Saturday, May 30, 2009

Some scenes in "Lake Piru"

Some scenes in "Lake Piru"

Who does not like to do a trip in a tour? 90% said definitely like a journey, as a way to tour is the beautiful and make us become fresh again, in the usual way we see the beautiful scenery and interesting, can be mountains, paddy fields, trees and the other, the image above is the scene at the time we travel to "Lake Piru," what you want to try?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Landscape Through Train.

Landscape Through Train.

The scenes of the train in the "Lake Piru" is really beautiful and interesting, there are mountains and the land and grow a wide variety of trees, the atmosphere is more cool air than in the city add to the spirit to live a better, advanced persist.

Rail Destination "Lake Piru"

Rail Destination "Lake Piru"

The train route through the "Lake Piru" there are different types of trains with a different class, the user select the type of live rail which would select, with the core of the train journey is a scenic mountain terletek on the left and right at the time of travel are progress, the process of this journey has included tours to make us fresh again, of course, when reached on where the main goal of "Lake Piru", the atmosphere is clearly very different and more diverting.

Go "Lake Piru" By Land and Sea.

Go "Lake Piru" By Land and Sea.

For the "Lake Piru" can go through the land and via the sea, the land more fun when using the trains and the sea more fun when using a boat, from the second trip has the distinctive advantages, that is clear from the views at the time to travel to the "Lake Piru", survived to enjoy the journey for which you want to plan to go there.

Home Options Approximately "Lake Piru"

Home Options Approximately "Lake Piru"

For families who have more money, they have around the house "Lake Piru" happiness to be withdrawn, because the holiday season does not bother to search for hotels and similar, only they must always treat the house at least once a month, so that the house always clean, neat, beautiful and not easy to quickly broken.

"Lake Piru" The Once Beautiful.

"Lake Piru" The Once Beautiful.

A tiring day for a worker is on the saturation work done, to create a fresh atmosphere back then was held necessary that enlightenment can be done with a tour event, "Lake Piru" may be made for your family to be the choice for the tour is.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Symbol In Piru Stars.

Symbol In Piru Stars.

People in doing various kinds of symbols to do, from the simple to the most complex, but in making the symbol of their purpose and have the same goal, namely deliver a message to other people.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

In The home Area of Piru Lake.

In The home Area of Piru Lake.

House in the area of Lake piru indeed many advantages and is very good to run the business, and also very good for a vacation with the family at the time of school holidays.

Around camp at Lake Piru.

Around camp at Lake Piru.

Around the lake there are also so complex that camp in the beautiful surrounding scenery, with the family in to enjoy our holiday is perfect if this place becomes an option for us, whether you are also interested?

Piru Creek.

Piru Creek.

Lake piru creek has a long, around the mouth of the river there is a way which is very beautiful with spectacular lake piru to go, ideal for vacationing with the family to enjoy the scenery is beautiful.

Lake Piru Beatiful.

Lake Piru Beatiful.

lake located in california, United States of America is located between the mountains, perhaps we have not directly seen, but from the photos on the internet or magazines and others we may never have seen, this lake is really beautiful and very suitable for holiday with family.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Berry Blood Boa

Berry Blood Boa

Animal is a snake through the very dangerous, because it has a very dangerous poison.

Identification Bloods.

Identification Bloods.

a lot of identification used by groups of gangsters, from the form of jewelry to a specific tool, in the image on the visible form of identification with the description made in the name of the necklace with the shape and characteristic of a particular.

Knowledge About Bruise.

Knowledge About Bruise.

Bruise is an activity where there is a gross blood in the body we spend in a certain way, with the gross discharge of blood is made into our bodies healthy and in shape again, because the poison out of our bodies are on, you may want to try?

Friday, May 22, 2009

About Computer Knowledge.

Do you know that interference on the computer not only the damage caused by errors or technical tools on the hard and software. Virus and Spyware on the computer is interference caused by external parties with the goal of a diverse, such as to steal your data, damage your hardware, delete files, the specific function, took over the controls on your computer, and so forth. That is very rare or may not have viruses and spyware that takes advantage on the infected computer.

Computer viruses and spyware can attack your computer either online or often did not even online to the internet. Computer that is connected to the floppy or usb flash disk can be installed from the software if they are not careful. If you have been infected with a virus or spyware that is only active when the computer is connected to the internet, then the virus or spyware will be active when the computer is online.

The following are the various preventive measures and improvements to the affected computer virus or spyware either light or heavy level.

A. In order for the prevention of shunt Computer Virus and Spyware

1. Exercise caution in your Email Attachment
Do not open a file attachment in the email that you receive even from people you know if the attachment is a program file with extension or flexion. Exe,. Pif,. Bat, and so forth. Read carefully the email is sent, whether the style of e-mail together with the usual post. Sometimes the email you receive comes from people sunda, but use the English language, Russia, Chinese, etc. in the email.

