Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tree Top Pirus

tre top pirus
Tree Top Pirus

Tree Top Pirus, also known as the West Side Trees and TTP, West Side Piru gang is located in Los Angeles, California known as the City of Compton. Members of TTP known color sport and Olive Green Burgundy. This gang is located in a small community north of Compton in an area south of Rosecrans. Their territory is bordered by several other gangs. On the North side of the Fruit Town Pirus Tree, to the south by Palmer Blocc Compton Crips (PBCC). West side of Tree Top Lane area actually overlaps with the Cedar Block Piru gang eastern border. On the East Side Tree Top Pirus' region is Santana Blocc Compton Crips (SBCC). New Gang trees have control over the region from Rosecrans Avenue to the north (with the exception Mealy Street, North Mona Blvd., North Acid and Mulberry Avenue North, all just to expand the North West Rosecrans Alameda). Alameda in the East; Compton Blvd. in the South (with the exception of the area between N. Alameda Willowbrook and South course and E. Palmer St. E. Arbitus crossing - including E. Magnolia St. and N. Acid Ave. and Compton Ave. [and] the South Western region crossing N. Aranbe and W. St Arbitus - this includes W. Palmer St., W. School St., W. Magnolia St. and N. Paulson Ave.) and Wilmington Ave. in the West. David Martin Blake aka DJ Quik is the Tree Top Pirus gang in Compton, California.

Positive thinking in the truth

Positive thinking in the truth

Each group of gangsters should have an idea or thought to make the group move into the movement that led to the positive things that can be useful for the nation and state.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009


blood piru knowledge

Blood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Code of the Los Angeles-based Blood environment; Blood, Piru, and the gang Brim list, history, photos and video; Interview with the founder T Rodgers Blood
Crips - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 1971, a Crip set on Piru Street in Compton, California, known as the Piru Street Boys ... The letter "b" in the word "blood" will be "appreciated" among a certain set and written ...
History of the Mob Piru Brims
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Roget's II: The New Thesaurus: Main Entry: Knowledge: Part of Speech: noun ... Definition of Knowledge Management: Blood Piru Knowledge: Theory of Knowledge: Folk Gang Ranks
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Keep your clothes Slim; Viktor & Rolf SS09; New Makeup for Fall; Blood crips book of knowledge; Blood piru knowledge, blood pressure monitor; Indiana exam results; Victoria ...

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Monday, August 24, 2009

How to Prevent High Blood Pressure?

high blood pressureHow to Prevent High Blood Pressure?

One thing that's important is the regular examination. Keep in mind that the lighter the problem, the easier it to make a return to normal blood pressure before the other problems in our bodies.

Controlling High Blood Pressure
Most people need medication to control high blood pressure, but others can reduce blood pressure or reducing the use of drugs by regulating the way of life. Your doctor may suggest to us to follow the way of life as below, even if you're already using the drug.

Healthy Diet
A healthy diet is very important in mind control high blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. There are no rules that are too tight or miracle drug. Healthy food begins and ends with the balance and diversity. This includes foods with low salinity and drink alcohol that is naturally includes a healthy diet.

Control Your Weight
Controlling your weight is an important step to reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Excessive weight burden the work of the heart. If you are suffering from high blood pressure, losing weight can be controlled and sometimes even with drug treatment is not necessary.

The best way to control weight is by reducing the foods that contain fat and exercise regularly. Get healthy recipes book for managing your diet and family. Here are the instructions regarding the appropriate weight to height.

Many people eat salt more than what the body needs. The salt is generally present in processed foods or preserved. Excessive salt affects blood pressure. If you are suffering from high blood pressure, the amount of salt you eat may interfere with the business of controlling your blood pressure.

Eat fresh foods that do not contain salt or subtract foods preserved with salt.

Beverages that contain alcohol can increase blood pressure. If you drink three or more glasses of alcohol a day, your blood pressure may be increased and the high blood pressure. Alcohol can reduce the efficiency of high blood pressure medicine that you eat. It is advisable to drink less than two glasses a day.

Physical Activity
Suffered from high blood pressure does not mean you are helpless in every way. Instead of sports should be part of your life everyday. No need of heavy exercise, enough with the road, swimming, cycling, tennis, golf and other types of games. Avoid heavy exercise and stressful, such as coaching sports and heavy lifting (weight lifting), which actually can even improve blood pressure at the point of danger, when you do so. Consultation with the doctor about the kind of sport that suits you.

Treatment with Drugs
There are so many types of drugs to control high blood pressure. If you need, your doctor will suggest you use appropriate conditions, starting with low doses and monitor the results. If deemed necessary will be added dose gradually, so that your blood pressure can be in control. If deemed necessary the doctor will recommend the use of more than one drug to reduce the side effects of drugs used.

Once you start using drugs, there will likely continue to use during your life. High blood pressure medications do not eliminate the disease but only controls. The medicine is not survive living in our bodies, much longer period of drug use better it works. You should always take medications and how to use it with you.

Side Effects
Blood pressure drugs may cause side effects, this can be reduced by adjusting the type of drug and dosage. Report to your doctor if you get side effects with complaints that arise. Benefits and effectiveness of blood pressure drugs far exceed the problems that arise because of side effects. Many people do not get side effects and can live normally with always cooperate with his doctors.

Leave Cigarettes
Your doctor will strongly recommend that you leave a cigarette. Smoking is not the cause of high blood pressure, but can make it dangerous, which leads to heart attacks, stroke, gangrene (decay) foot and other damage. Once you quit smoking posed a risk can be avoided by quickly.

Please Yourself
By seeing the doctor, the doctor will suggest you check your blood pressure regularly, maybe a week or several times a month. It is important to see your doctor, since blood pressure and use of drugs was always on track. Your doctor may recommend that you monitor your blood pressure at home with a gauge you can buy at the drugstore.

Taking medication for high blood pressure according to the instructions provided. If you feel the medicine given is not suitable for you, tell your doctor what you feel. Treatment so that you can set the side effects can be at a minimum.

Follow medical advice about diet, exercise and smoking. Try with a strong determination to lose weight, change eating - into a healthy diet, and exercise regularly.

Although this is a "Team Effort", but you can do it more than anyone else to control your high blood pressure. Try!

This is an article related to the blood on the website that may be useful:
high blood pressure, blood gang alphabet, knowledge Piru Blood, crip gang codes symbols knowledge, damu knowledge, Piru blood gang codes, Piru Blood walk, tree top Piru, united blood nation knowledge, who started bloods.

