Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blood Gang also known as BK Slobs

black blood gangA street gang originated in Los Angeles California bkack in the late 60's to defend against the crip gang because the crips were bkeating there ass every single day. Now sets are located nationwide bkut dying everyday.Most Bkloods are fake and scared of the westside 107 Hoover Criminal gang the most dangerous gang and ruthless in the word.The BKloods wear dead bkandanas to the right.Slobks stay lokey bkecause there scared of the Hoover Groover slobk removers.
The first definition for Bklood bkack in 1969 when the first five non crip sets were being formed by T. Rogers was Black Liberation Organization Of Defense.The Slobs are the weakest gang in America.The also have they're on fast food resturant called Burger King.The Bkloods are also known as oo-lobs,Slobs,Blobs,flood,Bkillaz,and fluid.

source: urban dictianory

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

GKB Blood Gang 2010

GKB blood gangT. O. G. Mack was raised by his grandmother on 183rd Street and Davidson Avenue in the Bronx and was a very young and active high ranking member of a ruthless ABB gang in the area called the One Eight Trey Gangsters before the crack era hit. He was arrested in 1988 at age 16 for an armed robbery. After serving three years at Rikers Islandeleased in 1991 at age 19 with a plan to resurrect his gang and the ABB alliance with the help of his religion. Two years later (1993) he had already managed to rebuild the One Eight Trey Gangsters back to what they were before the crack era, but was still not sure how to bring back the ABB. Later that same year, O. G. Mack was arrested for attempted murder and sent back to Rikers Island.

By early 1993 The Bloodline Latin Kings (Bloodline is a nickname for the New York State Chapter of the Latin Kings, which was started by King Blood) and the Netas were the two largest and most violent Latino organizations on the streets and prisons of New York City and were inflicting violence on blacks along with other Latino organizations like DDP (Dominicans Don't Play), Trinitarios (3ni), La Familia, and many others. The Latino organizations controlled the New York State prison systems and targeted the independent black gangs with daily acts of racist violence. At this time the existing independent black organizations in Rikers Island were fighting amongst themselves over street beef that they carried over into the jails and weren't receiving help from the fledgling NYG or NYC alliances. The independent black gangs desperately needed a way to unite, which would be the only way they could protect themselves. In October 1993 O. G. Mack (who was already a high ranking member of the One Eight Trey Gangsters, whose original turf is from 183rd street and Andrews Avenue all the way to Webster avenue in The Bronx, New York). He called for a meeting of several black gang leaders (most of which were involeved with the ABB in the past) and approached them with the idea of uniting their gangs together by bringing back the concepts of the ABB to expanding and help end the violence the Latin organizations were inflicting upon them. Some of the existing independent black organizations in Rikers Island were tired of fighting amongst themselves and saw this as a great opportunity to reunite and finally stop the abuse from the Latino organizations in the NY prison system. These small independent black gangs took O.G. Macks advice and aligned together to recreate the ABB. To shake off the past conflicts they decided to drop the ABB name and birth a new beginning as the United Blood Nation (UBN) and they also decided to mix Moorish Science into their teaching to get their fellow brothers on a spiritual path.

Within a few days, more and more black organizations in Rikers Island were being sanctioned into the UBN. One person very instrumental in helping the UBN rapidly grow was O. G. Mack's right hand man named O.G. Deadeye (Leonard Mackenzie). O.G. Deadeye got his nickname for his cloudy right eye that looked dead. Deadeye, formerly of Howard Avenue in Brooklyn, was born to a 14-year-old mother. Deadeye's rap sheet showed 11 arrests between 1985 and 1993, including three robberies, two assaults, a gun charge and a murder. O.G. Deadeye was the leader of his own gang that was based in Brooklyn and upon meeting O. G. Mack he flipped his entire gang into the GKB (Gangster Killer Bloods) a.k.a. G Shine UBN set which helped fuel the growth of the UBN in prison. Another organization that joined the UBN was the Valentine Gangsters which was created from the entire Chapter 4 of the Universal Zulu Nation flipping to the UBN under the decision of its highest ranking leader named Valentine and their headquarters are the Bronx River Projects. Another of the original UBN sets was Sex Money Murder, which was led by Pistol Pete (Peter Rollack) from Soundview Projects in the East Bronx. The UBN quickly became a strong force in the prison systems on the east and the Bloodline Latin Kings, Netas, DDP's Trinitarios, La Familia, and the rest of the Latino organizations no longer severely out-numbered them. The unfair abuse stopped but a fair war began which led to many years of bloodshed between Latin organizations and the UBN sets in New York's prison system.