2. Connect / Install Security Software What's New
Make sure your computer is installed 3 main types of security software installed and the settings are automatically secure your computer without requiring you to turn on first. They are to prevent anti-virus virus, anti-spyware to prevent spyware, and firewall to block attacks and prevent hackers and the connection from the outside. For a free version and a good quality you can use the AVG anti-virus to anti-virus, Ad-Aware for spyware and queuing for the Zone Alarm firewall program. Make sure all of update / update is the latest patch and the definition of the opportunity virus and spyware variants make new infections on the computer your pc or laptop. Do not forget to also run a scan on your computer regularly for viruses and spyware kill the new menginfeksi.

3. Do not be hasty Installing Software
Be careful of the software that you isntall whether you buy pirated cd's in stores cd, download from the internet, from friends, and so forth. Viruses and spyware can lurk in the program that you install without you realize. Biasakan to backup all your important files regularly on the flash drive, cd or dvd so that if there is something fatal which you will not lose your data.

4. Watch User / Other People Who Use Your Computer
If your computer is used by other people, make sure he does not do things that can harm your computer. You can create an account specifically for the guest / guest with certain restrictions that you can own settings. Someone who may not think you can just install the program, insert a usb or insert the diskette containing viruses or spyware. Even can also install the software is deliberately eye-eye to record all your activities, and a password of your regular use.

5. Always alert
If you feel that something is wrong on your computer immediately disconnect and pull the connection to the network or internet connection network lan. And run anti-virus, anti spyware, and check whether the firewall is running well and properly. If you have a question to install the software from the site that is not clear Repel raw. Follow the development of the patch or update patch security holes in any software installed and get internet access on your firewall program.

B. Computer repair the infected virus and Spyware

1. Turn off the Internet and Network File Sharing Network
If your computer is connected to the local network or the Internet immediately disconnect and pull when necessary to ensure 100% you are really not connected. Sometimes viruses and spyware manipulate your computer so that if you are not connected with the outside network.

2. Update and Scan
The first step for improvement if you are in doubt or feel confident that your computer or fell ill virs spyware is to update. Update can be downloaded through the internet and offline if you have the file from another person. After the update with the new definition then you should make direct scanning to immediately eliminate the virus found.

3. On the Community Mailing List / About Computer Security Forum
Semakin anda banyak bergabung dengan komunitas komputer, maka semakin banyak orang yang akan membantu anda jika anda sedang dalam masalah. Do not be afraid and hesitate to ask for a problem that you face a problem that even trivial. Use fictitious name if necessary. Outside there are many people who may have experienced the same thing with you. In addition, you may get tips akan shortcuts, solutions, suggestions, and so forth from the community. Typically viruses and spyware also discussed the latest on the community.

4. Format Harddisk If No Way Out
If all the ways you have no Go and give a satisfactory solution that you can take the shortcut past, namely the re-formatting your hard disk. Make sure the data that's important for you have already backed up on another medium that is not infected with the virus, spywre and other malicious programs. Then format your hard drive and install os prgram and the applications that you normally use. After all ok, then copy back the files on the computer it is important that you are fresh.

5. Learning from Errors
Open your eyes when facing a problem and learn well, because it does not close possibility that the same problems will arise with a larger quantity. Learn not only from your own problems but also the other people that you do not even know of any.

Knowledege of The Hotel.

Knowledege of The Hotel.

The Tulip Inn Knowledge Village has a good reputation for facilitating very well trained employees. Being situated in this vibrant area has many advantages such as good access to nearby points of interest.

The guest rooms of the Tulip Inn Knowledge Village Dubai hotel can match the best International standards and are spaciously laid out with a thoughtful decoration.

With a well selected range of facilities the Tulip Inn Knowledge Village can convince on all areas and has a high customer retention. Most people just like to come back here on their next trip to Dubai.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Knowledge of the train quickly.

Knowledge of the train quickly.
JR-Maglev is the fastest train in the world with the official rate, 581 km / hr (2003, Guinness World Record). Train super fast Japanese is not running on the track, but float, above metals at 10 cm.

Trains have been using this technology Magnetic Levitation (Maglev), so sail over the rail with a high strength magnet. With no friction with the rail is the speed that can be reached at. It also can vote on the so very quiet.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Like The moth Vampire Blood.

Like The moth Vampire Blood.

This small animal called the moth, though he is small but with a name like blood, so that we as humans should be careful with this one animal, karene when exposed to bites can be dangerous for the body bitten.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Knowledge About Anopheles Mosquito.

Knowledge About Anopheles Mosquito.

Mosquitoes are considered as being off the most in the world. Because of what? Each year they became the cause 300 million cases of malaria in the world where 1 to 3 million cases ended with death.
Anopheles mosquito carrying the dengue fever outbreak, elephant foot (Elephantiasis) and yellow fever. They are only active at day.

Knowledge About Bullet Ants.