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

history of blood piru knowledge

history of blood piru knowledge

By late 1971 the crip alliance was well established in Los Angeles. In this same year the Avalon Garden Crips and the Inglewood Crips had joined forces with other crip sets and began to Engage in violent warfare with non-crip sets. They began to expand to non-crip set Territories controlled by other independent (not gangs in an alliance) gangs including The LA Brims, which started in 1969 on the west side Los Angeles and was already a powerful organization by 1971. The Crips Targeted these independent organizations because they were not part of the crip alliance or any alliance and therefore lacked the strength in numbers that had the Crips and were easy targets. The Piru Street Boys, who presented a powerful force in Compton, actually collaborated with the Crips prior to 1972. For a short time the Pirus were sanctioned by the Crips as the Piru Street Crips, and they also wore the traditional blue crip flags of the alliance.

During the summer of 1972 the Piru Street Crips had a conflict with the rest of the crip gangs and warfare ensued. The conflict was a murder over the Crips had committed on March 21st of that year at the Hollywood Palladium. After a concert at the Palladium, up to 20 Crips attacked a small group of young men and robbed them of their wallets and leather Jackets. During this attack a young man by the name of Robert Ballou Jr.. was beat to death after he refused to give up his Jacket. Robert Ballou was not a member of any organization so the Piru Street Crips had a problem with the other crip gangs for attacking a neutral person. A neutral person is a person not in a gang, and is also known as a Civilian or neutrons. The Piru Street Crips were strongly against the abuse of civilians and waged war against the other crip gangs over this event, but they were severly outnumbered by the rest of the crip gangs and the Crips prevailed in that battle. The Pirus dropped out of the crip allaince and all wanted to terminate peaceful relations with all crip gangs after this war, so they turned to the Lueders Park Hustlers for assistance. The Lueders Park Hustlers agreed and a meeting was called on Piru Street. The Pirus also invited every independent organization Targeted by the crip sets to join the meeting. The Crips had murdered an L.A. Brim member by the name of Lil Country earlier that year, so the Brims attended the meeting as well. Others that attended were the Denver Lanes and the Bishops.

At the meeting, the groups discussed how to combat crip intimidation, along with the creation of a new alliance to counter the Crips. At that time the color of flags was not important, but since the Crips were known to wear blue flags, the Pirus and the other independent organizations decided to discontinue the wearing of blue flags. They decided to take on the wearing of an opposite color, red, and created a united organization which became known as the Blood alliance. Blood gangs also decided to start demonstrating their flags to the right side, since all Crips are known to demonstrate their flags to the left. Even though all Blood gangs now demonstrate their flags to the right as a result of that meeting, some old school Blood members continued to demonstrate to the left regarding it as the original side and how they were raised. The Athens Park Boys, and Pueblos were also later sanctioned into the Blood allaince, and soon after, other independent gangs who had been threatened or attacked by the Crips were also sanctioned into the Blood alliance as well.

Another organization, called the Black P Stones, was also sanctioned alliance into the Blood in Los Angeles. The Black P Stones actually originated in Chicago, Illinoise and were brought to Los Angeles in 1969 by T. Rodgers, who was sent to LA by Chicago's main 21 at the age of 12 to spread the nation and it's Teachings. T. Rodgers started 2 decks of the Black P Stones in Los Angeles, one deck is called the Jungles (Baldwin Village, an area that had an organization called the Jungle Boys which flipped into T. Stones) and the other deck is called City (in the West Adams area). The People Nation alliance did not yet exist in Chicago at the time, so the Stones joined the Brims in Los Angeles as their own Brim sets before the Brims requested to be sanctioned into the Blood Alliance. Even though the Black P Stones in Los Angeles joined the Blood Alliance with the rest of the Brims and soon became their own separate sets Blood from the Brims, The Black P Stones in Chicago remained independent until the People Nation was created in 1978. The Black P Stones in Los Angeles took on the wearing of red flags, but kept demonstrating to the left and used the same symbols and Teachings as the original Stones in Chicago. The original Black P Stones in Chicago have been known to show great animosity towards the Black P Stone Bloods in Los Angeles for joining the Blood alliance without permission from the Stones in Chicago, so the Black P Stones in Los Angeles are regarded as renegades by the original Stones in Chicago. Renegade is a person or group of individuals Claiming a gang or organization that they are not or are no longer really a part of or count on with. The Blood Stone villains (also known as East Side villains) and Pirus Blood Stone of Los Angeles are not part of the Black P Stone Bloods, they got their name from a 1970's R & B group called "Bloodstone" and have no connection to the Black P Stone Bloods in LA other than being under the Blood alliance. Contrary to popular belief, T. Rodgers did not start the Bloods, and was not even at the meeting where the Bloods was created. His gang just simply fell in line with the Blood Alliance Blood after the Alliance was created.

Many Pirus Burgundy began to use flags in addition to the red flags to separate themselves from the rest of the sets in the Blood alliance, Piru essentially turning into a "Card" or "Car" for short. Cards are individually smaller Alliances of Blood Blood gangs within the alliance itself, which gangs within the cards are known to put before the whole Blood alliance. Blood gangs bang strictly (go to war) to defend their territory (hood) before any alliance or card, and are known to be very vicious in their attacks. Also, Blood sets are always trying to expand their Territories and find the New Territories to take over which essentially makes their never ending wars. Bloods are known to mark their boundaries Territories and all by the extreme use of wall banging. Wall banging consists of marking territory with graffitti which shows what gang controls that peat or rivals going into a bog and crossing out their graffitti.

There are significantly more Blood gangs today than when the alliance was first created. This is because many independent organizations outside of California, and across the United States have also turned into Blood sets. All it takes for an entire gang or independent organization to become a set of Blood is the will to become Bloods, meaning any gang can become a Blood set if it chooses to do so. Most Blood sets have names which include the name of their City, a street that runs through a bog, or the name of the projects, apartment complex, or community they control. Bloods are known to shout "SuWhoop" as a greeting to other Bloods and "Blatt" war as a battle call durring (Blatt = B.lood L.ove A.ll T.he T.ime). All bloods must shed the Blood ( "Blood In" - shoot, stab, slice, etc..) Of an enemy before becoming a Blood to prove that he / she is really down to "ride" (put in work) for the set / hood. Bloods are forbidden to attack any person in their peat / hood who is not an enemy nor any person who is not in a gang (neutral) without purpose, doing so will lead to being "Out Blooded" (killed). Bloods believe that they must protect their hood and anyone living in their hood and they take that very serious belief.