Mack was later convicted of ten various counts of criminal activity, including racketeering, murder, conspiracy, credit card fraud, and drug selling, on April 28, 2002, and is now serving 50 years in Florence, Colorado Super Max Prison.

source: wikipedia

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Blood Crips Hand Signs

hand signs, blood, cripsCrips Background: The Crips, a fierce rival of the Bloods gang, are an extremely violent street gang which originated in Los Angeles, California in the late 1960's. The original Crips were a Black gang were first reported on the campus of Washington High School in South-Central Los Angles. During the early 1970's the gang grew and branched out to other parts of Los Angeles County. These new subsidiary street gangs were known as sets and they used the term "Crips" in their individual gang name - i.e. Harbor City Crips, Compton Ave Crips.

Membership: Most Crip street gang members are between the ages of 12-24 years. The average age is 17-18. Most members are Black but Whites and Hispanics are known to be members of Crips sets in various parts of the United States. Crip members rarely carry identification and in addition to their street moniker (nick name) use an alias. Gang initiation is usually done in various ways: an armed robbery, an assault or murder, drive by shooting, or a beat-in where other members physically beat up the prospective member. This frequently called a "jump-in" and is designed to show courage and gang loyalty.

Identification: Crips identify with the color blue and usually wear a blue bandanna as an identify item, called the flag.

Crips refer to one another as "Cuzz" and use the letter "C" to replace the letter "B" in their conversations and writings. They have an intricate communications system which involves not only graffiti on walls - which marks their territorial boundaries - but also use of hand signals (flashing) , displaying their colors and wearing selected athletic clothing. The initials BK represent their status as "Blood Killers." Crips seldom wear tattoos. Their graffiti represents past or future gang activity.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blood Gangs In Schools Storie System

blood gangsLocal law enforcement officials say there is a serious gang problem within the Hamilton County School system. And they say it could be a very violent summer if parents don't take responsibility for their kids.

Members of the police and the sheriff's department say we could be in for a very hot summer. They say there's a lot of gang activity at schools like Howard and in just a couple weeks those kids will diffuse throughout the community. And that's why they say everyone needs to act now before it's too late.

"You know the city and the county has always said there's no gangs, there's no gangs, there's not gangs, since 1994 I've seen the gangs, every other police officers has seen the gangs, and people in general have seen them," Sgt. Todd Royval says.

And after 14 years of fighting gang activity Sgt. Todd Royval says the Chattanooga Police Department needs your help to identify young gang members.

This comes after a rash of recent of violence including shootings caught on tape, several assaults at Howard High School, and the murder of graduate Tyrone Stewart.

We offered the school spokesperson and principal at Howard the chance to go on camera but were told both are in meetings all day. We wanted to give them the chance to respond to the allegation that there are 5 affiliations of gangs at Howard.

"You go the kid the teachers will tell them something and the kids will stand up and pretty much say things that I can't say on the news to the teachers and the teachers are terrified of them," Royval says.

But while many fingers point directly at Howard, the Sheriff's department goes as far to say gang members attend every school in the system.

"Cause there is a serious gang problem within the school system and now that school is getting ready to get out that serious gang problem is going to be in the neighborhoods," Royval says.

And that's why Royval and the police department want parents to keep a sharp eye on what their kids wear everyday.