Knowledge About Bullet Ants.

Ant bites will not kill. But you certainly can not forget because this ant occupying one ranking as the animal with the most painful bites that people found. Hence the name ant bites the bullet because it is exposed to such firearm.
Bullet ant occupy the first rank in the "Schmidt Sting Pain Index" and described the bites are cause "heat waves irritation, pain and all the pain I have ever been - and do even worse this lasts for 24 hours"

Knowledge About Army Ants.

Knowledge About Army Ants.

When they alone are not dangerous. But they always go everywhere gather in large numbers. And it is very dangerous around the house, I have this ant. Because of hunger when they can house, attacked the army ant this war I can reach the number 50 million ant!
One of the victims (men) of this ant was reported killed because of shortness of breath. Yes ant attack this man with a cavity into the lungs so that victims ate gag ago organs in the body from the start.

Knowledge About Black Widow.

Knowledge About Black Widow.

This animal is well known everywhere because it has a far more toxic death from scorpion bites. Fortunately because of the size of this spider so small you can not also produce too many effects on the sufferer, so not too dangerous.

About Knowledge Scorpion.

About Knowledge Scorpion.

His name is cool. This is the type of scorpion in great danger. Have any toxic consisting of various mixtures neurotoxin, although the bite can not kill a man but the reason for children or families injection scorpion can kill. Although the poison scorpions jg this drug is used as brain tumor and diabetes, with this the more our knowledge.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

About Knowledge Bee of homicide.

About Knowledge Bee of homicide.

This resulted from a bee kimpoi cross between queen bees Tanzania with other species do not deliberately detached from the laboratory. Bees that make this death instinct is in maintaining the nest and the tendency for groups.
They also like to pursue known their enemies are even far from the nest. How this same bee poison with honey bees, but as usual they are very aggressive and adopted the system together in the attack victim can die because of this.

The fly suck blood.

The fly suck blood.

Is a big fly from Africa do suck blood from animals and humans. They cause this disease "Sleeping sickness" in humans and "Nagana" on livestock. Sleeping sickness is caused parasite called Trypanosoma you do is fly out of this. Symptoms of this disease are fever and headache creeper to neck. At the more people will experience sleep many days and insomnia can you end with death.

The lice suck blood.

The lice suck blood.
Lice occupy the second rank after the mosquito as the most disease in the face of this earth. They suck blood from the "victim" (animal or human).
Killing this creature was difficult because they usually leave the head and then I cause serious infections in the victims. Disease in humans is attributable lice: Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tularemia, Equine Encephalitis, Colorado Tick Fever, African Tick Bite Fever, and Ehrlichiosis

Knowledge About Tarantula.

Knowledge About Tarantula.

Not a tarantula, but the headliner of one insect tarantula as you pursue the main prey. From dangerous insect bites is this animal is, one of the researchers I have sting in the Tarantula Hawk describes it "... all parts of the body to become paralyzed because of pain I extraordinary, and the only one you may still be able to do is ... you scream!"

Monday, May 11, 2009

Ring "Rubby Blood"

Ring "Rubby Blood"

Ring is shown in the picture called "Rubby Blood", jewelry is the pride of men, from the physical form we can see the beauty of this ring, with the bright red color with a ring made from silver ring shows the quality of it.

Help With Mutual Blood.

Help With mutual blood.

In this symbol is described that the lack of human blood, and thus there must be institutions such as the red cross to collect blood from donors to manage the blood so that people who need ease.

In The Brain Blood Coagulation.

In The Brain Blood Coagulation.

When the brain on the head of our experienced thrombosis that occurred as a result of impact or the other, the nerve function to be disrupted and paralysis can occur in our bodies, we must always be careful of the head of all that we can cause thrombosis occurs in the brain.

About Blood wallpaper.

About Blood wallpaper.

Wallpaper that displays on the theme of blood feels so egregious, you try to see the picture above you see the blood that will come with tools that are frequently used in the practice of murder, is seen grisly and sadistic.

Health Main Very Blood.


Health Main Very Blood.

In a show so this is a means of blood, the blood of a healthy then the body becomes healthy and strong, may not have the transgressor as cigarettes, knives and so forth.

Cigarettes can be made for people who suck the blood of healthy and not dirty because it is exposed to various chemical substances, when the knife to the body and blood can spill blood in the body is reduced so that people can lose their blood died.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Short Weapon Model.


Bloods weapons for the group is a mandatory requirement and owned, before you is one of the weapons group bloods who always used to reinforce the action of each crime.

Money from Dark Business.


Money is everything for them, they founded the group bloods was aimed to be able to live with any road, even though it is included in the field of crime, whether such acts can not be sure, but for them even though one can live that are important, because with the way such as This is easier to make money.

The Bloods Shirt.


In the event any official of the group bloods wear their typical shirt, red shirt with pride and their black color overall, with this one looks compact and heart.