Contrary to popular belief, real Bloods do not represent any People Nation 5 point star and are not part of the People Nation Alliance. The confusion of Bloods representing the People Nation's 5-point star started on the internet with unknown persons creating various Fictional "Blood Books of Knowledge" which consist of mixing history and Blood People Nation history, symbols, and literature (lit) together. These Fictional "Books of Knowledge" spread rapidly throughout the internet and eventually into The Streets with wanna-be's taking these serious books and being mislead. There are, however, legit Bloods who use the terms "5 Popping," "We ride the 5", and who replace the letter "S" with a "5", but when a Blood uses the number 5 it simply symbolizes the number of letters in the word BLOOD So when Blood calls himself a "5" Infact he is reffering to himself simply as "BLOOD." This use of the number 5 may have also lead the confusion of the Bloods Nations People representing the 5 point star. This misrepresentation of the Bloods and the number 5 has largely affected the Bloods in South, East Coast, and some parts of the Midwest. This widespread miseducation of the Bloods has lead to a recent outreach by major west coast Bloods to all Bloods across the country to let them know that Bloods do not represent the People Nation of Chicago and do not represent any form of a 5-point star. This outreach has been making a major impact on Bloods in the South, East and Midwest who have been dropping all use of anything related to the People Nation and a 5 point star and Steady are all getting back to their roots.

Blood sets have a loose structure of ranks based on how long a person has been banging for a particular hood and how much work they put in for the hood. Their rank structure is as follows:

(from lowest to highest)
L.Y.G. (Little Young Gangster) - members under 18 years old
Y.G. (Young Gangster) - members over 18 years old
O.Y.G. (Original Young Gangster) - 5 active after years of banging
O.G. (Original Gangster) - after 10 years of active banging
O.O.G. (Double O.G.) - after 15 years of active banging
O.O.O.G. (Tripple O.G.) - after 20 years of active banging

These ranks do not signify leadership or dominance over anybody else in the set, they just signify respect for those who have been longer in the hood, put in more work for the hood, and have survived the longest. This means that with higher rank Bloods do not give out orders or call shots over those with lower rank. Bloods with higher rank are Respectfully reffered to as "Big Homies" by Bloods with lower rank. Once a person has joined a Blood set, it's for life ... meaning you can not leave the set or flip (switch) to another set.

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knowledge,damu knowledge,piru blood gang codes,piru blood walk,tree top
piru,united blood nation knowledge,who started bloods.

Blood Gangster Disciples

Blood Gangster Disciples

The history of the Gangster Disciples is Also known as the Black Gang members BGDs assets of the group back to 1960 and on the south side of Chicago. Mirror the gang is part of the "people of the nation." Some members want to be members of "growth and development, and criminal activities. Mirror Gang were the first modern street Gang to appear in a number of Memphis, and back in the 1980s. For several years, and The Streets were virtually by itself.

Symbols, colors and clothing: take advantage of six points of the star as a symbol to print. "Poppin six, which is used for writing on walls, in other words, the benchmark of six stars. Other important figures are the three points and the devil, is the highest peak of the heart and wings. Will use different colors, including black , gray, white and silver. Among the Pro and college sports and favorites: New York Yankees, Oakland Raiders and Georgetown Hoyas.

Pyramid: For many years, and the gang leader Larry hoover was in prison. The members are also talking about the hoover, which is now called Super Max in the Federal State of Colorado, and respect. He is still the president. Board of Directors of the gang in Chicago, and there is no Separation of Memphis Board of Directors. A Targeted Tennessee, and three for Memphis. Among the ranks of management in Memphis, the rulers of the supervisors, assistant chief executive of the safety and the heads of units and leaders and soldiers.

The symbols, colors and markings: common symbols include the five stars and the dollar, an increase of the moon and Pyramid Playboy bunny. Main colors black and gold, black and red. The latter can be used as a war of colors. Is the wearing of such clothing and Pittsburgh Pirates, "P" on the hat for the pirate, "a nation of people." Michael Jordan's jersey number and color of 2 and 3 add up to 5, five points of the star. They use the thumb, index and middle fingers of a hand and sitting on the formation of "VL."

Hierarchy: the vice-chairman of the House of Lords has, over the heads South Others include the following: Supreme Commander, and five-star elite, world, the global elite's three stars in the entire city and its implementation in the city and the President of the Security Branch and the five-star elite, the elite three-star section and stronger. Ronald Terry, who in 2006 went to prison for attempted murder, and five star global elite in Memphis.

Writing on walls: VLS would GDS 'pitchfork upside down to show Viola.


History: Founded in 1969 in Los Angeles, sense of games and many of Memphis, the state of California is named after the games, including Grape Street, Rollin 20 years, kitchen and on the west.

Colors, signs, symbols, language: blue is the color is blue mask bag hangs from the path to the flight of colors. However, the gang used purple and black and orange too. There is a maximum for the Lakers may be used to symbolize the Grape Street Crips, in the city of Kansas City Royal to represent fill the kitchen Crips. Los Angeles Dodgers hats are also common. The three-point crown tattoo preference. Refers to the blood "simple" as a plea of lack of respect for them. Crips call each other "Cuzzi.

Hierarchy: A not to be organized at national and local level, which is known for the Crips Selective about the members of the gang. The command line, a 16-year-old feeling of Memphis, says "not a feeling, feeling of coming to you."

Writing on walls: Crips use grapes as a symbol of the brand. With his blood, and it will use "BK" the blood of the murderer.

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knowledge,damu knowledge,piru blood gang codes,piru blood walk,tree top
piru,united blood nation knowledge,who started bloods.

Friday, August 21, 2009

symbol blood piru knowledge on the wall

blood gang graffitisymbol blood piru knowledge on the wall

Writing on the walls, often engraved message or logo, which also contains information on crime, gang activity, and the group, and copyright. City of Bethlehem, police logos, images and notes for the exchange of information with other bodies of the police. Writing on the walls must be registered with the police, have been removed.

Including the old national famous "blood," and "Crips" and "Latin Kings." Hassan Omar, in various cities of India. Most of the elderly members of the national team, as well as the only region of the tradition of the old and the teenager. Must be a serious band. Gang members from participating in the crime and drug trafficking, or a set of "wants is one among the young, and social intervention. Graphics used by the police to a gang gang membership, and competition, along with more - more big and old, were also Contributing to the commission of crimes in the future. Writings on the walls, for example, is "a band of the day." and this is the distinction between the "GKB" - which means "Gangsta health killer" and said that "110%" blood. "Eastside" to the people of this region.

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knowledge,damu knowledge,piru blood gang codes,piru blood walk,tree top
piru,united blood nation knowledge,who started bloods

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Piru Gang Knowledge Bloods

blood piru knowledgePiru Gang Knowledge Bloods

Background BLOODS The Bloods street gang originated at the Centennial High School from the Piru gang, which took its name from Piru Street in Compton, California. The Bloods formed to protect members from the Crips, and soon after, other street gangs, with the same motive, started using the names Piru and Bloods to signify their alignment with the main gang. Although the Bloods street gangs, or sets, are a smaller group than the Crips, they are potentially dangerous, particularly when present in any numbers.