We're told that the Blood gang identifies with the color red, they also wear black, green, yellow, and orange.

"But the green an yellow and orange and black are kind of a disguise color, you'll see somebody in black but if you lift up his shirt he'll have a red belt or a red shirt on underneath it and that's how he's going to associate with is blood gang," Royval says.

One of their rivals, the Crips, associates mainly by wearing blue, with orange, yellow, green, and black.

Then there are the Gangsta Disciples - they wear black and grey with some blue.

And now with only a couple weeks left in the school year, the police department is urging parents to become more involved in their kids lives.

"If we can get the parents to be more involved to teach the kids respect to teach them that when you go to school you're there to learn your not there to socialize, you're not there to play or anything like that you're there to get an education, to learn to read and write, and you respect your elders you respect the people that are trying to teach you," Royval says.

And the police department says if your kid or grandkid insists on wearing the same color every day then you should start asking some serious questions.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

East Side Blood Gang Knowledge

east side blood gangChapter 1 - How it all started.

Tyronne Nyne and Ciano Nyne flew in from LC when they were 18 and 17. They had no knowledge what so ever about what was waiting for them in Los Santos. They had to move to Los Santos because there mom Lakisha was shot in a 27/4 when she was buying some grocery's, it was all caught on tape she was murdered brutally by some black guys with blue bandanas.
Tyronne knew that they were Crips and kept that in mind when he moved to LS. When they arrived in Los Santos they called their cousin Andre West, Andre gave them a place to stay at his motel in Ganton. Andre was affliated with Bloods he had his own set called the "SouthSide Bloods". Eventually seeing all that goes around in LS Andre recruited Tyronne and Ciano as one of his soldiers. The gang grew big Tyronne was good friends with one of the gangbangers his name was Deshawn Miles. Because of there fine shooting and knowledge of guns Tyronne got the nickname "T-Murda" and Ciano was "C-Murda". One day the motel was attacked by the East Beach Crips and many Bloods were killed also the leader Andre West was killed. Only Deshawn Tyronne and Ciano were alive from the attack they were shot several times by Glock 17 rounds but they were lucky, they survived it. Deshawn moved back to LC because he couldn't take all the things that were going on. Tyronne bought a little house at Verdant Bluffs and he lived there with Ciano, both of them were recovering and thinking what to do further. Tyronne thought of making a new set but they only had two members, himself and Ciano. So Tyronne spoke with Ciano what they were going to do and they both agreed to make a new set " Verdant Bluff Bloods ".

Chapter 2 - Verdant Bluff Bloods.

Verdant Bluff Bloods was settled. . Tyronne was working hard to get contacts with some other gangs and to create allies but they all refused since they thought we were puny and wouldn't grow. Glen Park Crips knew that a new set was created and wanted to wipe Tyronne's set out. Tyronne was aware of that since the Glen Park Crips did several drive-bys at his house. Ciano knew that they would get killed if they didn't start to recruit some other Bloods, at first he called Deshawn Miles again. Deshawn agreed with it and moved back from LC, at that time Bloods had grown big with some members named Kenyon, H-Dawg, A-Wax and Co-Caine. They were making a name for themselfs and they got in contact with the mob, they were Irish and they had a bar next to Tyronnes house. At most times the Bloods were hanging at Tyronnes house which was next to their bar and the Irish thought that that would keep away costumers since the Bloods were robbing people who were parking infront of Tyronnes house. The Irish had a meeting with them and gave them 2 days to move out of there. Tyronne refused and the next day the Irish called Seville Boulevard Families and Los Locotes to finish there work. . The Bloods couldn't take on 2 big gangs on there own and got allied with La Raza. . for some time they were powerfull. La Raza got wiped out by the Locotes and Bloods had to move out.

Chapter 3 - East Side Blood Gang.

