Blood will match the other groups involved in criminal activities, including their rivals, Crips, although most alliances quickly fade. The Blood known to be involved in all forms of criminal activities, but most known for drug sales.