The Bloods present a significant threat to correctional administrators not only due to their predatory and violent behavior, but more importantly due to their Intense rivalry with the Crips. As do the Crips, the Bloods have a strong Fascination with Assault-type weapons.

MEMBERSHIP: California Typically Bloods sets are from South-Central Los Angeles, they have similar attitudes about group loyalty and violence. Like the Crips, the Bloods love to be in the limelight. They are especially arrogant, and believe that acting Naive about them conveys weakness. Bloods members will Seize every opportunity to lie and portray the image that they respect only those who are "bigger and badder."

The Bloods (and the Crips as well) say, as a group, that "snitching" or becoming an informant is forbidden. However, once removed from their group, they are usually easier to deal with, possibly due to their belief that they are shrewd businessmen.

The Blood also have their own system of "flashing" or hand signals used to Identify membership in a particular gang or set.

IDENTIFYING INFORMATION: traditionally, the Bloods street gangs have always worn red colors, using red bandannas or red rags; similar graffiti and graphic styles, emphasizing disrespect for Crips and Crips symbols. Recently, a new trend appears to have arisen. Bloods in some eastern states have reportedly been known to wear brown, tan and rust or burnt orange colors to represent "dried" blood. They have also been known to wear pink, a variation of the color red.

ALLIES: Any gang who considers the Crips an enemy.

Enemies: Crips

Bloods philosophy, oaths, slang, codes and more

* The Bloods

For a detailed history of the Crips and Bloods read History and Bloods Crips, Bloods, and Drugs


Will I ride? Yes I ride. Only because I bang with pride. When I die Bury me 3ft up with red on me. Rest in sleep, best believe I rest in the East. If I die in the street, do not forget to bang for me. If I live a G, will not forget the enemy. They lay out to rest hit 031 upon my chest.


I Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United Blood Nation. I Pledge my heart and soul to the flag-N-to all my brothers and sisters in the UBN "UBL" or any other nation a part of the Bloods. I Pledge to the flag to represent the death of me. No one or nothing will be allowed to come before my almighty Blood Nation. I give my life as well as take one for my UBN "UBL". With this oath, I Pledge my life to the UBN "UBL" and all its sets. R.I.P. O.G. Tye.


I'm 5 poppin 6 droppin crip killin to my crucifixition. Every time I look at the sky and look at the ground 3 tears fall from my right eye. Dam I miss my O.G. Tye.

5 poppin 6 droppin 5 alive 6 must die (refers to Bloods killing Crips)

Rest in peace to the O.G. Mack

What that white be like? - The day we rest

What that brown be like? - The dirt we came from

What is that black flag be like? - Do for anything

What that blue be like? - Bloods up Crips down

What that green be like? - The money we spend, the grass we walk on, the trees we smoke that baby love cali

Blood Book of Knowledge
As with many other facets of life, the gang culture changes everyday. New, Copycat or hybrid form gangs everyday and many mimic the more well known gangs such as the Bloods, Crips, and others.

Frequently these gangs have only partial information or knowledge of such things as the original gangs codes, alphabets, or books of knowledge. Consequently, they often create, add to, or change items such as the Book of Knowledge or the Bloods code ..

The Skyline Piru

blood piru knowledgeThe Skyline Piru

The Skyline Piru are an African American Bloods street gang from Southeast San Diego, California. The heart of the Skyline Piru's territory includes the Skyline neighborhood of San Diego, and it expands out to the Hills skyline, jamacha, lomita village, encanto, alta vista, and Bay Terrace neighborhoods. This gang was formed in the 1970's by former members of San Diego's East Side Hang Gang and a relocated Piru gang member from Compton, California. Skyline also goes by Piru East Side Piru and Eastside Skyline Piru, since they are located in the Southeast section of San Diego.

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Overcoming High Blood Pressure or Hypertension

tensi bloodOvercoming High Blood Pressure or Hypertension

High blood pressure or hypertension has become a disease that is common to many people at this time, especially for those living in urban areas. High blood pressure or hypertension to become one of the causes of stroke, heart attack, and kidney also failed. And the worst consequences of this disease is death. Therefore, if you can, this disease must be prevented. If you have high blood pressure, you can control this disease. How to prevent and control hypertension or high blood?

Blood Pressure

Before discussing about high blood pressure or hypertension, it's good to know you first about the blood pressure. When you do a physical examination or clinical examination to the doctor, usually have a special tool used by doctors to check blood pressure. Tool to check the blood pressure is also known sphigmomanometer or with tensimeter. There are digital and have tensimeter also tensimeter mercury that is still commonly used for clinical examination.

Checking Blood Pressure
Checking blood pressure, two numbers are usually called, for example 120/80. What are the numbers?
The first number (120), namely blood pressure sistolik, the pressure when the heart beat or rattle (sistol). Often called the pressure up.
The first number (90), namely blood pressure diastolik, the pressure when the heart at rest in between pumping. Often called the pressure down.

Doctors will perform blood pressure checks with the orders you to sit or lie down, because the best position to measure blood pressure. Then the doctor will usually be binding on the air bag on the arm on the right arm unless there is injury. After that, blood pressure measurements performed. Sistolik difference between the pressure and pressure pulsation diastolik called.

What is blood pressure? Blood pressure is the pressure experienced by the blood vessel in the arterial blood when the heart pumps to by all members of the human body. Blood pressure is created by taking two different sizes and usually there are two numbers that will be referred by a doctor. For example, doctors take the 140-90, is the means 140/90 mmHg. The first number (140) showed up to pressure vessel due to arterial pulsation at the heart or heart beat or rattle, and called sistolik pressure or pressure is often called upon. The second number (90) shows the pressure when the heart pumping a rest in between, and is called pressure or diastolik often also referred under pressure.

After the blood pressure to know, you want to know whether your blood pressure, including low, normal or high. The following blood pressure classification based on the number of measurement results with tensimeter to pressure sistolik and diastolik:
Sistolik Blood pressure (first number) Diastolik (the second number)
Or low blood hipotensi Under 90 Under 60
Normal 90 - 120 60 - 80
Pre-hypertension 120 - 140 80 - 90
Or high blood hypertension (stages 1) 140 - 160 90 - 100
Or high blood hypertension (stages 2 / dangerous) Above 160 Above 100

Why Blood pressure increased?

What causes blood pressure to rise? As an illustration, if you are flush with the garden hose. If you press the tip of the hose, the water will come out fast. This is because water pressure increases when the hose is pressed. In addition, if you zoom in tap water, the flow of water through the hose will be faster because of increased water debit.