Tyronne earned alot of money at that time and bought a house in the east side, many people heard of them and alot of wannabes wanted to join them. They were big so Tyronne discussed with Ciano and Co-Caine if they wanted to change there set name. East Side Blood Gang was born with more members and was big and strong. Tyronne wanted to take revenge on the Irish for making them move out so they sorted out a plan to burn down there bar. They burned down there bar with molotovs. Tyronne thought that the Irish wouldn't mess with them, but no he was wrong. The Irish were angry and called out the all the gangs that had hate against the bloods and sorted out an attack. The Bloods were outnumbered and they eventually surrendered, a couple of bloods were killed. Tyronne called in his homies from Liberty City to move in to Los Santos, the gang grew bigger and bigger. . Glen Park Crips were on the ferge of getting destroyed and they were struggling against attacks by Saint Jefferson Families which was also an enemy of the Bloods. Tyronne didn't help against the attack because he sorted out a plan, several Jeffersons and Crips died in the war at Glen Park. Crips got wiped out by the jeffersons. Now it was the Bloods turn, Jeffersons were recovering from the war and were trying to take over Glen Park but they were outnumbered by the Bloods. The Bloods took over the Jefferson motel and Tyronne is doing it big now. Illegal business is going on in the motel.

Chapter 4 - Dead or alive ?

Tyronne got "killed" in a drive-by and he took 4 bullets in his chest, however no vital organs were hit. In the hospital the doctors declared him death, not many people knew that this was planned only Ciano Nyne his younger brother and Andre Crawford one of the first ESBG members knew about this. The doctors were bribed by Ciano Nyne to declare Tyronne death for $150,000 dollars. After a few months Tyronne recovered and he gathered all the trusted members to talk about what is gonna happen now. They eventually decided to gather everyone and make a comeback.


We are not a gang that goes around to shoot some random crips for fun, I implemented a system that goes more to a mob side. Everyone will have something to do. The outsiders won't be able to just talk to higher ranks, everything will be organized. Higher ranks won't just go out for a drive, they will go with bloods to protect them. I won't tell it all here, if you want to get involved you will find it all out ICly.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Bloods Graffiti Art With Gangs

bloods gangs, graffiti art52 Pueblo Bishops.
The 52 Pueblo Bishops live in a housing project located at 52nd Street and Long Beach Blvd on the East Side of South Central Los Angeles. They flag red (wear red bandanas) and identify as Bloods. Lately though, a lot of Bloods have chosen to sever ties with the Five Dueces when they declared war on their neighbors to the West, the Blood Stone Villians, enemies. Blood on Blood wars are few and far between and while Crips have been killing Crips for years, the general Blood rule is no red on red beefs. Personal disputes arise, but are usually squashed without any fatalities and it's usually handled between the opposing gang members who had the dispute in the first place. Another example of a serious Blood on Blood war is Compton's Tree Top Piru and Neighborhood Piru.

This example of graffiti is on the wall of the project housing unit the Five Dueces call home. ""ES" stands for "Eastside", "Pueblos" is the gang's name, the "1" I can only assume is for their claim of being "#1" and "CK" means "Crip Killers". They also clearly state their enemies: "38" is refering to 38th Street, a mexican gang from the same general area, "ECC" is "East Coast Crips" as a whole (most likely the 59's and Six Pack, which is the four subsets from the 60's: 62, 66, 68 and 69) and the Blood Stone Villians.

This was sprayed on a wall across the street from the project houses on Long Beach Blvd. This area is mostly warehouses and it was basically a free for all of gang tags, mostly done by the Pueblos.

The Pueblo's are mostly black, but have latino members and a latino clique (not sure of the name) that lives within the area that they are cool with. There is also an all Asian Blood gang known as the E/S OBz, which stands for Oriental Boyz. They used to be part of one large gang, but split up into three groups: the E/S OBz which live in East South Central, the W/S OLBz (Oriental Lazy Boyz) who flag red but arent bloods and call Chinatown home and the W/S OBz who live in North Hollywood and are Crips.