The same happens with your blood. If you narrow the blood vessel, the blood pressure in the blood vessel will be increased. In addition, if the amount of blood flow increases, blood pressure will also increase.

The cause of High Blood

There are several things that can cause someone has high blood pressure. There are factors cause high blood pressure that is not you control. There is also, that you can overcome the disease, so high blood. Some factors include:

This factor can not you kendalikan. If someone has the older brother or who have high blood pressure, the possibility he suffered from high blood pressure is greater. Statistics show that high blood pressure higher in the identical twin of a twin is not identical. A research shows that there is evidence revealed that genes for high blood pressure.
This factor can not you kendalikan. Research shows that as age increases a person, blood pressure will increase. You can not expect that your blood pressure at young akan same when you grow older. But you can control so do not skip over the normal limit.
You can factor this kendalikan. Salt can increase blood pressure quickly in some people, especially for diabetics, people with mild hypertension, people with old age, and those of color.
You can factor this kendalikan. Per the excess fat in your blood, cholesterol can cause a heap on the blood vessel wall. This can create a narrow blood vessel and consequently blood pressure will increase. Kendalikan your cholesterol as early as possible. To control the tip cholesterol, please see the following articles: cholesterol.
Obesity / overweight
You can factor this kendalikan. People who have a body weight above the 30 percent ideal body weight, have a greater likelihood of suffering from high blood pressure.
You can factor this kendalikan. Stress and emotional conditions that are not stable can also trigger high blood pressure.
You can factor this kendalikan. Smoking can also increase blood pressure becomes high. Smoking habits may increase the risk of diabetes, heart attack and stroke. Therefore, smoking habit, which continues to proceed when it has high blood pressure, is a very dangerous combination that will trigger diseases related to heart and blood.
You can factor this kendalikan. Caffeine found in coffee, tea and cola drinks can cause increased blood pressure.
should not be drinking alcohol.
Poor Sports
You can factor this kendalikan. Poor sport and movement can cause the blood pressure in the body increases. Sports regularly able to reduce high blood pressure but you do not do sports that if you are suffering high blood pressure.

Preventing and Overcoming High Blood

To prevent high blood for you who still have normal blood pressure or high blood for the you who already have high blood pressure, the following practical suggestions can you do:

* Reduce consumption of salt in your food. If you already have high blood pressure you should avoid foods that contain salt.
* The consumption of foods that contain potassium, magnesium and calcium. Potassium, magnesium and calcium is able to reduce high blood pressure.
* Reduce food or drink alcohol there. If you have high blood pressure, should avoid alcohol consumption.
* Sports regularly can reduce high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, choose a lightweight sports such as walking, cycling, running relaxed, and swimming. Perform for 30 to 45 minutes a day as much as 3 times a week.
* Eat vegetables and fruit are high fibrous vegetables such as green, banana, tomato, carrot, melon, and citrus.
* Run anti-stress therapy in order to reduce stress and you are able to control your emotions.
* Stop smoking also contribute to reduce the large high blood pressure or hypertension.
* Organize your cholesterol level.
* Manage your diabetes.
* Avoid drugs that can increase blood pressure. Consult your doctor if you are to receive treatment for certain diseases, to ask for medicine that does not increase blood pressure.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

map blood piru knowledge

blood piru knowledgemap blood piru knowledge

Started in Los Angeles as a street gang in the 1960s, spread to Texas Prisons in the 1980s. Besides serving the broader purpose of neighborhood protection, the Bloods street gang originally arose as an opposing force to their rivals the Crips, who had been allying with various other gangs in the 1970s and becoming more powerful. As a result, the Piru gang Allied with the Denver Lanes, and the LA Brims Park Lueeders the Hustlers to become the Bloods in 1972. "Bloods" was a term that African-American fighting men called each other in the Vietnam War. The Pirus later changed their name to Bloods.

The East Coast Bloods began in 1993 in New York City. Leonard "Deadeye" MacKenzie, then 26-year-old inmate from Brooklyn living inside a Rikers Island cell, and fellow prisoner OG "Original Gangsta" Mack, founded the New York chapter of the United Blood Nation in 1993. Deadeye is now in his late 30s and is incarcerated in Upstate New York.

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weapons in the blood piru knowledge

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blood piru knowledge in truth

blood piru knowledge
blood piru knowledgeblood piru knowledge in truth

the truth is every person's prejudice, as well as groups bloods who think that any work that is done is the truth, even if it is wrong.

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blood piru knowledge in symbols

blood piru knowledgeblood piru knowledge in symbols

symbol is the most important groups in the bloods.

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Monday, August 17, 2009

blood piru knowledge in poster

blood piru knowledge in poster

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Blood Piru Knowledge-Street Gang Definition

blood piru knowledgeBlood Piru Knowledge-Street Gang Definition

A generic definition that may serve as a guideline for those states that do not have a street gang definition is as follows:

B street gang may be defined as a group of people who form an allegiance for a common purpose, who Engage in criminal activity, and who conform to one or more of the following traits.

1. share a common group name;
2. share common symbols, tattoos, or graffiti;
3. share a common style of dress;
4. frequently congregate upon, or lay claim to a Geographic location; and,
5. associate together on a regular or continuous basis.

Gang Member Definition

The following may be considered in identifying a gang member:

Gang membership may involve very different levels of commitment and participation. The type of commitment and participation needs to be delineated to establish a level of membership for each identified participant. A person will be identified as a gang member if he or she meets two or more of the following criteria:

1. An individual admits membership to a group which meets the criteria of a gang.
2. A reliable informant identifies an individual as a gang member.

4. An individual resides in or frequents a particular gang's area and adopts it style of dress, use of hand signs, symbols or tattoos and / or associates with known gang members.
5. An individual has been arrested in the company of identified gang members for offenses which are consistent with gang activity.

Identifying a gang associate

Using the above criteria, a gang associate may be identified:

As a gang associate if he or she meets any one of the above listed criteria

The following are examples of state gang statutes:

A criminal street gang in Arizona is defined as:

an ongoing formal or informal association of persons whose members or associates individually or collectively Engage in the commission, attempted commission, facilitation or solicitation of any felony act and who has at least one individual who is a criminal street gang member.

Delaware in a criminal street gang means:

Any ongoing organization, association, or group of 3 or more persons, whether formal or informal, having as one of its primary activities the commission of one or more of the criminal acts enumerated in Subdivision (a) (2) of this section, having a common name or common identifying sign or symbol, and whose members individually or collectively Engage in or have engaged in a pattern of criminal gang activity.