The Fruit Town Brims get a lot of press coverage due to the fact that they basically border the University of Southern California. Anytime you mix poverty with anything that falls into white media coverage, it's gonna get airtime. They are one of three gangs known for possibly causing trouble with USC students, alongside the Rollin 20's Neighborhood Bloods (allies) and the Rollin 30's OHM (Original Harlem Mafia) Crips (enemies). These two photographs we're taken at the corner of Vermont & King, which is technically R30's Crip hood.

One of the most common practices in gang/wallbanging is crossing out enemy tags. Here, the Harlem 30's had tagged a wall and the Fruit Town Brims crossed it out. The 30's wrote "W" over "S", which stands for "Westside" and shows their location, a small "R" for "Rollin" and a large "T" with a "C" through it for "Thirties Crip". "MHC" means "Mafia Harlem Crip", and gangs will commonly write their initials in different orders to mix things up. They've also listed this clique of 30's main enemies: Fruit Town Brims and the Rollin 40's Crips, who are located south of them. The FTB's have crossed out the tag, added a "K" at the end of "MHC" and highlighted their name in the enemy list. They also wrote "36" to signify the street they claim and wrote & crossed out "39", which is the clique of the 30's that wrote the original graffiti.

Here is a general disclaimer for all posts to come: some photographs are taken while walking and others are from a car window because a lot of photo opportunities creep up out of nowhere so it's a quick snap and we're on our way. Excuse some of the quality.


The "62" stands for the particular street this East Coast Crip clique claims, the "NHC" is for "Neighborhood Crip", which allies them with other NHC Crip gangs such as the Rollin 60's. "Bubblegumsk" means "Bubblegum Killers", which is a derogatory term for Broadway Gangster Crips.

In this photo you can see that they have crossed out the initials of the Broadway Gangster Crips, which is the most common way of stating one's enemies. "K" at the end of song gang's initials means they are _____ Killers, another way of naming enemies. "Flower Killer" more than likely refers to the street by the name of Flower that BGC include in their turf.

The purpose of this blog is to use it as a stepping stone to our main goal: publishing a book dedicated to the art & culture that goes hand in hand with the gangs of Los Angeles. So much is considered taboo by the media and it forces far too many people to discredit the culture and tradition that thousands of people practice and make such an important part of their lives each and every day.

The main focus of this project is to create a general understanding of gang graffiti. Gang's use spray paint to mark their territories, call out enemies and even warn people of things that will be going down in the future, but most importantly they also use it to express themselves artistically. From the shottiest of street tags to huge wall-covering murals, this is art and there are messages trying to be conveyed. We hope to give people a better understanding of what these messages mean.

Crips, Bloods & Surenos (mexican gang members) are everywhere in Los Angeles, and so is their art. Some of us are from these hoods, others are just fascinated with it, but we all respect and understand (or hope to achieve a better understanding) the culture that goes hand in hand with being in a street gang in Los Angeles, which is commonly refered to as the "home of the bodybags". We are currently putting in many hours in cars and on foot taking photographs of gang art and cataloging it for display on this website and in our upcoming book.

Any questions, comments or concerns can be sent our via the e-mail address below. Inquire about submitting contributions too, such as photographs you yourself took. Also, it must be noted that because we respect the "hood", we wont be revealing any information about contributors or anyone involved with gang life, as we know the LAPD like to use websites as a way to trap and imprison known gang members. We are here to contribute knowledge and the spreading of just that, not to help fill up their prisons.

Also, "Hood Art" is not the name of our organization, company, etc. It's just a monikor. It might change.

A first batch of photographs will be up tonight, as we took a trip to the East Side of South Central to visit a friend/contributor from an anonymous gang. We got some photographs of East Coast 62nd Neighborhood Crip graffiti, so expect that this evening.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Blood History Los Angeles Gangs

blood history, los angeles gangs1920's and 1930's

African-Americans first formed street gangs in the late 1920s and early 1930 on the Eastside of Los Angeles near Central and Vernon Avenues. They were also forming clubs in the downtown area of Los Angeles where they first settled around the same time. During the years to follow, African-Americans began to move south from downtown Los Angeles, down Central Avenue towards Slau son Avenue. The area between Slauson Avenue and Firestone (Manchester), during the 20's and 30's was occupied primarily by white residents, but just south of Firestone, African-American populations were growing in Watts between 92nd Street and Imperial.