And in Florida a criminal street gang is:

A formal or informal ongoing organization, association, or group that has as one of its primary activities the commission of criminal or delinquent acts, and that consists of three or more persons who have a common name or common identifying signs, colors, or symbols and have two or more members who, individually or collectively, Engage in or have engaged in a pattern of criminal street gang activity.

The key to the alley any definition is the phrase, "Engage in criminal activity" or other similar wording. There are many legitimate fraternal groups, boys and girls clubs, sports teams and other organizations that have a common name and who may wear a uniform or particular articles of clothing.

State of Georgia

The State of Georgia Street Gang Terrorism and Prevention Act has a very good definition of a "gang", in that it not only defines what a gang is, but also defines what a gang is not. This is accomplished by adding the following language:

"Such term (definition of the alley) shall not include three or more persons, associated in fact, whether formal or informal, who are not engaged in criminal gang activity."

The entire Georgia statute, along with the other state statutes, may be viewed below.

Security Threat Groups

Many Departments of Corrections use the term "Security Threat Group (STG) to classify some prison gangs within their individual Departments. Prison gangs, like street gangs, thrive on publicity to intimidate and to Enhance their power and reputation. The term STG directly relates to the security of institutional operations and is used to eliminate the gangs seek the recognition.

Hybrid Gangs

New youth gangs are formed almost daily throughout the country. Although many of these gangs call themselves the same names of the older, traditional gangs, they are in no way, representative of the original gang. These gangs are known as hybrid or Copycat gangs.

While the predecessor gang may have been formed along race, ethnicity and cultural lines, the hybrid gang is usually a mixture of Races and ethnicities. They may use several colors from gangs, and may even use the colors of rival gangs. An example of this would be for a hybrid crip set to use the color red instead of the traditional color of blue. They may also do the same with signs and symbols used in their graffiti and tattoos. Whereas the older, traditional gangs may have some semblance of leadership and / or codes of conduct, the hybrid gangs do not.

Law enforcement and those who provide information about gangs need to recognize that not all gangs wearing blue, or black are Crips or Gangster Disciples, nor are all gangs who wear red, affiliated with the Bloods.

We must all become aware of the differences of the gangs of today.

Clothing - Is it worn as a fad or as gang attire?

"Clothes make the man." or so it has often been said. Clothing also, according to the style, color, and the manner it is worn, might indicate that the individual, a young man or a young female, is a gang member. Unfortunately, many of today's youths that are not connected with gang activity have adopted the same styles and manners of dress because it's "cool."


The advent of teens wearing baggies and the gang-banger look, and more recently - the junkie look, does not necessarily mean that gangs have arrived in a particular neighborhood. Neither do graffiti, code words, symbols, and automatically translate into gang activity.

Growing out of the "grunge" look and with the adulation of the hip-hop culture with its "attitude," baggies and shaved heads, or gang attire, has become a nation-wide among teens including upper and middle-class white adolescents as well. Gang attire is displayed everywhere as the chic fashion statement for young people. It is shown all over MTV and other teen videos.

Professional and College Sports Wear - Youths today may be seen in groups on The Streets, in school, in the mall, everywhere, all wearing similar types of clothing and hats with identical or similar colors. Does this mean that every youth Dressed in this fashion is a gang member? Absolutely not !!!!!

If a youth wears a popular item of jewelry such as a six-point star, a five-point star, a Crescent moon or a playboy bunny, does that mean he or she is a gang member? Again, absolutely not.

Wearing particular styles, types and colors of clothing, colored bandannas, jewelry, shoes and other items, is not a positive indicator of gang affiliation. It is merely one of the indicators or factors to be considered when identifying gang members.

In many areas, particularly where gangs are constantly involved in wars bog, where drive-by shootings are a common occurrence, where persons are frequently assaulted or murdered, many of the Victims were identified as a rival gang member because he or she was wearing clothes of a particular color. Occasionally, youths with no gang connections, or have become targets Victims because they too, were wearing the wrong colors or clothes.

Young people want to "look cool" and wear the latest fashion, including gang fashions. My advice is DO NOT!

There is an old saying - If it walks like a duck, if it talks like a duck, if it looks like a duck, then it must be a duck.

In other words if you walk and dress like a gang banger, a real gang banger may mistakenly Identify you as a rival gang member. By trying to be cool and by acting like a gang member you run the risk of making yourself a target.

The links below are intended to bring attention to what happens when your clothing makes you look like a gang member.

* Bologna Murders "mistaken Identity - Gang shooting by MS-13
* Indictment: Red-colored Attire At Heart Of Multiple Gang Killings
* 17-year-old boy killed in SF, mistaken for gang member

Efforts to Mandate clothing standards by school personnel have failed miserably short of going to a school-wide uniform. In Bannister v Paradis (1970) a lower court ruled that the prohibition of clothing because of style and taste was unconstitutional unless such clothing imposed a danger to the health and safety of others or caused a disturbance or other disruption (Lane et al. 1994: 64). There have been numerous other cases dealing with clothes: one arguing about skirt length - Wallace V. Ford (1972), and another one dealing directly with the issue of gang attire v. Olesen Board of Education of School District No. 228 (1987). (Source:

NOTE: It has been reported that some gangs are starting to change their clothing style by no longer wearing their colors in an effort to deceive law enforcement and conceal their gang affiliation

To learn about the significance of clothing, colors, jewelry and other items worn by gang members click onto the links below.

* Parent Information - Clothing
* Gang Related Clothing
* Boys and Girls - Gang Related Clothing and Styles
* Hearing Planned on Gang Insignia on Clothing

Gang graffito, the singular of graffiti is often the first indication that gang activity is present in your community. It is the newspaper, the billboards, the Internet of the world of gangs and serves to mark the gang's power and status. It marks territorial boundaries and serves as a warning to other gangs that the area marked with unique signs and symbols is the territory or "bog" of a particular gang. Graffiti warns intruders or trespassers from rival gangs and even policemen, that they are not welcome. It may also be an advertisement for the sale of drugs or a memorial to a fallen fellow gang member.

Graffiti should not be tolerated in ANY community. It frequently, if left in tact, leads to the degradation of a neighborhood and the devaluation of property. Studies have shown that in many cases if graffiti is left unchecked and not removed, more and more graffiti will appear. The removal of graffiti is extremely costly and some cities, that have developed graffiti removal programs, have spent huge sums of money to reclaim and beautify the neighborhood or community.

Most municipalities have codes or laws that deal with the defacing of property. Many have seen the need to pass laws that deal directly with graffiti perpetrators and many of these laws have severe penalties to deal with violators who are convicted. You can learn about some of these laws and ordinances by clicking here.

NOTE: Not all graffiti is gang related. Individuals known as "taggers" paint graffiti on buildings, fences, signs, highways, overpasses, and even trucks and railway cars. Many of these individuals enjoy a reputation for creativity and will frequently sign their "tagger" name.

It is none the less important to immediately remove this type of graffiti. IT IS STILL Vandalism!

The links below are intended to familiarize you with the "graffiti culture," as well as examples of the many signs and symbols used in gang graffiti, and established anti-graffiti programs.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Blood piru knowledge powers on the map

blood piru knowledgeBlood piru knowledge powers on the map

The entire Red State and Blue State divide is like the Bloods and the Crips. It's a cross-territoriaism of uselessness stubborn. If you're a Blood, and wander into a crip's neighborhood, it could mean your life. If you're a Republican living in San Francisco right now, I would not admit to it after 8 proposition while Strolling through the Castro. If you're a Democrat / crip (for example's sake) and you live in rural Georgia, Mississippi or Alabama, I would not be wearing an Obama pin just yet. The anger is stirred to a boil in certain parts of America. Gay and Lesbians have a right to be upset in my opinion and "Joe the Redneck" is just ignorant, but I'll digress for now for the sake of trying to be objective in this comparison.

Blood piru knowledge is a symbol with the hand that is known by the group of gangsters, to facilitate their communication and work group or action.

Do not forget to always visit you here, because we always show the interesting news about piru signs of bloods.

Blood piru knowledge on the power

The District never had an organized gang problem, said Moten, who is now an anti-violence Advocate in the District. The city's Crews were homegrown neighborhood cliques while the Bloods were a Los Angeles gang, a huge criminal enterprise widely known for its rivalry with the Crips.

But about six months ago, when a teenager showed him the Cigarette burns on his arms - an Initiation rite the teen endured rather than get a tattoo under his eye - Moten said he realized that the Bloods were serious.

"They do that in LA They do not do it in DC," said Moten, co-founder of Peaceoholics, a DC neighborhood organization that mediates disputes. "These are more than wannabes. Our young people will get sucked right into this if we do not do something."

Law enforcement officials acknowledged that the Bloods, and to a Lesser degree the Crips, have been on the rise in Maryland and are now creeping into the District.

In downtown Silver Spring last month, Montgomery County police set up an operation to combat an increase of the Bloods criminal activity that included armed robberies. Police Busted a 22-year-old D.C. man and four teenagers after they observed them spray paint "Bloodz" on a wall and then try to rob a man.

The national gangs, which are involved in robbery, extortion, prostitution, auto theft and drugs, are moving south from New York, said Montgomery County Prosecutor Jeffrey Wennar of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Investigators Network.

In Baltimore, more than 28 purported members of the Tree Top Piru Bloods gang were indicted in February on racketeering, drug and gun charges. Piru The name comes from a group of streets in Compton, Calif., Named after trees.

Rival gangs vying for authority in suburban Maryland committed a string of violent crimes late last year. One person was fatally stabbed in the Lakeforest Mall in Gaithersburg, and a week of retaliatory shootings that followed left several alleged gang members injured.

Authorities said the attacks involved the Vampire Bloods, the Black Mob Bloods and the Crips.

In DC, the Bloods are concentrated along Minnesota Avenue in Anacostia and in Trinidad, the Northeast neighborhood marred by a barrage of homicides this summer, law enforcement officials said.

The Bloods in Trinidad first surfaced in December, 5th District Commander Lamar Greene said.

Police noticed gang graffiti and teens Strolling through The Streets wearing the gang's red colors about six months ago, Greene said. The Crips have not solidified themselves in Northeast DC, he added.

"Fortunately, a lot of the guys seen wearing the clothing, walking around with bandannas in the pockets, are pretty young. That may be why we have not seen the violence," Greene said. "But a group like that, you have to take seriously."

D.C. police said they are gathering intelligence on the Bloods and Crips movement. One recruiter Bloods in Trinidad, a heavily gang-tattooed man in his 20s who used to live outside the city, told a police officer that he recently got out of the Army.

Data collected by Wennar's group last summer credited the Bloods with having 400 members in the region, but gang experts say that number had more than doubled by the end of 2007 and has continued to rise. Membership in the gang has surpassed that of the largest Latino gangs, such as Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, and the Latin Kings.

The report, which said 36 separate gangs were active, is based on self-identifications by Suspects, tattoos, clothing, and police informants Investigative methods.

The Bloods and Crips recruit in schools, The Streets, playgrounds and even on Metro buses, the experts said. Most of the Recruiting occurs inside Maryland's Prisons, where joining a gang is a matter of survival. The Bloods first took root in Maryland about nine years ago in the Washington County detention center in Hagerstown. They were known as Trey 8 and later became the Insane Red Devils.

After the inmates are released, they often return to their old neighborhoods to help the national gang gain supremacy over local groups, Wennar said.

Sometimes they use the lure of belonging to a Nationally Syndicate affiliated with a violent reputation, he added. Sometimes they use threats or even beatings.

Wennar said the California gangs have moved in while law enforcement and the media focused on the Latin gangs.

"If you're operating under the radar, it's great," Wennar said. "Everybody has kind of forgotten about the Bloods and Crips."

Blood piru knowledge is a symbol with the hand that is known by the group of gangsters, to facilitate their communication and work group or action.

Do not forget to always visit you here, because we always show the interesting news about piru signs of bloods.

Blood piru knowledge on equipment

On equipment at the time of action do they always use the color red on the scarf, hat, shoes and others. And in the action they carry pistol that always accompany.

Blood piru knowledge is a symbol with the hand that is known by the group of gangsters, to facilitate their communication and work group or action.

Do not forget to always visit you here, because we always show the interesting news about piru signs of bloods.

Blood piru knowledge in action

Sometimes they perform actions that make the heart flutter in a way to attract the attention of the people and of course so many people who fear them.

Blood piru knowledge is a symbol with the hand that is known by the group of gangsters, to facilitate their communication and work group or action.

Do not forget to always visit you here, because we always show the interesting news about piru signs of bloods.

Blood piru knowledge in film

Blood piru knowledge in film

Blood piru knowledge is a symbol with the hand that is known by the group of gangsters, to facilitate their communication and work group or action.

Do not forget to always visit you here, because we always show the interesting news about the group's signs piru groups bloods.

Stacy Peralta uses his knack for dissecting counter-Cultures to highlight the two most violent gangs in America with Crips and Bloods: Made in America.

Since his breakout Sundance hit Dogtown and Z-Boys, about the iconic skateboarders who revolutionized the sport (Peralta was one of the Z-Boys), Peralta has stayed in the alt-sport realm as his second doc, Riding Giants, looked at the history of surfing (it was also the opening film at Sundance's 04). Now Peralta leaves his comfort zone to look at a world he's not directly a part of.