During the 1920's and 30's, some of the Black gangs that were active in Los Angeles were the "Goodlows," "Kelleys," "Magnificents," "Driver Brothers," the "Boozies," and the "Blodgettes" which hung out in an area off the Imperial Freeway known as the "Blodgette Track," where the 105 Freeway is today.

The "Boozies" were a family of many brothers and friends who were involved in prostitution and robbery. The guys frequented the Jefferson Park area on Los Angeles and hung out on Denker Avenue. The "Magnificents" were a group of youths from the Central Avenue on the eastside of LA. Eventually these gangs faded in the late 1930's as the youths became older. Gangs during this time were strictly juvenile in nature, and those reaching their late teens distanced themselves from the gang.

The Clubs of the mid 1940s to 1965

In the mid 1940's some new Black gangs began to form in the Central Ave area, and in East Los Angeles. Some of the gangs that were known during this period were the Purple Hearts, 31st Street, and 28th Street. By the late 1940s several more clubs appeared.

In the late 1940s clubs in the Black community were gaining popularity. Some were early attempts at political organizations but several clubs were formed as protective mechanisms against White violence from the white clubs of the time. Because of the increased migration of Blacks from the South during WWII, White residents developed a resentment towards the new migrants. Some of the Black clubs that formed were involved in petty theft, robbery and assaults, but murder was extremely rare. Weapons of choice were chains, bats, and occasionally knives, and disputes were mostly settled by hand to hand combat. The peak period of these groups occurred during the early 1960s and identifying these Black youths as "gangs" was started by the Los Angeles Police Department. The car clubs were also associated as gangs. The car clubs dominated through out the 1950s, and some of the popular car clubs in Los Angeles during that time were the "Low Riders" the "Coasters" the "Highwaymen" and the "Road Devils."

Other major territorial clubs from the 1950s and 1960s were the "Businessmen(1957-1965)," the "Gladiators," the "Slausons (1952-1965)," "Rebel Rousers," the "Huns," "Farmers" from Watts, and "Blood Alley" just to name a few.

By 1965 these club forged an alliance and participated in the Watts Rebellion. After the August rebellion of 1965 many of these gang members turned their efforts in other directions. Many political organization and radical movements developed during the years from 1965-1969. Bunchy Carter, who was once a Renegade Slauson (A Los Angeles Street Gang from the late 50's to 1965), became the leader of the Los Angeles Chapter of the Black Panther Party. Other key figures that were influetial into the Black consciousness of the 1960s, was Ron Wilkins, William Sampson, Gerald Aubry, Robaire Nyjuky, and Hakim Jamal. They were all former club members prior to 1965.

Late 1960's, early 1970's

As Black groups became more socially conscience to racism and police brutality, the FBI and LAPD considered these groups as radical and a threat to the national security of the United States. By 1969 Bunchy Carter and John Huggins were murdered at Campbell Hall at UCLA, in a dispute with US members. Geogre and Ali Stiner along with Claude Hubert of US organization were arrested, convicted, and sent to San Quentin prison for their involvement. There are still many unanswered questions about why Carter and Higgins were killed, but some insist that Karenga's US gunmen where police inflitrators for the FBI, while others say that Carter and Huggins were armed and attacking an US associate when they were shot and killed. Whatever the case, this was a turning point in B lack Los Angeles identity as youths who were too young to participate in the movement with organizations like the Black Panther Party and US, began to form their own groups as COINTELPRO tactics and actions of the LAPD Criminal Conspiracy Section left ineffective any Black political organizations. (I discuss this in more detail in Chapter 4 of my manuscript.)

In the aftermath of several killings and incarcerations of those involved in the black movement, Raymond Washington, (b. August 14, 1953- August 1979) a 15 year old youth who attended Fremont High School, Locke High School and who frequented the area of Washington High School in Los Angeles, got together a few youths and started a gang called the Baby Avenues. The Avenues was a gang of older youths who had been active since the early 1960's, and Raymond Washington, along with Stanley "Tookie" Williams, Avalon Gardens resident Jimel Barnes and a few other youths looked-up to and admired the Avenue Boys. They attempted to preserve the Panther aura, so in 1969 Raymond Washington created the "Baby Avenues," and to represent the new genreation of this quasi-political group he called it the Avenue Cribs, or Baby Avenues. The word Crip is a derivative of the word Crib, but how the use of Crip occured is not clear according to the available literature, but I discuss this more in depth giving an accurate account how the term Crip materialized in my manuscript. By early 1972, the use of "Crip" had been entrentched into Los Angeles Gang culture and the term Crib had been gradually phased out.

In the early days there were not that many Crip gangs. Near Freemont High School there were the Eastside Crips, across the Harbor Freeway is where the Westside Crips started, and in Compton there were the Compton Crips. Raymond Washington had organized the beginnings of all these Crip sets, by hooking up with other youngsters like Stanley Williams and Jimel Barnes.

By late 1971 the Avalon Garden Crips and the Inglewood Crips joined forces with the other crip sets. The Crips began to expand to non-Crip gang territories. The L.A. Brims which began in 1969 on the westside were a powerful street gang,but they were not Crips, and the Blood alliance had not been established. Several gangs which eventualy became part of the Blood family had already existed though.

There were also the Piru Street Boys in Compton, the Bishops, Athens Park Boys and the Denver Lanes. The Pirus, which are Bloods now, actually hung out with the Crips prior to 1972. For a short time they were known as the Piru Street Crips, and they also wore the the traditional blue rags (bandana) as part of their attire.

During the summer of 1972, the Crips from Compton, and the Pirus had a conflict, and an all out rumble ensued. The Pirus were out numbered, and the Crips prevailed. The Pirus wanted to terminate peaceful relations with the Crips so they turned to the Lueders Park Hustlers for back-up. They agreed and a meeting was called on Piru Street. The Crips had murdered an L.A. Brim member earlier that year, so the Pirus asked the Brims to attend the meeting too. Others that attended were the Denver Lanes, and the Bishops.

How to combat Crip intimidation was discussed along with the creation of a new alliance to counter the Crips. At that time the color of bandannas was not important, but since the Crips were known to were blue bandanas, the Pirus and the other groups decided to discontinue the wearing of blue bandannas. They decided to take on the wearing of an opposite color, red, and created a united organization which later became known as the Bloods. The Pirus, Brims, Athens Park Boys, and Pueblos decided to unite with the Bloods, and soon after, other groups who had been threatened or attacked by Crips joined the Bloods.

1980s and 1990s

By 1980 there were 30,000 gangs members in Los Angeles County, and by 1982 gang members started to deal heavily in narcotics. Crack cocaine was a new drug and gang members were earning thousands of dollars literally over night. Throughout the 1980s homicides increased each year from 1985 to 1992, but after the Civil unrest of 1992 gang homicides remained stable.

More about the Manuscript

By 1996 there are approximately 274 Blood and Crip gangs in Los Angeles County. Around the nation they can also be found in over 100 American Cities. Some gang members have migrated to these cities from Los Angeles, and also youths from other cities have emulated Los Angeles gang culture. There is an estimated 150,000 gang members in Los Angeles County as of 1998. Additionly gang homicides are at an all time low with just 399 in 1998, compared to the 805 in 1995.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Blood Gang History and Knowledge

blood gang, history, knowledgeThe People Nation is an alliance of street gangs based out of the Chicago area which has since branched throughout the United States. They are rivals to the Folks Nation. Within the People Nation alliance there are individual gangs or nations called "Mobs" which all have their own unique colors, handsigns, and organization. Most of these gangs have signed a charter to officially join the People alliance, many have not.