In telling the story of the Crips and Bloods, Peralta goes back to the Watts riots of 1965 which let out the anger African-Americans were feeling at the time towards their status not only in America but the brutality the police put on them daily. Segueing to the popularity of black power organizations during the time, gangs in South Central LA were at an all time low. But gradually long prison sentences or death to most of the positive black leaders by the end of the civil rights movement leads to the creation of the Crips which quickly attracts the disconnected youth. The Bloods quickly followed as a rival gang leading to decades of a blue (Crips) and red (Bloods) peat war in South Central with little intervention from the state on how to clean it up.

Peralta examines the rise of the Crips and Bloods through interviewing current or former members of the gangs, moving showing still photos, archival footage of the ghastly murder scenes and speaking to mothers who've lost their children to gang violence. But Made in America, narrated by Forest Whitaker, is not so much an Expose on gang life as it is an optimistic story of hope. Rather than shocking the audience with the access he can get the document initiations or gangs or drive-bys, gang Peralta portrays life as not a choice but an inevitability all-consuming for young black males in South Central. The Sliver lining in all of this is that it seems gang members who are now middle-aged have seen their errors and are trying to portray a better environment for today's youth, but the gang mentality has become too deep-seeded in the neighborhoods? Peralta does not have the answers or attempts to act like he does, he lays out the facts in the hope that change can come on The Streets as well as making the audience better understand the reasoning behind joining a gang.

In stores this week through Docurama, the disc also includes a making of feature as well as deleted scenes and interviews with gang-friendly rappers Snoop Dogg and Lil Wayne.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Blood Piru Knowledge "Mace"

This is an example of mace in the group of gangsters, made of gold and hold in the highest group leaders by gangsters, there is a rod-shaped with the snake symbol on the top of the wing.

* Blood Gang Alphabet
* Bloods Crips Book Of Knowledge
* Crip Gang Codes Symbols Knowledge
* Damu Knowledge
* Piru Blood Gang Codes
* Piru Blood Walk
* Tree Top Piru
* United Blood Nation Knowledge
* Who Started Bloods

Blood Piru Knowledge "Crips Group"

blood-piru-knowledgeBlood Piru Knowledge "Crips Group"

Not only groups that use bloods signs piru, the Crips, but also use the marker, a sign may be used by all piru gang groups.

* Blood Gang Alphabet
* Bloods Crips Book Of Knowledge
* Crip Gang Codes Symbols Knowledge
* Damu Knowledge
* Piru Blood Gang Codes
* Piru Blood Walk
* Tree Top Piru
* United Blood Nation Knowledge
* Who Started Bloods

Blood Piru Knowledge "Unity Bloods & Crips "

blood-piru-knowledgeBlood Piru Knowledge "Unity Bloods & Crips "

In the picture above looks a unity between the two groups of gangsters namely, bloods & Crips, but if the coalition is still in the same crime, and if the union is in good order that we expect.

* Blood Gang Alphabet
* Bloods Crips Book Of Knowledge
* Crip Gang Codes Symbols Knowledge
* Damu Knowledge
* Piru Blood Gang Codes
* Piru Blood Walk
* Tree Top Piru
* United Blood Nation Knowledge
* Who Started Bloods

Blood Piru Knowledge "Inter-Gang War "

crips vs bloodsBlood Piru Knowledge "Inter-Gang War "

Inter-gang war is often going in the seizure of power, this often occurs between groups bloods against the Crips, the victim in the war there in a party of them, why do we as humans have to create groups of mutually antagonistic?

* Blood Gang Alphabet
* Bloods Crips Book Of Knowledge
* Crip Gang Codes Symbols Knowledge
* Damu Knowledge
* Piru Blood Gang Codes
* Piru Blood Walk
* Tree Top Piru
* United Blood Nation Knowledge
* Who Started Bloods

Blood Piru Knowledge "Graffiti"

In the making of graffiti bloods groups also create graffiti with the good works of art, of making the submission to the expert with graffiti is to pay experts.

* Blood Gang Alphabet
* Bloods Crips Book Of Knowledge
* Crip Gang Codes Symbols Knowledge
* Damu Knowledge
* Piru Blood Gang Codes
* Piru Blood Walk
* Tree Top Piru
* United Blood Nation Knowledge
* Who Started Bloods

Blood Piru Knowledge "Arrest Bloods"

blood-piru-knowledgeBlood Piru Knowledge "Arrest Bloods"

As security for the police to arrest also often bloods of groups that often create problems, if not in the smooth conduct of police in catching hard.

* Blood Gang Alphabet
* Bloods Crips Book Of Knowledge
* Crip Gang Codes Symbols Knowledge
* Damu Knowledge
* Piru Blood Gang Codes
* Piru Blood Walk
* Tree Top Piru
* United Blood Nation Knowledge
* Who Started Bloods

Blood Piru Knowledge "As a toy pistol"

blood-piru-knowledgeBlood Piru Knowledge "As a toy pistol"

Pistol bloods only for groups such as toys, they carry pistol in the course of each day to maintain the safety of themselves and to perform the action.

* Blood Gang Alphabet
* Bloods Crips Book Of Knowledge
* Crip Gang Codes Symbols Knowledge
* Damu Knowledge
* Piru Blood Gang Codes
* Piru Blood Walk
* Tree Top Piru
* United Blood Nation Knowledge
* Who Started Bloods

Monday, August 3, 2009

Blood Piru Knowledge "In Cartoon"

Contention between the bloods and Crips at the time was also made in the form of a cartoon film, whether in all this educating children for the better or vice versa, try to think you are, from the games, adult movies, cartoon films have been made, although this is an example of a group of ugly at this time.

* Blood Gang Alphabet
* Bloods Crips Book Of Knowledge
* Crip Gang Codes Symbols Knowledge
* Damu Knowledge
* Piru Blood Gang Codes
* Piru Blood Walk
* Tree Top Piru
* United Blood Nation Knowledge
* Who Started Bloods

Blood Piru Knowledge "In Game"

crips-bloods-gameBlood Piru Knowledge "In Game"

Contention between the bloods and Crips at the time this is also made for the game, of course for the benefit of the parties to manage, blood piru knowledge is busy on the new to be discussed at this time.

* Blood Gang Alphabet
* Bloods Crips Book Of Knowledge
* Crip Gang Codes Symbols Knowledge
* Damu Knowledge
* Piru Blood Gang Codes
* Piru Blood Walk
* Tree Top Piru
* United Blood Nation Knowledge
* Who Started Bloods