The People Nation was formed much in the same way as the Folks Nation. In the year of 1978, the El Rukns (now Black P. Stones), Latin Kings, and the Vice Lords formed an alliance of their own, and called it the "People".Jeff Fort of El Rukns, Bobby Gore of the Vice Lords, and Gustavo Colon of the Latin Kings were very instrumental in the forming of this alliance.

Among initial gangs to become members to the People Nation were the Mickey Cobras a.k.a. the Cobra Stones, Latin Counts, Bishops, Insane Unknowns, and Spanish Lords.Many of the African American People gangs adopted an Islamic religious doctrine, while many Latin gangs in the People alliance adopted a Christian one.

People mobs identify to the left, with hats tilted or "broke" to the left, left pants leg rolled up, etc.

Contrary to popular belief, real Bloods do not represent any 5 point star and are not part of the People Nation Alliance. The confusion of Bloods representing the People Nation's 5 point star started on the internet with unknown persons creating various fictional "Blood Books of Knowledge" which consist of mixing Blood history and People Nation history, symbols, and literature (lit) together. These fictional "Books of Knowledge" spread rapidly throughout the internet and eventually into the streets with wanna-be's taking these books seriously. There are, however, legit Bloods who use the terms "5 poppin" and "We ride the 5", but these are Blood sets that were created in New York City and they use the term/number "5" to signify the 5 boroughs of New York City. In short, when a New York Blood says "5 poppin" or "We ride the 5" it translates into "New York is Poppin" or "We ride for New York". The New York Bloods 5 has absolutely nothing to do with the People Nation Alliance or any 5 point star, but the New York Blood sets use of the number 5 may have sparked the idea of creating the fictional internet "Blood Book of Knowledge".

Hip Hop Forum
Stack Bundles
Known People Mobs
# Almighty 12th Street Players Nation
# Almighty 4 Corner Hustlers Nation (4ch)
# Almighty Bishops Nation
# Almighty Black P Stones Nation
# Alimghty Fourth Generation Messiahs
# Almighty Gaylords
# Almighty Insane Latin Counts Nation
# Almighty Latin Angels Nation
# Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation
# Almighty Latin Pachucos Nation
# Almighty Latin Stones Nation
# Almighty Noble Knights Nation
# Almighty Party Players Nation
# Almighty Popes Nation
# Almighty Renegade Saints Nation
# Almighty Spanish Lords Nation
# Almighty Spanish Vice Lords Nation
# Almighty Stoned Freaks
# Almighty Vice Lords Nation
# Apache Stones
# Aztec Souls
# Blue Fin Black Disciples
# Chi West
# Cicero Insane Vice Lords
# Conservative Vice Lords
# Ebony Vice Lords
# Executioner Vice Lords
# Familia Stones Nation
# Gangster Stones
# Gangster Stone Vice Lords
# Imperial Insane Vice Lords
# Insane Latin Brothers Nation
# Insane Unknowns Nation
# Insane Popes Nation (Southside)
# Insane Vice Lords
# Israelite Stones
# Mafia Insane Vicelords
# Maniac Four Corner Hustlers
# Maniac Traveler Vice Lords
# Madd Renegade Vice Lords
# Mickey Cobras Nation
# Outlaw Lunatic Traveler Vice Lords
# Renegade Vice Lords
# Ridgeway Boys
# Rubenite Stones
# Titanic Stones
# Traveling Vice Lords
# Undertaker Vice Lords
# Unknown Traveler Vice Lords
# Unknown Vice Lords


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Founder of The Blood Gang

founder, blood gangThe blood gang was actually formed by a bunch of smaller gangs to counter the crips.
if anything, I think it was sylvester scott and his friends who decided to organized the pirus blood gang in 1972

and another thing, the person who first founded a gang usually never intended them to become what they are today, they just wanted to protect their neighborhood against other gangs or discrimination.